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Posted By

on 2007-01-16
 Re: German website

... and it's up with the news entry + the 7 scanned pages. (Take a look and then guess how many I had time to post process. wink) Commodore Welt seriously needs info!

Posted By

on 2007-01-16
 Re: German website

I've sent the correct file by mail to csabo this evening.

Posted By

on 2007-01-16
 Re: German website

Paint System V1.2 has been added by me, and the stuff has been passed to me by someone who subscribed. Hence, it would be faster and pretty nice if you send us the new version, also because to not distribute buggy software should be a major reason to you too, no? wink

Posted By

on 2007-01-16
 Re: German website

Hi Luca,

sorry for my late answer but i was on business trip for 2 days. The problem was the poke command which i added before uploading the file to my website. I assumed that this poke avoid the run/stop function. but it ends up in that problem you mentioned. Sorry for that.

I updated the file. Please download again.


Please check also the file you got. If there is the same, please also download the new one
i removed the poke command and after testing it does work.

Posted By

on 2007-01-14
 Re: German website

Sascha, can't get your stuff to work normally: after any option, it stops with a TEDsound noise

Posted By

on 2007-01-14
 Re: German website

Sascha, is TCM your handle? And what it means? Yeah it's for our database. happy

Posted By

on 2007-01-14
 Re: German website

now you got it right wink

No, i didnt assume that you are speaking / understanding german. I received several mails from english speaking people who visited my site and ask me to have a translation. For the first step the most people are using google to translate but its of course not the best solution.
I want to have the most pages also in english available in the future hopefully.

My intention of coding for the plus/4 was never to code the "real best" programm, it was just an own challenge to convert ideas to the plus/4 and make things possible there.
The plus/4 was my first real own computer and it was my most creative phase in terms of computing and coding since today. Each system after it (Amiga, Mac, PC) was just 'used'.

Unfortunately i never had a terminal prg with the plus/4, so none of my develepoments was distributed through bbs or internet. Paint System was the first Program which was sent to a magazine, so the only one, which was in public available and restored now happy The rest of my sources is lost (*damn*!) wink

In the last weeks i spent time to review the programs available to the scene for example on plus/4-world and i was surprised, what is still available. And i was very surprised too, how GEOS v3.5 running on the plus/4 with 1551. Amazing!

The next idea i got, was to create a wiki for the plus/4. after setting up this wiki, Sidius gave me the link for the existing one and i closed this part of my site. It's great that the plus/4 is still there and that many people having this computer in mind. If i saw that there is an existing solution to expand the plus/4 with SID functionalities, i even more want to have this also in my system happy

Nice to see, that this kind of hardware projects are still part of discussions here and in other forums. And of course it's great to have this computer on my desk today and loading old and new stuff into it, just to have fun. Additionaly nice to see that my childs still could have fun with this "old" system even if they have a modern console and daddys pc to play games wink

Posted By

on 2007-01-13
 Re: German website

Ah, that totally sheds new light on the topic! happy When you say "as I wrote on the homepage..." - you're assuming I speak German, which I don't. I thought (incorrectly) that this was a new development - which I guess we could agree on would be a bit of a wasted effort. But retyping type-ins and archiving old stuff, that's what I am about! (Yay, go archive!)

Some other software on the Plus/4 sometimes has weird legal issues attached to it, can't be distributed etc. So when I saw that we had to register, I assumed you didn't want this to be distributed. But for sure, we have to add this, link it to the appropriate magazine etc.

Oh, and nice to have you here. Send me (or Luca) ANYTHING Plus/4 related, we're happy to have it.

Posted By

on 2007-01-13
 Re: German website

Nice to hear it Sascha, hope you'll code you brand new stuff, I'm just looking forward.

Posted By

on 2007-01-13
 Re: German website

Csabo wrote:
I registered and downloaded. It's... written in Basic? Why would I use this instead of Botticelli again? I was just surprised to see it pop-up un-announced, but since then I found that the guy announced it on commodore16.com. I thought we were THE scene home, but guess not Ah who cares, lemme go back to my publications.

this is my homepage and it's "just" a site which was created for my "old" basic release Paint System. This programm was coded in 1987/1988 and published as Chris wrote already in a german magazin in march 1988.

Last year i came back to my old 8-bit 'love' and bought a full C=Plus/4 equipement.

Unfortunately when i sold my plus/4 around 18 or 19 years ago i lost all my sourcecodes including my biggest developement project GDOS (Graphic Disk Op. Sys.) and Paint System was a part of it. I looked around what is still "alive" from the scene and found www.forum-64.de and of course the plus4-world and many other sites. i wrote a short topic that i'm searching my paint system release from a magazine in nearly 88 and sidius got it. He sent me the scans and so i got one of my sourcecode back, did a little bug-fixing and now it's back to where it belongs and online for all the people out there who are still interested in this machine.

As i wrote on my homepage... Paint System is what it is: a hires paint programm with basic functionalities operates fully in hires mode with a grpahical interface (without switching to a print screen) and was created in a time when graphic interfaces and clickable icons where completly new. Originally it was integrated in a 80-chars text programm, graphic file-manager and some other tools.

Sidius told me about plus/4-world and he wanted to contact the admins for publishing paint system also here. If you think it's worth it, feel free to upload it (now you got it on your own as you wrote). If you want to put my new site in your news/links, feel also free to do it, it would be kind of course.


The version 1.2 is the re-release which you can download now. I'm still planning und coding a completly new version, which is for sure faster and many editors build-in are planned. But more informations when the parts where coded.

Posted By

C16 Chris
on 2007-01-13
 Re: German website

Paint System V1.2 was a Typein Program from german magazine " Commodore Welt 3/88 ".

Posted By

on 2007-01-12
 Re: German website

I registered and downloaded. It's... written in Basic? Why would I use this instead of Botticelli again?

I was just surprised to see it pop-up un-announced, but since then I found that the guy announced it on commodore16.com. I thought we were THE scene home, but guess not happy Ah who cares, lemme go back to my publications.

Posted By

on 2007-01-12
 Re: German website

You have to register to download it. Looks nice!

This site seems to be very new and thus: mainly about PaintSystem v1.2

Posted By

on 2007-01-12
 Re: German website

Sascha Haberlandt, mmmm....
Sidius is involved too:
And I really wanna see this promising Paint System V1.2

Posted By

on 2007-01-12
 German website

Have you guys seen this website? http://www.derplus4.de/ Can anyone who speaks German tell me what it's about?

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