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Posted By

on 2008-11-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

keep on voting!

Csio's new demo is out, but it NOT indicates to DONT vote if u DONT do it yet!

keep on voting!

Posted By

on 2008-11-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

nobody cares for...
the demo was sended to the peoples who knows some other peoples, who knows some other peoples, who will dumping up to some servers, whose servers knows another servers too....

Posted By

on 2008-11-16
 Re: Traffic Jam

Hi, in which continent Monday afternoon? Maybe if I would be in Australia...? happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-16
 Re: Traffic Jam

polish your eyes and ears!
...because tomorrow you will see...
monday afternoon...

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

next time i'll start a handcrafterz compo (with 3-4 contestants for sure including me), but this time the original concept was "to send something about your scene life or a picture related to plusi" and the final product is a gfx compo with a beatiful handcrafted logo on the top and some pixel precise converted pictures.. BUT on the other hand I'M VERY HAPPY WITH IT, so keep on guys votevotevtoe!

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

I say: Handcrafted pixels win. Very good job, Csabo! wink

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

Now that I look at it again, it does seem that all the colors are there, but honestly that wasn't a goal I set out when I started drawing it. I think for some colors the level 7 and/or level 0 luminance values are probably not there. But it's still nice wink It would look awesome with a "twinkle" effect on the white part.

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

Hi Csabo,
was there such a color from Plus/4 palette you did NOT use for the logo? happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

segitek!!! happy

 Re: Traffic Jam

I'll help!!!

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

nah, jovan, mekkapjátok!
csak directoryt, meg infofilet kell még kreálnom, de mivel ez ezen a héten már nem jöhet össze, gyűvő hítön leheccséges, me ezt tökre effelejtettem.sorry skacok! happy

 Re: Traffic Jam

well, all right, you'll get it!
I only have to make a directory, and create an info file, but because that's not possible this week, I'll probably be the next, because I totally forgot about those! sorry guys!

Posted By

on 2008-11-12
 Re: Traffic Jam

Come on guys, we only need one more vote!!!

Posted By

on 2008-11-10
 Re: Traffic Jam

voted. wanna see demo! wink

Posted By

on 2008-11-07
 Re: Traffic Jam

i know, nobody cares but my data survived with g** d*** b*** an approx. 10 hours stuggle so my half ready logos etc... and cheers everybody who voted already! happy
there was minor problems with the page engine too but we're just beginners with a cms happy

and finally for today -> Csio REALLY have a demo (do you remember arok?) so come on guys votevotevote..

Posted By

on 2008-11-07
 Re: Traffic Jam

How come the voting buildup is slow? I can see from the visitors list that there are quite a few regulars who are around but haven't voted. What's the problem? Is it the fact that you have to register or you just can't be bothered?

If we don't reach 15 votes soon, I'm going to have to start registering fakes wink

Posted By

on 2008-11-07
 Re: Traffic Jam


Posted By

on 2008-11-07
 Re: Traffic Jam

my vote is also in. hope we see the new demo soon, soo guys VOTE!!!!!

Posted By

on 2008-11-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

I voted successfully, bringing up the number of votes to 5. Only 10 more to go until we see a new demo! happy (I think the 5 Csio referred to above was the number of people who registered.)

Posted By

on 2008-11-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

Finally i have been incidently formatted my hdd at today's evening, so half ready stuff is gone now.i will try to recover the files and make better logos happy (i can't decide its good or bad for me, so rubbish shii gone now but there is a few which is important..)
thx to csio for fixing our election..

Posted By

on 2008-11-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

YESSSSSSS! I VOTED! My Obama can thank it... oooops, it is an other forum happy

Well, I put a spot next to a graph, vote, vote, vote !

OK Csio, "Mr.Big Palm", no problem! I hope you will find next time the key 8, and it will be correct, haha!

Posted By

on 2008-11-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

most szavazzá hekker! kijavítot(tam)tuk!

now you can voting bejkoz plus4rulez!

 Re: Traffic Jam

vote now, hacker! I (we) fixed it!

now you can vote because plus4rulez!

Posted By

on 2008-11-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

bejkaz a bijjenytyűmön a 2es felett a zötös van és odabasztam csak tenyérre - én így szoktam gépeni, jóva, he?!

 Re: Traffic Jam

because on my keyboard above the 2 is a 5 and I just slammed it with my palm - that's how I type, all right, eh?

Posted By

on 2008-11-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

yep, Csio is our dramatic lemur guy happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-05
 Re: Traffic Jam

How you could find 5 people? I saw only two votes yet.

Posted By

on 2008-11-05
 Re: Traffic Jam

nowhere to click yet -> Chronos is working hard to solve it.
We still have a lot of time. No hurry happy

BTW, follow the USA: vote for the black !! happy)

Posted By

on 2008-11-05
 Re: Traffic Jam

szavazzatok má bráner-rickek!!!

úgy látom eddig még csak 5 pipónak sikerüt!

ösztönzés: ha szavaz legalább 15 ember akko aznap kaptok demot a pofátokba, addig meg nem! Itthon nézegetem addig Dömével happy

Csabo, please..... happy

 Re: Traffic Jam

Vote already you braner-ricks(?)!!!

As I see so far only 5 people succeeded!

Incentive: as soon as at least 15 people vote, you'll be hit in the face with a new demo, but not until then! Meanwhile only me and Döme will watch it here at home

Csabo, please.....

Posted By

on 2008-11-03
 Re: Traffic Jam

i think this system won't be good, so until now u're not need to wait my permission to log in..
but unfortunately there are problems yet, so i apologize it and i ask all u there don't report here every little bit rather to my mailbox..

the closest translation of "vazze" is "fck" happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-03
 Re: Traffic Jam

Respect ! I mean thanks for the quick reaction !

For non-english speakers once we should explain Vazze happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-03
 Re: Traffic Jam

ok, once or twice a day i will activate the new users! so please be patient happy
mms, u're active now!

Posted By

on 2008-11-03
 Re: Traffic Jam

Double/triple voting is good!

BTW, despite of the activation mail my user name is still not activated.

(In English:
I would like to send a gentle warn to activate my UserID as I would really like to vote)

Posted By

on 2008-11-03
 Re: Traffic Jam

yep, its a sudden try to reach up the userbase at acw page happy
..and it is for avoid dupe votings. thx happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-03
 Re: Traffic Jam

it is hard to choose! btw: do u need to be a registered member to vote?

Posted By

on 2008-11-02
 Re: Traffic Jam

5 new entries happy Unfortunately I did not post any, since I had not much time for Plus/4 stuff recently, and when the deadline was close, I could not decide what would be a good picture to choose happy
The description is not entirely accurate, though, since there are more than two FLI pictures now. By the way, where is the D64 file available for download ? I could not find the link.

Posted By

on 2008-11-02
 Re: Traffic Jam

The compo started! go and check absenceandwilds.extra.hu!

you can grab the pictures as a d64 too (maybe from this page too) and u can check it on real machine (as a better choice for fli pictures, but single multis are better too)

dont forget u have one whole month too vote!


Posted By

on 2008-10-27
 Re: Traffic Jam

nah guys..

Traffic Jam 5 compo

Final Deadline of entries: 01 of November
Voting Deadline: 30 of November

Prize: i don't know yet, maybe T-shirt, stickers, boozing with the winner at the next party etc..

You can vote ONE of the contestants on our page absenceandwilds.extra.hu

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

istvan! i already cancelled it for now, so you can send your stuff.. i have a request to change the colors in some submitted pictures and correct some small mistakes so you have some more extra days to finish your product..

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

> istvan, its not your fault, but i think its fair to close the deadline and start voting!

OK, I will not try creating a picture then - not that it would have been particularly great anyway happy. Maybe next time.
Just for fun, I could build a simple slideshow from the entries I have seen as a .prg file, but one of the images was obviously created with Larry's P4PC FLI Converter, and is thus likely to be interlaced, and one of the fields is then missing from the screenshot.
For the voting, will the actual .prg files be available (for viewing in full quality), or just the previously seen .gif files ?

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

ok, forget about u have been seen on our page, cancelled it until i fix the contestants's stuff.. later i post the voting link if its available public so keep up guys happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

Priv mail sent!

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

i'm not finished it yet, there is a lot more to do.. extra.hu is not the best for drupal (or anything as cms) but doesn't care, its more challenge for me.. btw csabo, i think the forum is on fire now (as always) it deserves an edit button to avoid "post invasions" like me, 3-4 post in minutes.

and finally, i really love plus4world, without this page the plus4 is only a sweet souvenir in our brains for now, but u know it already happy (after the 2nd bier some sentimental words coming out from my mind)

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

i'm not finished it yet, there is a lot more to do.. extra.hu is not the best for drupal (or anything as cms) but doesn't care, its more challenge for me.. btw csabo, i think the forum is on fire now (as always) it deserves an edit button to avoid "post invasions" like me, 3-4 post in minutes.

and finally, i really love plus4world, without this page the plus4 is only a sweet souvenir in our brains for now, but u know it already happy (after the 2nd bier some sentimental words coming out from my mind)

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

I like the site though, especially the kitten.

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

lol, i was so lame, just published the pages and not set any switch or link on the page, but istvanv (congrats) found it.. next time i set it "unpublished" and there is no worry happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

if i good remember i asked it before, but nobody needed it, so i decided to made a site practically just for our compos,pictures, releases etc.. you know, we know, this site is THE ONE for the scene. so, if more than 2 people want it (and the site maintainers too) i move our compo to plus4world.. it doesn't matter anything for me which site operate this compo, only the participating (moving the lazy sceners) is important.

one more (with a really small typeface) - check your mail dude, thats about contributing happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

I took this seriously and tried to do my part so that the scene is alive, therefore I sent in my entry even before the first deadline. I already mentioned what I think about extending the deadline (see above), but it's up to you.

My gripe is that I (and everyone else who wants to vote) have to register on "yet another" site, and that if you have the time and energy to maintain a PHP/MySQL site, why didn't you volunteer to keep Plus4World running, but I'm not saying any of that stuff out loud anymore. Oops wink

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

one more thing, if csabo or some others request it, i will retain the compo to achieve more contestants..

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

thx for posting the link happy i want to do it later... but, not a problem.. its interesting for me, newbie drupal user how easily unpublished pages can retrieve...

so, beause its now public, i will set the link on the frontpage and please everybody vote on the entries..

istvan, its not your fault, but i think its fair to close the deadline and start voting!

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

Although I'm not the one running the compo, but I think you should be able to send in your entries. The more the better.

Using Drupal eh, Chronos?

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

All images can be seen at http://absenceandwilds.extra.hu/?q=node/24. No .prg's, though, but those can easily be created from the GIF files with p4fliconv happy
By the way, is it still possible to send entries (although it would not be entirely fair now that the existing ones have already been seen) ?

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

istvan! where you can check the entries? i don't published it yet.. i'm just courious..

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

In fact, all entries could be packed into a single .prg file happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

> BTW, how many grap your discmag can manage without overload on pictures?

The 8 pictures should easily fit on a D64 image, especially since they are mostly simple multicolor non-FLI graphics, and seem to have many large uniformly colored areas, so with compression the files would be reduced to a few kilobytes on average.

Posted By

on 2008-10-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

So, is it closed now ? I see the entries can already be viewed, but an exact deadline was not announced.

Posted By

on 2008-10-21
 Re: Traffic Jam

BTW, how many grap your discmag can manage without overload on pictures?
Is there any way to send well converted pictures just for fun? I mean not as an own release, just for fun. Wihtout become a picture slideshow.
I have some great collections of well done conversions (IstvanV converter) in the sections (only normal multicolor and hires mode): space, nature, design art, tropical night, raytrace. (these are really without any afterwork, so pixel defect may appear. but I do not dream to able to release 8-10 graphs per month due to lack of time)

Do you wist to pick any section, with the right to select from avg. 8 pict/area? 3-4 in each section look really super for any 8bit.

Posted By

on 2008-10-20
 Re: Traffic Jam

nobody? i have 8 entry for now, so this is your last chance to participate.. grab a picture and istvanv's converter and send it to me..

Posted By

on 2008-10-14
 Re: Traffic Jam

hey hey folx! the deadline is near, i've finished with the voting module on the acewls page.. so if you hiding something this is your last chance! bomb me emails.. ..and thx for the entries.. keep watching this topic, the voting will begin shortly happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-13
 Re: Traffic Jam

Hi Chronos,

You just received from me extra 4 pictures. one is for the compo under my name.

3 more is just for fun (just converted, no other efforts), so please do not show it under my name. They look good, as I see. Maybe our friend's name, IstvanV (again: great converter!) should be shown next to them, but still did not see any logo from him happy

Posted By

on 2008-09-30
 Re: Traffic Jam

yap, the compo is still open, final deadline is not yet planned, but im working on right now our page with voting mechanizm (what a word :D) so you can send anything to us!

2-3 more weeks is guaranteed! happy

Posted By

on 2008-09-30
 Re: Traffic Jam

Chronos: is this compo still open ? If yes, where can entries be sent, and what is the deadline ?

Posted By

on 2008-09-11
 Re: Traffic Jam

Something greenish? happy in fac what I really miss on Plus/4, ar some good ray-trace animations...
I have almost 30 coverted very good images (thanks Istvan!), but still need some afterwork in Botticelli, otherwise I should say IstanV(@) picture happy
BTW Istvan, do you have (or need?) a logo I may put onthe pictures next to mine? without your converter I would spend dozens of hours extra... I mean I really want to express my respect!

Posted By

on 2008-09-11
 Re: Traffic Jam

Well, if converted stuff is OK, then I may have a try too, although I do not know yet, what would be the best source image happy

Posted By

on 2008-09-06
 Re: Traffic Jam

thx! thats the point! everybody can send any graphics.. as i say earlier, if u just convert something scene related with IstvanV's converter its enough to compete!

someone else? :D

Posted By

on 2008-09-05
 Re: Traffic Jam

I am a lazy bastard, but I have two graphs for you. Frankly speaking, I read through the forum, but could not find:
- Is is a graph compo? Or something else? Just in the recent comments show some info.
- Where I can upload the stuff?

As I mentioned, I am a lazy bastard, so ONLY NOW I opened the Traffic Jam 5 to read it. Shame on me! Hahaha! Today I send you the prgs as they are, as on the weekend I will be on a party (lagzi with 180 people), so alcohol content will prevent me to do anything useful extra to be laid in vertical position.

By the was, it is more IstvanV's converter's job, than mine, I just made few hours afterwork, as usual happy But the good selection and prework of original is also hard, I can tell you, at least take some minutes happy) Have fun, I even did not put my logo on them (yet)

Posted By

on 2008-09-05
 Re: Traffic Jam

I am a lazy bastard, but I have two graphs for you. Frankly speaking, I read through the forum, but could not find:
- Is is a graph compo? Or something else? Just in the recent comments show some info.
- Where I can upload the stuff?

As I mentioned, I am a lazy bastard, so ONLY NOW I opened the Traffic Jam 5 to read it. Shame on me! Hahaha! Today I send you the prgs as they are, as on the weekend I will be on a party (lagzi with 180 people), so alcohol content will prevent me to do anything useful extra to be laid in vertical position.

By the was, it is more IstvanV's converter's job, than mine, I just made few hours afterwork, as usual happy But the good selection and prework of original is also hard, I can tell you, at least take some minutes happy) Have fun, I even did not put my logo on them (yet)

Posted By

on 2008-09-04
 Re: Traffic Jam

compoentry.. somebody?

Posted By

on 2008-08-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

we have currently 2 entries, so i will extend the deadline one more month for u lazy bastards (go get a pic and istvanv's converter its easy as f**k).

We created this compo for everyone, so u DONT need to be a graphician or whatever!

The voterpage delayed too, i don't wanna give some advance for the already sent entries..

Posted By

on 2008-08-16
 Re: Traffic Jam

Here comes my usual "let's ask a million questions" routine. Any news on the compo? Is there now more than one entry? (Or did I call it and that first and only one is the winner?) Has the deadline been extended?

With all this info costing me hundred fifty a pop, I'll be broke in no time. wink

Posted By

on 2008-08-11
 Re: Traffic Jam

yeah, yeah, come on minime!!
lets kick some .sswipe or whatta!!!

Posted By

on 2008-08-11
 Re: Traffic Jam

its difficult to dig up something about your weird long mustache or something dirty with your commie or commodore pals?

come on dudes or else i will be mad and post something wild!

Posted By

on 2008-07-31
 Re: Traffic Jam

$150 and the info is your

Posted By

on 2008-07-31
 Re: Traffic Jam

noo happy its confident yet! happy

Posted By

on 2008-07-30
 Re: Traffic Jam

We have a winner then! wink

May I ask if it was a Plus/4 image (program) or a real life photo?

Posted By

on 2008-07-30
 Re: Traffic Jam

gimme more, gimme more, gimme more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By

on 2008-07-30
 Re: Traffic Jam

today i received the first entry! yeah! happy

Posted By

on 2008-07-29
 Re: Traffic Jam

nobody sent nothin' yet..

so we will extend it if there will be some activity!
for the details check the mag!
in august we will set up the compopage for the entries (but before we do that we need the entries happy )

i know it summer now, but it's an easy compo
(little or almost no work with the entry!!!)

Posted By

on 2008-07-28
 Re: Traffic Jam

Only one question please ! happy

Posted By

on 2008-07-28
 Re: Traffic Jam

What's the deadline again? 20th of August you say? OMG, we have less than a month! happy

Where's the official compo page? How many entries did you guys receive so far?

Posted By

on 2008-07-27
 Re: Traffic Jam

HEY! There is a compo! Dont forget about it!

Posted By

on 2008-06-26
 Re: Traffic Jam

HEY! There is a compo! Dont forget about it!

Posted By

on 2008-06-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

no, its just some bonus content! happy

Posted By

on 2008-06-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

There is a program "we are family !!!" on the first disk, which shows an image. Is this part reachable from the menus, or is it some sort of "easter egg" ?

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

Usually, should be "english because a normal educated acting line on forums", but if you feel better, build in your mind your own reality happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

"Rettegjetek mert hamarosan kódolni fogok" = Dread, because I will coding soon

Next time in English please, because Luca and the other 3 people who don't speak in hungarian. happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: Traffic Jam

just one note for the future

Posted By

on 2008-05-21
 Re: Traffic Jam

write to me next time if you need something happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-19
 Re: Traffic Jam

> Harry is in the Assanssins ?

Well, yes. He said he were in the mood to draw on plus4 and as I'm quite inactive he needs another coder who fullfills the duty to support him with code. So I said go for it dude.

He also said he will draw for me if I needed anything, so I have been in a need of a nice 2*2 charset for 2 months now but no charset yet. wink

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

@Chronos & Csio:

Absolutely right: The work you put into it was really worth it. I only saw what has been translated yet and i have to say: Very very good mag (some things take 15 years to get finished... thats how it is wink )

I also have to support Lucas suggestion to start a deeper discussion on the "End Of A Golden Era"-Article. Chronos wrote a splendid article on an important and ever-resurrecting topic: The scene being in a stalemate. This subject is bothering me too and i talked quite much with Luca about it. Now i feel like posting something in this thread, but instead of looking for things that went wrong, i'd like to tell about some positive examples:

When i found out about +4world and saw "Chaos", i instantly got caught: I have to code again too! I once told DCD on ICQ that it was especially "Chaos" that made me want to code again and he replied like: "Yeah, this is what i wanted: Get people interested, get people to code.". Concerning me, he achieved a full success - thank you very much! wink In February i talked to Mad at the Oxyron-Party and he said something that reminded me of this: He said he and Sire got interested in +4 because they saw a couple of my demos, liked them and decided to do something on +4 aswell. I think thats a good "trail" of positive events...

Another good example was CD4 and 8SOB. That really felt like joined forces to me! I was talking to many of the participants during the creation process and even if it was mostly about problems/issues it really was fun. We also had some party-coding at arok again, wonderful.

As for both examples i described, you can't expect any "steadyness" for anything you achieved. You can launch compos and coops and nobody gets interested, you can write demos like an obsessed lunatic and nobody gets interested... you can't force interest, you just can promote interest. Thats what i think.

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

ilyenkor a fogtündér nevel !

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

assassins is a difficult name :D

jóvanakkó, nem csekkótam 5 percenként az oldalt csak néhány óránként.. hehe
más, nyomás gyereket nevelni!!! :D

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

Harry is in the Assanssins ?


I didn't read it in TJ5 ! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

nyugi Büdös! Má elküttem a Csabonak, csak te a Száncsónál llamagameztál. Gondoltam ma elmondom, hát így sikerült

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

if someone will (csabo happy) translate the mag's articles i will send it in pure pc text format!
btw, if we reach a good progress, i promise, i made an official english version..

thx for everybody the reactions, aint no doubt for me its worth the work we put into!

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

Very good work Csabó ! The official translator ! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

Csabo thanks for your translation work, especially for End of Golden Era 2 chapter: I'd bet my left arm that there would be something to discuss in it.

First of all, I must say I enjoyed Chronos's text so much.

Some clarifications:
- the usage of +4world screenshots in the PaulK's site had never upset me! That's incredible how this legendary wrath's sensation has taken space during the whole flametime: I was obviously kidding, and it had been so evident because PaulK himself quikly LOLled after my answer, of course i would say!
- "...Lando was fed up with Luca, who he said took over the whole scene, and directed it as he wished, including the content of the most important news portal, emucamp..."
Luca has never "directed" this portal, Luca answered to the help request of a very busy Csabo, the scene's production itself decides if something has to be added or not; apart of collecting any release, Luca tried to add more additional stuff, keeping in any time an opened door to any incoming ideas; moreover, Luca has received initially some light guidelines by Csabo (a very recent example: do you see the Traffic Jam 5's 160x100 .gif? I had to change it because in the mags case, we decided to prefer a picture when there's one, instead of the mag's layout itself), and when a new case comes, me and Csabo usually have to talk about that, for example when someone writes self-referring or temporal notes, or when someone does the wrong click and add empty material without notifying somebody who can correct it; this policy has kept this site decently polished and clean in years, and it seems most of you liked it, no? wink
- "...but I think Luca was driven by good intentions..."
ah thanks for your faith in me! happy no, but let imagine Luca driven by evil intentions, a scene saboteur ready to destroy it from the inner core, ahahah! happy
- "...I forgive him too, because I was kind of mad that when we made new releases and I sent them in email, I had to wait days for it to be uploaded. I think the reason was not that he didn't want to put it up... happy"
ah thanks for your kind forgiveness too! happy I never assessed or filtered what you've sent to me, dunno the reason of your words, or maybe I don't remember a particular case at the moment; do I have to be faster more in the uploading? Not satisfied enough of my services? happy

And now, about the content itself.
All the compos, the coopdemos, the releases, my personal effort to learn a bit of assembly and do a very simple demo, the pouet presence, the videos, the heavens and the hell I can't totally remember for how many they had been, have been put in playfield exaclty to move the scene. Me and Ingo talked about this argument since years, and, incredible to say, moved our nobles asses to answer with brutal concreteness to all our theories, releasing stuff. Chronos, you should know this practice came from me since dozen years, you should know because you were the first LogoCompo winner! Year 1998!
So, the dying scene argument has become a big BIG one, and very complicated to be born-and-dead in few sentences, there are so many causes to cite, you would be surprised wink
So, you're suggesting...competitions and cooperations...compos and coops... Mmmm sounds soooo familiar to me, soooo familiar! wink
And, to say one, where were the ppl in the last suggested coops and compos?

We should really have a serious thread apart to discuss this argument. But please lemme suggest one: sceners, release your stuff, and don't deceive yourself about releasing the ultimate demo at every release! (And that's because I appreciated the BusoMan Party Demo release, for example...).

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

Thank you Csabo! wink

Posted By

on 2008-05-18
 Re: Traffic Jam

CSABO you are megaking!

Posted By

on 2008-05-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

Keep watching the Traffic Jam 5 page, the original text (and possibly translation) is being added. I tried webforditas, but the results were terrible, and it limited me to 512 chars.

Posted By

on 2008-05-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

hey, but maybe thats a good idea: if you still have the mag in .txt-format, you could just send it around and we simply pass it through webforditas...

but i should stop lamenting now. the mag really looks polished and cool and i like that you choose to use hires-images.

Posted By

on 2008-05-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

huh? you should rather hail webforditas! i just tried angol-magyar there, seems very convincing to hungarian native-speakers wink

Posted By

on 2008-05-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

Wow Deguass! You are king !! Your hungarian language is elképesztő !!!! happy
Mostantól csak magyarul írhatsz ! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-17
 Re: Traffic Jam

hey INGO!!!!
you absolutelly fascinate me!
you deserve the windows txt format of t.j.5.!

Posted By

on 2008-05-17
 Traffic Jam

Respects for the new mag. Egy kis hibát találtam a szövegben, Nukem és Nukeman az ugyebár nem egy és ugyanazon személy. wink Sajnos Nukeman a 03-as szegedi party óta eltűnt.

 Traffic Jam

Respects for the new mag. I found a minor problem in the text, Nukem and Nukeman are of course not the same person. Unfortunately Nukeman disappeared since the'03 party in Szeged.

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