Once Luca and Darron Broad had met via email in 2007, they did start a cooperation work in order to develop an improved version of the game. The original author of the game had preserved all the tools, sources and materials from his C16 era, hence, working on the same level editor of the time, the forthcoming 64k version would just need additional levels and some touches here and there, like a title tune and picture.
Originally, it would have been thought as a 7 levels version, with a proper music. Unfortunately, the project had been hit by several stop-then-restart episodes, pushing the whole work to the end of 2010. On that time, 2 new levels were ready, and the main theme from Adventures In Time game was temporary used in order to test the new code with a proper memory located file. What follows is the memory map as expected to be in the very end:
; $1000 .. $101f sys dec("1020") ; $1020 .. $33ff code ; $3400 .. $37ff game graphics (bitmaps) ; $3800 .. $3fff game graphics (charsets) ; $4000 .. $41ff previous score + new variables ; $4200 .. $43ff title graphics (CBASE=$4000, GRAPHICS @$4200) ; $4400 .. $53ff level 1 data ; $5400 .. $63ff level 2 data ; $6400 .. $73ff level 3 data ; $7400 .. $83ff level 4 data ; $8400 .. $93ff level 5 data ; $9400 .. $a3ff level 6 data ; $a400 .. $b3ff level 7 data ; $b400 .. $b7ff congratulations screen ; $b800 .. $bfff title graphic colors ; $c000 .. $df3f title graphic bitmap ; $e000 .. $fcff title tune and congratulations jingle
In the end of 2010, an abiding stop has put to sleep the whole work, till 2016, when someone noticed that the very last beta of the game has been published by Darron with a dedicated page from his personal net domain. After this, Luca has contacted him again in order to ask him about accomplish the whole project as expected by the original plan, Darren didn't say no, but he would have preferred to spend his renewal efforts on Taskforce instead, and think about completing a Tomcat +4 on a farer time.