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on 2007-01-12
 Re: Improvements in the Publications section

It almost seems to be more popular than the endings one happy

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on 2007-01-11
 Re: Improvements in the Publications section

Seeing as how popular this topic is, I made some more improvements: when viewing individual scanned pages, you can now navigate back and forth. It will navigate within the current publication first, then to the next available scanned page - so basically you can go through the entire thing.

This also means that your browser won't auto scale the pages. Previously, we linked to the image itself, so most browsers scaled it to fit in the window. Mind you, in most cases when that happened the writing became unreadable. So I hope the loss of this "feature" is worth it - to go to the next page you no longer have to click back and select the next number.

Posted By

on 2007-01-04
 Improvements in the Publications section

You can now navigate through the issues of magazines (e.g. try Compute Mit or Commodore Világ, it's pretty cool). For articles appearing in magazines, the author is now linked from the details page (e.g. you can see that Rachy wrote the solution for Bölcsek Köve in Cov 10), and the member details pages also list the member's articles. Previously empty member pages (like Jahny Mano's) now have some stuff on them... Yay!

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