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Posted By

on 2008-03-14
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

I haven't visited this forum for a long time, so I'm a little late, sorry. wink
Some time ago I made images from all my Plus/4 discs, among others, a working G64 from my original Mercenary disc. happy

mnib is a really useful tool. wink

Posted By

on 2008-01-28
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Well, thanks to you, too! If you hadn't asked for this I would not have taken the effort to search around a bit. It's amazing how easy it was to find it actually... happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-28
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

once again many thanks Gaia. 8)

you will be the first to know if i need anything else. lol

Posted By

on 2008-01-28
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Well this may be front page news... happy It seems we have recovered a long lost gem.
I mailed Tim but he did not have the image, then I mailed Markus Brenner, the author of MTAP who did. Voila!

Until I make a better entry for it here's a direct link:

The disk requires true drive emulation and has some bad sectors, too (simple copy protection). It also contains the Second City extension.

Many thanks to Markus, of course, for this!

Posted By

on 2008-01-28
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Excellent work Gaia.

i think an Email to Tim is in order. wink
if the disk has been dumped by Pete Rittwage.?
i know where i can lay my hands on a g64 image.

Posted By

on 2008-01-26
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Just found this guy has a working G64 of the plus/4 version of Mercenary:


Posted By

on 2008-01-26
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Yeah, let's wait until he shows up here, hopefully soon, he may decide on what's best. I am somewhat surprised noone else owns an original disk.

Posted By

on 2008-01-26
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Just had a thought! wink

Lando could load and run the game, then dump the memory using the internal Monitor.
which do the job very nicely.

Failing that he copy the disk normally (complete with errors) using a basic disk copier.
Then post the D64 image here to be examined.
Then there would be no need to risk sending his original disk in the post.

Posted By

on 2008-01-26
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

If Lando doesn't mind posting his disk??.
i know "Mayhem" can copy 99.9% of Original floppies.

there's not much Mnib and a cable won't copy now.
it will then be easy to crack or replace the protection (even from a bad dump of the disk).
And he won't have to send it far, as he lives in the London area.

Posted By

on 2008-01-25
 Re: Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

There's a disk version of Mercenary, I know Lando owns an original but it has copy protection and so far noone managed to make a D64/G64 of it.

Posted By

on 2008-01-25
 Mercenary (DISK SAVE)

Hello Plus4er's.

Does anyone have a version of Mercenary, Escape from Targ and The Second City.
That will save games to Disk instead of Tape.
or know a routine that will work.

Please help or get hacking. happy


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