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Posted By

on 2020-02-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

In earlier versions with this fx I had similarly faster ones as in the C64 version but did not look good. The plasma itself does not have a big resolution so the sudden changes cannot be followed by the eye (brain), hence it does not look good... The lack of smooth color transitions just make this worse.

Posted By

on 2020-02-09
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

wow, one example when the faster is not better, th C64 version just hurts my eyes.
Probably they need to change only one color byte instead of the two, and it made the routine two times faster? or what...

Posted By

on 2020-02-09
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Hey this plasma looks somehow wiggely and way to fast on C64.. Seen your entry I was thinking that it is one of the best plasma choices ever. This C64 one is at least for me pretty unpretty.. Dunno what went wrong with the conversion to C64, perhaps it's really the colors.. Dunno.. happy

But anyhow, big ups to Padua! :D

Posted By

on 2020-02-09
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

So, after a bit more than one year, has anyone cared to figure out another small mystery about the demo? happy

What does the binary numbers mean toward the end of the PL demo? wink

BTW.... There is even one more great mystery buried deep within the demo just for LUCA. ;-)


One of the plasma effects from the demo got converted to C64 :D :D Looks much better with 121 colors, though. :P

Posted By

on 2018-11-05
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Pretty impressive, and full of funny ideas. Nice!

Posted By

on 2018-11-05
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Some impressive effects good music and good graphic work. I especially liked the Voxel. Hope it turned out like Edhellon (and Oswald?) planned this demo to be?

Posted By

on 2018-11-05
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I think he told me he has plans but "plans" obviously don't mean too much.
The activity of the C64 scene is very tempting, don't blame him.

Posted By

on 2018-11-05
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Yeah I'm quite angry with him not coming back to our scene as SJP :P

Posted By

on 2018-11-05
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018


It's not about Árok, but I don't want to create one more new topic for this.

We had X2018 over the weekend and that was amazing!
That is strictly a C64 only party but the winner prod has some Plus/4 connection, because Edhellon had major part in the creation.

Watch here: The Star Wars Demo

Posted By

on 2018-08-28
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

@Bubis: Yes I think it's right that way now.
@Luca: Yes, it makes sense - generally speaking - because the method we describe can be different as well to achieve the same visual effects...

Also, not sure if it was (properly) discussed/mentioned, I've just added this to the note of the sw page, but the animation in MicroMorph0s1s actually runs at ~30 FPS in PAL-60 mode (60 Hz!). I guess this is a first on Plussy.

Posted By

on 2018-08-28
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Yes bubis, I remember that Csabo suggested to me exactly the same way: describe the effect by how it looks like, before trying to categorize it by its code behind it wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-28
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

@Lavina: This is why I added "recolored" in the def.

Posted By

on 2018-08-28
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

... and by rewriting the color data as needed by the frames.

Posted By

on 2018-08-28
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I haven't found a proper definition yet either. Let me try: An advanced color cycle effect creates the illusion of motion by the recurring display of multiple recolored (character or bitmap) screens.

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I would also vote to add censor designs colorcycling to the effects list. In states united the daisy shaped tunnel is a RLE character "line" routine so no colorram there. In states united there is one very badly done colorram cycle loading effect before this girl in the mirror.. All the other effects don't rely on colorcycling, the rainbow tunnel just has a fixed colorram as far as I remember. Ah this strange shortly shown dotscape is a colorcycling, too.. But I would not count such basic stuff in there, lavina did many of the correct effects which also would be counted as this (advanced) colorcycling. However perhaps this dotscape would be in for it, too..

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I also began to discuss adding the effect with Csabo but got stuck because of similar reasons... No clear definition yet. happy

For example, is it mandatory to have a smooth movement (besides CYCLING colors) OR just changing/cycling colors on some parts of one single stationary bitmap counts as a color cycler? Dunno. Consider Csabó's LOD Is Back.

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

A note aside: Csabo I would like to add colorcycles (or color RAM rotators) in the Effects but I would need a well restricting and describing definition in order to keep out some general color rotating cheap demos. Overall, I saw this effect in Rocket Science and Promised Land only (maybe the weird daisy shaped tunnel in States United?).
E.g., even some transitional effect in Rocket Science might be seen as colorcycles...how to set the right line to separate which is colorcycle and which is not?

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Good that most of the traffic is not coming from plus4 circles. The plan is working! grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Thanks Luca. Yes, I'm looking at it as something that I HAD to do (also always wanted to do), and most probably I'll not be able to surpass.

But yeah, never say never. happy

BTW, it's interesting to see the source breakdown where the traffic comes from to PL Youtube videos:

pouet.net 35,7%
Facebook 18,5%
csdb.dk 15,9%
plus4world.com 14,0%
Unknown/rare 9,0%
enlight.ru 0,8%
The rest is blogs, etc.

I also saw various (mainly c64) forums where they talk about the demo, mostly about the colorcyclers, techniques, etc. Good to see that the demo brings attention to our platform, this was one of my main goals. :) This raising of attention is indeed a part of a bigger master plan. :D

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

It has been a pleasure to read the whole history beyond Promised Land, thank you Lavina. Now it's quite clear that this trackmo represents the lifetime masterpiece, not just because it shows so many effects you were working on in years, but also it contains past memories, personal taste, old buds, new horizons, intimate dedications to important pieces of your life and so on.
My vote of 10 is very well deserved.

Posted By

on 2018-08-27
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Thanks everyone for the kind words!

@carrion: Yes, I used SID. Check the demo with emulator. I really built the demo around celticdesign's great music.

I did not think SID music would be such a shocker, It has been widely accepted for plus4 demos for decades. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-26
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I just get back from the vacation and finally had the time to check the stuff on real hardware.


The Slideshow demo is freaking awesome!!!
The demo from Lavina - I'm speechless.
but is it only me or is there something wrong with my HW. I don't hear music? I guess it's due the fact it's SID and no TED based? Well then the demo is 99% perfect. SID is for c64 demos. here we have TED which I started to love more and more since the great new C+4 trackers...

It's not a complaint but rather the observation so ...

Keep the demos coming.

ps. I was wondering when people start do color ram rotators (like Censor Design does on C64) and here we are... more please... I think I have and idea for another one color rotator Lavina...
have you seen game Yoomp on C64 (and Atari)? Well I think the C64 implementation is done wrong way. We should have done it with color rotation trick... what you say? I'm here to help happy

Kind Regards. And bring more demos to C+4.

Oh and thenks for the greetings!!! I really appreciate it. I really do!

Posted By

on 2018-08-23
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Thanks for the writeup Lavina!! Interessting progress on the demo. Also funny that it was originally planned as a onefiler. Nice read.

Posted By

on 2018-08-24
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Heh, it took two beers, but worth to read! happy
Checked again the demo (now on Plus4Emu) and with a little better headphones. grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-23
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I added a quite comprehensive How it's Made style description to the Promised Land page. If you have some free time grab a beer and read it. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-23
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

to be fair, Larry's C64 slideshow was also shocking good.
Without those colors, just the 16 grey levels generated stunning photo quality even on C64.
I did not expected that from a a C64, while I expected some outstanding quality from Larry on the Plus/4.
Hats off!

Posted By

on 2018-08-21
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Great great Arok demos!!! The one by Lavina was especially stunning. All these effects and many of them not seen before on a plus/4. Some effects seemed to me like they should be consume a lot of memory and they did run fast nevertheless. So yes, I am too speechless about this quality release. The slideshow was also a great pleasure to watch, the motives choosen where absolutely flawless, they would even look awesome in a 2010s PC demo or something. Thanks for that. The other releases where too great to watch. Seems this Arok was something special in plus/4 history! happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-21
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Micromorph: Can we get the Plus/4 version of Avangers3 in this format? happy

Actually Larry's productions reached that level it is hard to say it is not a JPG.
I mean close to perfect. I remember back in my Intel286 days with my first Trident VGA I collected JPGs on my small HDD look worse than these +4 pictures.

Posted By

on 2018-08-21
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

@Luca > Overcast is also great, enriched by a pow-er-ful tune by Csabo (which I wanna have in HVTC ASAP!)

If you check Overcast page you'll see that the music is already in HVTC. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-21
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Congrats guys, I've enjoyed all the stunning releases from all of you! Lavina the winning trackmo is a fantastic breeze of modernity into the scene, most of all I appreciated the innovative colorcycling stuff that had been my envy from some other bigger scenes since years, we've just seen'em in some Bauknecht releases but yours look like the full non-limited effects I was awaiting for! <3 And...oh, what a heartwarming dedication! :D

Overcast is also great, enriched by a pow-er-ful tune by Csabo (which I wanna have in HVTC ASAP!), and the gfx compo participants too did some pretty nice job! Last but not the least, Larry pushed FLIs to an unthinkable border, releasing the very first production by Profik on Plus/4! Though being not my cup of tea, MicroMorph0s1s won the wild compo...because of being so WILD! grin

More infos about the obscure Skyremake would be appreciated, I've just stolen 7 (!) TED tunes from what does look like...a TV format quiz game?

And finally, happy 20th birthday Árok Party, where some of my sweetest memories are! Thinking about a comeback next time, what do you think Degauss? wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-21
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Oh, you just made my day. Fantastic releases. Congrats everybody. Wish i was there...

Posted By

on 2018-08-28
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Thank you! Plus/4 orange and red are little too pale, but eh.
With Promised land it was visible it is more than enough.

I felt the yellow on Garfield was more off, but I had no better color.
Frankly speaking, Abcug's Pixelshop uses a really bad palette, so it continuously requires the imagination, how it will look like on the real machine, and I always kept open a JPG palette to keep colors.
I wanted (COR!) to put the full palette on the screen (ok, I succees just the third), just Amiga can do similar quantities (halfbright mode), or Sam Coupe or Atari 100XL with raster tricks.

But still, was a useful tool.
Next time I will try again Csabo editor :-D, if I remember well, also supports HFLI.
I really like HFLI mode, keeps a lot of details and 8 colors within an attribute! Nice.

I forgot to mention but that full screen tunnel of Overcatst was SHOCKiNG good.
I hear those poor c64 guys in the background happy
Technically speaking, it should be a char based animation, though the number of special characters looks to be little too much?
Or maybe 4 or 5 gfx screens?

Posted By

on 2018-08-21
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

@MMS: The only point I felt it could get more credits to speed up and/or give a little more transient effect how the big tile text come in and faded out.

I totally agree. I've made half of the demo on Thursday and had no time for proper code and memory management so I had to load everything from disk. And for that there were too many animation phases. Although I'm really glad that we've managed to finish the demo "long" before the deadline. And special thanks for Csabo not only for the superb music he did but also for his suggestions to improve the quality of the demo (a lot!).

Posted By

on 2018-08-20
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Wow! I really like the cool TEDdy Sound from the Overcast Demo !
Congrats !

Posted By

on 2018-08-20
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

BTW MMS, the colors in your picture are really well chosen. Garfield is faded in pastel colors, and everything else is strong and saturated. It looks cool!

Posted By

on 2018-08-20
 also did this in the past)Re: AROK PARTY 2018

(still not able to log in)

I was there with the guys (made the Skyremake) during the chat with Hermit, and technically speaking, it is a nice achievement (but should not forget, the George also did it in the past).
The music is a MIDI fine converted with the help of the TEDZakker, and finetuned by the programmer.

(I also spoke with Hermit, unfortunately I have to build my own HerMIDI, I plan to control an external MIDI music card (or MIDI emulator) via this + MIDI/USB converter)

Posted By

on 2018-08-20
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

(sorry not able to log in on this PC)

About Overcast: I really liked how the music and the demo lived together. The only point I felt it could get more credits to speed up and/or give a little more transient effect how the big tile text come in and faded out.

Chronos picture was really funny, and cool, I mean cowl! happy

Unfortunately mine was fall behind in complexity or message (too much white areas). Maybe next time I will turn a Buddha sentence to a colorful full screen highly complex HFLI picture, it will grant complete enlightment and dozens of points. But "Plus/4 powa!" will remain on the screen grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-20
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Csabo! check my posts on slack please.. grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

As of now, all stuff is up, including Skyremake, the other Plus/4 wild compo entry. I'm not sure what to make of this; is it a joke demo or a game that fails to load? MMS and Lavina, Murphy mentioned that you guys spoke to the creators, any way you can ask them to get in touch with us?

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Yes, Lavina is right.

I think, all of you are real genius.

But after finishing to clean about 150 pieces of tiles and bricks and I saw Promised Land by GOTU... ...I couldn't believe what I heard and saw, so... happy ...I wasn't able to stop me to see more and more of this masterpiece:

- perfect graphics
- perfect musics
- perfect effects
- and perfect combination of above (animations and "loading next parts" are very smooth)

By the way, I may not able to make it all on a PC or Amiga... ...It makes me shiver... happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

From now on, you can enjoy Csabo's music everywhere grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Loved all plus4 releases, I feel a bit ashamed to steal the show before the other entries. I mean I wanted to beat C64 demos, not fellow plussy ones.

Loved the ACE demo, Csabó your TED zaxes always amaze me!

Larry's & BSZ's magic is a class of its own, obviously.

So now you know why W4PL had the name. Guess I can reveal the easter egg stuff now. So once the endscroller starts, type this: W4PLEG. Then when it all comes to the end, the 'fake easter egg' part will come.

BUT! If you write this text: GODS RULE 4EVER! to the top left corner of the screen before running the demo and do the above typing, the real hidden part comes up. wink

Hope you liked the ride and thanks again to everyone involved in these two prods.

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Larry's stuff?


Link to the new converter is also there.

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I tough exactly the same. Those fantastic color forms came after each other, and i told: plus/4 do not have so many colors. happy
I mea all those nice transients seem to increase the richness of the palette.
It was a really immersive experience.
ALSO i have to mention Csabo fantastic tunes with crazy good drums and basses, and how well "promised" live togeher with the music style and current mood

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

gerliczer, Lavina's Function 2018 entry is obviously called Land.

Thanks for the video, Chronos. LVN maestro was super humble happy

Prize photos are also up here; as well as almost everything else (with the exception of Larry's stuff, which is coming soon) - so be sure to check it all out.

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Posted By

on 2018-08-19
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

qbparty 2018 - Lavina strikes with Waiting For Promised Land
Árok Party 2018 - Lavina strikes again with Promised Land

Hey, man! Are you up to something for Function 2018 too?

Anyway, I had again with Promised Land the feeling that "Aw man, and we had all those colours for ages, yet gave them so little use." Great demo. Grats.

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Thanks for everyone helping me in the making. Two years guys!

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Plus/4 ruled the party!

No more waiting for Promised Land guys! wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Oh! WOW!

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Yeah, pretty sure it was same tech as Evolution, but still awesome.

Demo Compo is starting!

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

BSZ' external video player showed its power again. (Am I Right?)

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Elder Scrolls V on Plus/4. Okay happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Keyring compo rulez! :-?

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Some two hrs delay in the programme as usual...

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

What happened to the compos? They should have started at least an hour ago, shouldn't they?

Damn, I missed the first two entries in GFX compo. >:(

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

The crew! Plus some bags of cement for completeness.

Plus, two bonus pics: MMS also arrived, and another surprise, Dragon/DS!

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

It's actually 10 with Larry not yet being listed on the front page. Plus I think Ern0 is also here.

Edit: done :)

Guess we should take a what? Hmm... Cant remember..

yeah, group photo!!

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

All 9 Plus/4 sceners are at the party. Hypa Hypa!

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I am on my way: by train to Székesfehérvár and BSZ will pick me up there.

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Arrived. Larry is also here.

Rumors about a possible 4th Plus4 non-pic release with some partycoding included.

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

@siz: Well, then no wonder it looked fascinating. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

gerliczer: probably it was Rocket Science

Posted By

on 2018-08-18
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I'm sorry for being off topic, but MMS, could you read my PM. Please.

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I partially disagree. Certainly most upmarket digicams with big objective are better than the top phone's photo quality, but if you want to be shocked, next time surprise your wife with an older Nokia 808 Pureview with 41MP sensor and huge real zoom possibility if you choose 8MP resolution "only". (or Nokia 1020 with Windows if you think Symbian is too old fashioned )
In pureview mode they can easily catch up in quality with big sensor cameras like Canon 5D Mk II and Olympus E-450 (I think clearly better than the later), and some other DSLRs.

You can check and compre picture quality in very high zoom too, or you can select any other phone to compare:

Som eof the top phones are just marketing...

You can buy them for 200 bucks (refurbished), or 300-350 for a new one. It is not a big money, compared to a DSLR. and your hand will not hurt keeping it straight happy
For the DSLRs just the teleobjective cost the same...

(BTW I am ultracompact fan for most of the cases, so I have a Sony DSC-T9, that also makes pretty good photos, though far from that quality we are just discussing now)

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Just to reflect on a previous comment, I actually had to buy a digital camera for my wife. I said the same thing first, why on earth when you have a top phone. Well, the top phone's photo quality is nowhere compared to the big piece of iron I had to buy for the same amont of money as the top phone. happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Be sure to check the home page for the live stream link and continued updates.

Word on the street is... there's going to be up to 3 Plus/4 releases and up to 2 pics...

That is dope! Wait, do kids still say dope? Ah, whatever, it is certainly good news for the release-hungry gentleman scener.

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Watching the live stream now. There're already 3 Plus/4s on the tables. And siz was running something fascinating looking on his machine? The angle is not quite right to see his monitor.

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I am coming tomorrow morning.

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Epy was here before us.

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I have tried to grab him, but he had valid excuses, so I released him. happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Well, fine bubis, you count as a 0.5 foreigner happy

Though I 100% support Lavina's plan. Who's got an idea for a good Luca-snare?

First people are arriving...

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Grab Luca on the way. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-17
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I am coming back home from Italy right now. Do I count? happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-16
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

So... Is no-one coming from outside of Hungary?

Posted By

on 2018-08-14
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

THX! happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-14
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Also wishing you lots of fun and a great Arok 2018, from here! Just sayin! happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-14
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

BTW if anyone need a pickup on Saturday morning to go to Ajka, just ping me.
I go from Nagykanizsa via Keszthely, Sümeg (just ping me)
(Balatonfenyves, Fonyód, Héviz are close and manageable)

Prepare for retro feeling: old Skoda Fabia powa, no aircon! grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-13
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Wishing you lots of fun at Arok! I can't make it due to work pressure and the logistics of getting there.
Maybe next year... At least you won't have to speak English all day!

I second the call for lots of photos.

Posted By

on 2018-08-12
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

@gerliczer: happy
@Lavina: I survived this summer without taking any wellness or Balaton. Hurray! happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-12
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Hey MMS,

You sure that it is a problem? I think it is an intentional glitch. Lavina made it to give 'em a demo-ish look. grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-12
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Yeah while the family is in the water and/or sunbathing I have nothing to do but surfing online. happy

regarding site upload, yeah the reason I took screenshots of the previously taken photos of the badges is to get under the file size limit of the uploader. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-12
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Lavina, good to see the site upload is (occasionally) functional happy And that you're so hyped about the party!

Well, I didn't win the lottery this week either, so I'm definitely not coming, but I'll be with you guys in spirit.

What gerliczer said should go without saying, we need lots of photos (including a professionally posed group photo) and party reports. Don't forget your cameras. What? What do you mean no-one has cameras anymore? They use their what? Cell-phones? Gosh dang it I'm old.

Posted By

on 2018-08-12
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Good idea! I will check out if have some remaining badge holder at home.

You have the same problem as me (with my Epson sx200): white lines in the black printing, that makes it less impressive.
You can prevent it by setting the resolution to photo quality, it will make the lines closer to each other.
But with normal paper such printing setting will make it too wet, and will be wavy.The answer is photo paper.

Posted By

on 2018-08-12
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I have made some name badges for the party. Let's try to have similar design for the plus/4 participants. happy



I also have it ready for Bubis, BSZ, TLC.

Posted By

on 2018-08-11
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Well today night ( happy ) I could finish my HFLI picture.
So I try to finish my "wild" PRG in time.

Also my 8yo dauther is working on an ECM picture (with modified charset) for C64, hopefully she will be able to finish too.
(by son does not contrubute, he just plays happy )

Posted By

on 2018-08-11
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Group photograph of the party attendees, please.

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Last time I did not mind, just parking somewhere. After few beers, who cares? grin

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I am interested in AROK, but I don't promise anything.

I saw the parking zones and I was wondering whether there was no any time to park for free, eg. at the weekend such like some other cities.

OK, I have found it:
So, we have been parking for free at the weekend... COOL! happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I'm pretty sure Chronos will bring some floppy drive too. But for me it does not matter.

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Nice, if MMS shows up, that's 9 Plus/4 sceners already. Sounds like it's going to be quite the party as usual happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Ok, I will do! Thank you in advance! Which one you prefer? 1541/Ii or 1571. Maybe oldschool 1541.? happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I'll bring SD based devices too. But someone else have to bring a real floppy drive. wink

Posted By

on 2018-08-10
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Does this mean you are coming?

TLC will bring transfer stuff.

Posted By

on 2018-08-09
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Yep, hopefully someone will able to help me out there with a program transfer, I still do not have transfer tool to floppy.
(I mean some kind of SD card based device to able to do make PC--> Plus/4 transfer. Maybe now, when the new SD1541/2 will be demonstrated, can buy one)

I still work hard on a HFLI pic, but the only HFLI editor I am aware needs great attention on the details and handling. (I mean I do a lot of mistakes and neeed to correct a lot of errors happy - age - ). Surely not the top3 category :-)

Probably I won't be ready with my "Atari 2600 emu" demonstration I wanted to show in wild category.

Posted By

on 2018-08-09
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I'll be back, sorry I'll be there happy

Posted By

on 2018-08-08
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

Shall your efforts not be futile! wink

TLC is also coming.

BSZ is also coming.

Murphy is most probably coming.

Posted By

on 2018-08-06
 Re: AROK PARTY 2018

I will make every effort to be there before the demo compo on Saturday.

Posted By

on 2018-06-29

It seems that I'm enthusiastic about parties nowadays. happy

Anyone coming to the 20th anniversary AROK PARTY? happy

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