Description | Controls:
1-0 | Select song | +/- | Adjust volume | C | Toggle channels | F | Fast forward (at 4x speed) | L | Toggle loop on/off | M | Toggle menu (once menu is active, use cursor + space) | P | Pause music | S | Toggle shuffle on/off | T | Toggle timer display on/off | W | Toggle scroll | X | Toggle screen |
Author's comments: This was originally intended to be included on the game's disk, but due to size issues (the digi data compresses poorly) it did not fit.
A few comments about the songs: this is the 3rd version of the iconic (8 minute!) intro song. The original is 4 channels (3 SID + 1 digi). The first version was made by Coby (called Turbo Outrun Demo), it's TED + digi, but it's badly out of tune, a difficult listen. The second was made by TLC (called Outrun), which is great in my opinion, very close to the original. Perhaps one point of criticism might be that the digi volume is a bit too soft compared to the other channels. I suggested to TCFS that we shouldn't reinvent the wheel, but after some convincing, I gave it a shot, and created my TED + digi conversion. It was not an easy task, and I think I learned some more valuable insights to TED + digi playback. Thanks to David360 for helping me confirm the correct frequency tuning! I hope you will like the end result :-)
The in-game tunes are mostly covers of the C64 version, though several of them are either straight from the SEGA soundtrack, or include additional parts from that soundtrack.
Thanks to gerliczer, Murphy, Rachy, TCFS and Unreal for testing and ideas! Finally, special heartfelt thanks to Luca for his enthusiastic testing, comments and ideas; even if only one person will truly enjoy this music box it will have been worth it :-)