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Posted By

on 2008-02-18
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

why? i have an entry if you start it! happy

everybody has some unreleased half finished demo or game so there will be good chances to a strong compo happy

Posted By

on 2008-02-17
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Ok, at this point I can say my idea has been rejected, and I can close here the enterprise.
I would say thanks to SVS who sent to me his entry, to the original C64 version's organizers who allowed the "porting" with unchanged name (they were curious about what we could spit out in the Plus/4 scene...), and my closer friends who encouraged me till now.

At this point, I don't feel the thrust to start a limiTED2 compo.

Posted By

on 2008-01-18
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Really really really really really? happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-18
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

i've just talked about this "compo" with csio and dcd both of them simply not heard the news about that "compo".. so, give it to the frontpage :D

Posted By

on 2008-01-18
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Ok, decided: I'll try to do it anyway!
Since now, everybody can send in (to my address or contacting me in many ways) the dropped projects which could see the light in this way only. I don't care if they're fully working or not, they're failures in the very end, no? They can be demos, games, tools, graphics, music and mags.

Send your unlucky stuff and I'll treat it like a little son, and don't forget to bring a text with it, in which you can write the sad story about the poor unreleased stuff, a text which we would call..."failure mythology"!

At the moment, I have to think about compo categories, deadlines and possible little useless stupid gifts as prizes.

I'm waiting for your embracing opprobriums happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-16
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Luca: I know it is very disappointing if you have a strong idea and there is no response from others. But please cheer up; although this might have been a good chance for the stuff you mentioned to see the light of day, this does not neccessarily mean it was the only chance. Things may still pop up under other circumstances..

Posted By

on 2008-01-15
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Gaia: uhmmmm, this is the second post in 2 days in which you're talking about what other users have to release, mmmmmh... wink
The Test Suite for XeO3 had to be ready for xmas, but Mike got a ponderous flu which increased his angst with the baddies wave builtup happy

Oh well, going back intopic: I feel the chance has been totally rejected by our little scene. It's a pity to me, on C64 this enterprise has taken to the sunlight several lost stuff which never have to be release for various reasons.
I'm disappointed because all the Methabolix weird stuff will remain buried and unreleased, because the wonderful Plus/4 redux of "Myth" done by Unreal and Beast, and its 2 ready and playable levels, all the unreleased graphics by several authors, all the weird sound experiments, all the unused demo parts will be forget once forever.
Since TCFS clearly wrote us to declare Lemmings a stopped project, there could be the chance to release his last revision after asking a permission from him, as main speciality...bah!

Ok, that's over, and of course this is not what I call "an energic boost for a next forthcoming online compo".

Posted By

on 2008-01-15
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Luca: maybe you could release XeO3 for this? happy (evil laugh)

Posted By

on 2008-01-15
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Oh, you're going to the oxy-party? Nice!

Posted By

on 2008-01-15
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

I really hope there will be a limiTED 2; I just hope I can recall my ideas from last year... Oh, if the compo was _after_ Oxy-Party, that would be good. I think talking to Degauss will be helpful wink

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Aha! Thats the kind of rumors i like to hear: Bubis has got something in the drawer... (I wonder in what drawer. Either it is labeled "shockers" or "world-domination :D)

Nice to hear a lifesign from you, András!

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Great to read you here again bubis!
And yes, I hope you'll find spare time to assemble one of your wonders we learned to recognize and to watch with the usual astonished face :O

I had several other feedback via msn, from Lavina, Murphy, Degauss and especially Unreal, 'coz MX has so many ureleased stuff which can't be finished.
What about all the others? Csio? Chronos? Larry? DCD? Rachy?

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Hi Chaps,

I really appreciate your efforts! Too bad that I have nothing to show. I had something what would fit here, but that's already been released, you might remember: fragments.

I have other things in the drawer, but those are almost complete demo parts waiting for me to compose some real product(s) of them. I hope that the time will come soon when I can find the time and energy to do some quality work for my old fav C= computer.


Posted By

on 2008-01-12
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Last chance anyone? No? Nobody's interested?

Posted By

on 2008-01-08
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Everybody wake up!

Posted By

on 2008-01-08
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Oh! Oh! Oh! Stop eh? Your overwhelming enthusiasm could kill me! wink
I feel like you all have no time no thrust, even with a project like this that needs absolutely no further time to spend into, because JTT+4 simply means you have to take out the dirt... It has ben directly proposed because it allows you to "release without real releases".

Shall we kill it once forever? Drop a line, a word, what the heck! Dunno, for example "Luca you suck", or "Luca your mind has gone rotten forever", something friendly and participative! happy Moreover, this let me understand I have to refuse a limiTED 2nd edition too...

PS: if you wake up and wanna answer, remember: family is not a valid excuse. happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-06
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Aha! I KNOW the kind of stuff you usually claim to be """"very simple"""". It will fit well for sure, moreover this is what I meant with "Beginning 2008 with shameless" in the subtitle wink

Posted By

on 2008-01-06
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Hi Luca!

Just woke up from cryonic slumber to give you a feedback: I love the idea, because normally you don't get a good reason to release unfinished works. The only problem i'm having with this idea is quite personal: I've got almost nothing to contribute. Maybe 3 or 4 very simple things at most...

Posted By

on 2008-01-06
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Tnx Vale, I would keep your words as a boost, because in these weeks it seems all the hardcore coders declared their natural definitive cryonics process about +4. Must admit, I'm a bit scared of it...

Posted By

on 2008-01-06
 Re: "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

A good idea, Luca happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-04
 "Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4" anyone?

Jazzmacx Tas Takeover ('Ending 2007 with dignity') has been a very original C64 online compo event. The aim is to get out the dirt from your old disks: unfinished intros, failed effects, unreleased music, uncompleted graphics, forgotten mags; everything is good to be shown at JTT's, the ultimate chance to share all the stuff that, otherwise, would never see the light for some reasons (bad initial idea, bad result, doesn't fit the demo, lazyness...).

I know you too can have, at this point, something of that kind for Plus/4 too, I myself own several unfinished and weird stuff from many of you here (nono don't worry, I'm not going to spread your next demo's secret weapons wink ). Hence, what are we still waiting for? Why don't do the same?
Just because the spirit would be the same, I wanna keep the same name for the compo, and we can set a +4World feature page as we did for limiTED. Once contacted, Macx has been so kind to bless the enterprise. happy

Guidelines? Macx wrote me:"We were very laid back, too much perhaps. Pretty much as soon as it was executable we tended to give it OK.". I find it nice, don't you? wink
We can have some little 8bit related presents as prizes, and, due to the heterogeneous nature of the compo, we could set up a very original compo system ("most complete product", "best missed chance", and so on...)

Hey you'd thought that stuff you stored and forgot had to be hide forever, and I'm telling you:"Maybe not". Fantastic, isn't it? happy
Jazzmacx Tas Takeover Plus/4 - Beginning 2008 with shameless
Let's wait for some feedback then...

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