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on 2006-09-13
 Re: [help] Letter Match More or Less

Ok then, I'd lost a whole (1!) Euro useless happy

Next time I see a missing software, I'll go around to ask about other mysterious software queues, in order to be sure my effort won't be lost. How can be possible to do a mistake like mine?

Posted By

on 2006-09-13
 Re: [help] Letter Match More or Less

A lot of people have Letter Match More or Less, It might be already in Csabo's queue...

Posted By

on 2006-09-12
 [help] Letter Match More or Less

Once verifed it was a missing one on +4World, I bought on eBay a "stock" copy of Commodore's "Letter Match More or Less".
Unfortunately, I was able neither to load the stuff on the real iron, nor to copy it as a file (bad disk?), and I have no change how to dump the 2 tapes included in the box.
Who can help me to dump all the accessible data, tape or disk?

I could buy from the same eBayer "stock" "Introduzione al BASIC" 1 and 2, and "Super Spell". The latter had been dumped by C16Chris (and uploaded by me), but I could send the rest to someone available...

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