Level 9 Computing Adventures
Snowball | Red Moon | Erik The Viking | Knight Orc | Gnome Ranger | [ Time And Magik ] | Lancelot | Ingrid's Back | Scapeghost

Time And Magik
Title:Time And Magik
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (2 sides)
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
 Play Online!
Converted by:Csabo
Credited (Additional code by):Pigmy
Notes:Original by Level 9. A trilogy of games: Lords of Time, Red Moon and The Price of Magik.
  External links:
    C64 release
    ZX Spectrum release

User Rating: 9.5/10 (4 votes)
Time And Magik Title Screenshot

Time And Magik Screenshot

News: Zzap! 8/93 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 28

It is a game collection which has 3 games on two disk sides. The side A contains game programs of the collection, the side B contains only pictures for all games. When you are using only one disk drive to the machine, after loading the game you have choosen with keys 1-3, switch to game disk side B to view pictures during the game.

There are some special activities in the game with system words:
- PICTURE (or GRAPHIC) to switch text combined picture mode
- WORDS (or TEXT) to switch text mode
- BRIEF/VERBOSE to control the length of text description of the location
- EXITS to see exits of the location
- EXITS ON/OFF to show/hide exits at the location
- INVENTORY to list items you have
- LOAD to restore a previously saved position from disk
- SAVE to save the current position to disk
- RAM SAVE/LOAD to save/restore current position to/from memory
- SCORE to see your performance
- UNDO to take one move back
- QUIT to stop and restart the game

You can switch between modes in the game anytime. You can modify the size of the picture on the screen with UP and DOWN cursor keys as well.

Solutions - Complete
Here is the complete solution by MCG:

1. Lords Of Time Walkthrough:

You are sitting in the comfort of your own home, debugging your latest program, when suddenly there is a blinding flash...
At the start you are in your own living room and your score is 0 out of 1000.

EXAMINE PICTURE (It comes to life and Father Time explains your quest.)
N (In a large, cold looking room.)
EXAMINE CLOCK (Perhaps you should wind it.)
WIND CLOCK (The door opens.)
IN (You enter the time machine.)

TURN COG 1 (To proceed to Zone 1)
SWING PENDULUM (The door swings open.)
N (At the end of a gravel drive which bends to the southwest.)

Zone 1: The Present

W (On a winding gravel drive whose edges are planted with lavender bushes.)
W (Outside a delightful half-timbered country cottage.)
OPEN DOOR (The door swings open.)
W (In a bright hallway at the foot of a carpeted stairway.)
UP (On the dim landing at the top of the stairs.)
N (In a cramped store-room.)
WEAR RUCKSACK (This increases your carrying capacity.)
EXAMINE RUBBISH (To get an opener.)
S (On the dim landing at the top of the stairs.)
W (In a plushly carpeted master bedroom.)
TAKE CASE (Score 50)
E (On the dim landing at the top of the stairs.)
DOWN (In a bright hallway at the foot of a carpeted stairway.)
E (Outside a delightful half-timbered country cottage.)
E (On a winding gravel drive whose edges are planted with lavender bushes.)
E (At the end of a gravel drive which bends to the southwest.)
N (At a crossing of country roads.)
N (By some roadworks where the road ends.)
s (At a crossing of country roads.)
S (At the end of a gravel drive which bends to the southwest.)
W (On a winding gravel drive whose edges are planted with lavender bushes.)
W (Outside a delightful half-timbered country cottage.)
W (In a bright hallway at the foot of a carpeted stairway.)
S (In a lovely old-fashioned kitchen.)
OPEN CUPBOARD (To get a tin of catfood.)
W (In the living room.)
W (On a patio.)
NW (In the flower garden.)
SE (On a patio.)
W (At the end of the garden beside a five foot fence, covered in ivy.)
UP (Beside a fence on the east bank of a wide, dirty stream clogged with crisp packets and MacRonalds boxes.)
S (Beside the polluted stream.)
WAVE VALERIAN (The willow tree explains why it wants to die in fact it MUST be chopped down to retrieve a treasure.)
N (Beside a fence on the east bank of a wide, dirty stream clogged with crisp packets and MacRonalds boxes.)
N (Further upstream where the filthy stream is quite narrow.)
TIE PLANKS TOGETHER (Making a longer plank.)
DROP PLANK (A bridge is formed across the stream.)
W (West of the Stream.)
GIVE GLASS (To get a carved lodestone, score 100)
ACROSS (Further upstream where the filthy stream is quite narrow.)
S (Beside a fence on the east bank of a wide, dirty stream clogged with crisp packets and MacRonalds boxes.)
UP (At the end of the garden beside a five foot fence, covered in ivy.)
E (On a patio.)
SW (Outside a garden shed whose timbers are pungent with sun-warmed creosote.)
WAVE LODESTONE (To get a bunch of keys)
IN (In a cluttered garden shed.)
OUT (Outside a garden shed whose timbers are pungent with sun-warmed creosote.)
NE (On a patio.)
W (At the end of the garden beside a five foot fence, covered in ivy.)
UP (Beside a fence on the east bank of a wide, dirty stream clogged with crisp packets and MacRonalds boxes.)
S (Beside the polluted stream.)
N (Beside a fence on the east bank of a wide, dirty stream clogged with crisp packets and MacRonalds boxes.)
UP (At the end of the garden beside a five foot fence, covered in ivy.)
E (On a patio.)
SW (Outside a garden shed whose timbers are pungent with sun-warmed creosote.)
E (At a red-painted garden gate which opens onto a paved path leading east.)
E (On a paved path which leads east-west beside the garden.)
EXAMINE COMPOST (A silver coin found, but you cannot take it yet.)
EXAMINE COMPOST (Found a mushroom ring, it is used to summon the Tooth Fairy, later.)
E (In a carport with an examination pit sunk into the floor.)
EXAMINE PORSCHE (To get a gallon petrol can)
DOWN (Now you are back inside the clock.)
SCORE (150/1000)

TURN COG 2 (To proceed to Zone 2)
SWING PENDULUM (The door swings open.)
N (Standing on splintered ice in a deep valley.)

Zone 2: The Ice Age

N (Walking unsteadily across a slippery ice sheet.)
N (On translucent, glitteringly smooth ice.)
N (At the edge of the ice.)
LIGHT PETROL (WHOOSH! The petrol burns away and the mammoth is frightened and gallops off.)
TAKE TUSK (Score 200)
E (Where a rocky track leads up the mountain.)
UP (Laboriously climbing the snow-covered mountain, your fingers and toes numb with cold.)
UP (In an armchair-shaped hollow on the mountainside, below a cave with a ledge running outside its mouth.)
UP (On a ledge outside an odoriferous cave, whose smell fairly leaps out to meet you. A hungry sabre-tooth tiger is here with toothache.)
TAKE TOOTH (The tiger trots happily away.)
IN (In a huge subterranean chamber, its limits out of sight in the surrounding darkness.)
S (In the freezing cave, where ice crusts the walls, glittering like diamonds.)
N (In a huge subterranean chamber, its limits out of sight in the surrounding darkness.)
E (At a junction.)
E (In a silver fox lair, its floor strewn with black-tipped hairs. A silver fox is here.)
E (In the silver-veined cave, its dark walls shot with veins of the purest silver.)
S (In the hidden silver vault, a large cube carved out of living rock by long-dead hands.)
N (In the silver-veined cave, its dark walls shot with veins of the purest silver.)
W (In a silver fox lair, its floor strewn with black-tipped hairs.)
S (In the frozen forest, amid tall, snow-laden trees.)
DROP ICICLE (The super-cold lake water freezes around it.)
NW (In an intricate alpine garden.)
NW (In a miniature throne room.)
BREAK CUBE (The Snow Queen is freed and gives you a sword.)
S (Beside a glinting ice tunnel, whose translucent walls refract a pallid fire.)
IN (A little way onto an ice tunnel.)
W (Further along a dim ice tunnel, like a forgotten echo of former fires.)
DOWN (Deep in a dark ice tunnel, with a passage leading downwards.)
DOWN (Back inside the clock.)
SCORE (225/1000)

TURN COG 1 (To return to Zone 1)
N (At the end of a gravel drive which bends to the southwest.)

Zone 1: The Present (2nd visit)

W (On a winding gravel drive whose edges are planted with lavender bushes.)
W (Outside a delightful half-timbered country cottage.)
OPEN DOOR (The door swings open.)
W (In a bright hallway at the foot of a carpeted stairway.)
W (In the living room.)
W (On a patio.)
SW (Outside a garden shed whose timbers are pungent with sun-warmed creosote.)
E (At a red-painted garden gate which opens onto a paved path leading east.)
E (On a paved path which leads east-west beside the garden.)
LOOK (The Tooth Fairy appears.)
GIVE TOOTH (The Tooth Fairy offers one silver coin in return.)
NO (The Tooth Fairy increases her offer to include a firefly.)
E (In a carport with an examination pit sunk into the floor.)
DOWN (Back inside the clock.)
SCORE (225/1000)

TURN COG 3 (To proceed to Zone 3)
N (Standing below a small hill rising from a lush green grassy valley.)

Zone 3: The Stone Age

W (West of the hill.)
W (On the prairie, and a small breeze chases ripples hither and thiter among the tall grass. An Allosaurus is here.)
E (West of the hill. The Allosaurus follows you.)
E (Standing below a small hill rising from a lush green grassy valley.)
E (West of the waterhole.)
E (By a pool of muddy water. The Allosaurus fights with the Tyranosaurus Rex and leaves you alone.)
W (West of the waterhole.)
W (Standing below a small hill rising from a lush green grassy valley.)
W (West of the hill.)
W (On the prairie, and a small breeze chases ripples hither and thiter among the tall grass. An Allosaurus is here.)
W (In a deep pit, presumably an animal trap.)
WAVE LEAVES (The Brontosaurus grabs the leaves and lifts you out of the pit.)
E (The Brontosaurus blocks the way.)
WAVE MIRROR (The air shimmers. It is a magic mirror and the Brontosaurus is sucked into it.)
E (Climbing a well-worn path, its dusty surface rutted by the passage of many feet.)
UP (On a wide ledge outside a warm cave, high up on the hillside.)
IN (In a large dry cave, warmed by a blazing fire and clouded by billowing smoke.)
DROP MIRROR (It smashes and the Brontosaurus emerges from the broken glass to chase off the cavemen.)
N (In a store cave, filled with roughly-cured hides, deers' antlers and nodules of unworked flint.)
TAKE EGG (Score 275)
N (In the handicraft cave.)
TAKE POT (Score 300)
N (In the junk-strewn pebble and shell room where the cave people make cheap gifts for barter with travellers.)
E (In the smallest cave.)
SE (In the stone age armoury, stacked with an impressive array of stone axes, spears and knives.)
E (In the trophy cave.)
E (In the treasure vault, an echoing limestone chamber.)
W (In the trophy cave.)
SE (Crossing a rickety wooden bridge over an exceedingly deep crevasse. You see a caveman dragging a cavewoman by her hair.)
THROW CLUB (Is knocks the caveman off the bridge and the rescued woman gives you a gold nugget.)
S (In the invention room.)
SAY EUREKA (The door swings open.)
IN (In the invention alcove, you see a sign spelling "JWAAMTETS (5,4)", unscramble the letters to spell "JAMES WATT")
SAY JAMES WATT (The door swings open.)
IN (In a small recess which sounds hollow underfoot.)
TAKE WHEEL (Score 350)
DOWN (Back inside the clock.)
SCORE (350/1000)

TURN COG 4 (To proceed to Zone 4)
N (On a beach in a small bay surrounded by overhanging cliffs.)

Zone 4: The Viking Era

N (At the edge of the sea where little wavelets ripple on the sand, and the seagulls mewl. A viking guard is here.)
GIVE COAT (To get a lur.)
S (On a beach in a small bay surrounded by overhanging cliffs.)
SE (Between the sea and towering cliffs.)
E (In an empty cave.)
E (In an old, dry cave floored with very soft earth.)
DIG (In a hole.)
DIG (To get a scrap of parchment)
W (In an empty cave.)
READ PARCHMENT (It is a verse giving advice on your next moves.)
SW (In a low cave smelling of seaweed, and still, salty air.)
W (Along a sloping east-west passage.)
W (Further along the damp passage, beside the entrance to a small cave.)
W (In a hands and knees crawl.)
W (At a junction between the tunnel and a vertical fissure.)
UP (In a tight fissure, sharp rocks pressing into your chest and back.)
UP (Above the hole, in a cave which shows signs of habitation: the ashes from a recent fire smoulder acridly.)
DROP LUR (To prevent Pirate Pete from stealing it)
E (In the pirate's hideout, a filthy tip of a place that smells of rotting shellfish.)
OPEN CHEST (Pirate Pete leaps out and steals one of your possessions)
W (Above the hole, in a cave which shows signs of habitation: the ashes from a recent fire smoulder acridly.)
E (In the pirate's hideout, a filthy tip of a place that smells of rotting shellfish. Pirate Pete leaps out and steals something else but rarely the lur.)
PLAY LUR (The vikings arrive and drag Pete off and they give you an olive branch as a reward. Score 400)
IN CHEST (In the large, empty chest. Here you find all objects which was stolen by Pete previously.)
TAKE (whatever has been stolen from you)
PULL HANDLE (The floor slides away and you are back inside the clock.)
SCORE (400/1000)

TURN COG 5 (To proceed to Zone 5)
N (At the end of a road leading north.)

Zone 5: The Tudor Era

N (At a bend in the walled road.)
EXAMINE MILESTONE (It says, "Hope Village", this is the 'Hope' that you will be asked to abandon in Zone 9!)
E (On the road, which now cuts across a small village green. To the north is a little mediaeval ale-house.)
IN (In the bar - not at all the sort of place you usually frequent.)
TAKE ALE (The bartender tells you that you have to pay for it.)
OUT (On the road, which now cuts across a small village green. To the north is a little mediaeval ale-house.)
E (On a cobbled street leading past a dense copse to a splendid grey stone castle in the east.)
E (In the cobbled square west of the castle.)
E (In front of the imposing castle entrance. A thirsty messenger of the King is here.)
GIVE ALE (To get some delicious food)
EXAMINE FOOD (a Black spiced bread)
W (In the cobbled square west of the castle.)
W (On a cobbled street leading past a dense copse to a splendid grey stone castle in the east.)
N (In the copse, which has been invaded by tangled masses of rhododendron.)
E (Deep in the copse.)
E (In the copse, struggling through the tangled undergrowth, your hands scratched and bleeding. A dragon is here.)
GIVE FOOD (The dragon eats it and asks if you want a ride on its back.)
YES (The dragon flies over the moat with you and landing on the south bank of the moat.)
TAKE WING (Score 450)
KISS FROG (The frog turns into a handsome prince who will follow you now.)
S (At the castle entrance, between two tall battle-scarred towers.)
IN (In the courtyard within the castle walls.)
SE (In a small stone room at the Keep entrance.)
W (In the armoury, a long, high-ceilinged room with a stone flagged floor.)
S (In the rush-strewn Great Hall. The Black Knight is here.)
W (The Black Knight draws his sword.)
W (The Black Knight attacks you bet the Prince springs to your defence and kills him, then removes his body.)
W (Above a narrow flight of stairs, shrouded in darkness.)
DOWN (Descending the steep stairs, which shine with moisture.)
DOWN (In the dungeons, which are dismal, dank and depressing.)
DIG (In a hole.)
DIG (to find and get a jewelled coffer. Score 475)
DIG (Back inside the clock.)
SCORE (475/1000)

TURN COG 6 (To proceed to Zone 6)
N (In the entrance porch of an impressive country house with exposed oak beams.)

Zone 6: The Mediaeval Era

N (In a u-shaped hallway with doors to east and west.)
W (At the north end of the banqueting hall, on a raised dais.)
S (At the south end of the hall where dust motes dance in the sunbeams.)
TAKE HORN (Score 500)
N (At the north end of the banqueting hall, on a raised dais.)
E (In a u-shaped hallway with doors to east and west.)
E (At the north end of a long room used for relaxation.)
S (At the south end of the long room, between two tables.)
SHUFFLE CARDS (To get the joker of the pack)
RING BELL (A jester appears)
GIVE JOKER (To get and wear the jester's cap, Score 550)
N (At the north end of a long room used for relaxation.)
W (In a u-shaped hallway with doors to east and west.)
UP (At the top of the stairway, in the minstrel's gallery.)
UP (Climbing the short stairs. You notice that the panels here are hollow, but you cannot do anything about it yet.)
N (In the middle of a long east-west portrait gallery.)
W (At the west end of the portrait gallery.)
S (In a bedroom with a four poster bed hung with crimson draperies.)
TAKE RUG (Score 575)
S (In the bedroom of the master of the house. You see that hunting dogs bark and are likely to awaken the owners.)
GIVE SWEETMEATS (The dogs eat them and sleep it off.)
EXAMINE OTTOMAN (To get a jewelled crown, Score 600)
N (In a bedroom with a four poster bed hung with crimson draperies.)
N (At the west end of the portrait gallery.)
E (In the middle of a long east-west portrait gallery.)
E (At the east end of the long gallery.)
S (In a bedroom, hung about with lavender, and with pretty chintz curtains.)
S (In the music room.)
TAKE LUTE (Score 625)
PLAY LUTE (You hear ghostly footsteps plod dismally up to the short stairs and fade away.)
N (In a bedroom, hung about with lavender, and with pretty chintz curtains.)
N (At the east end of the long gallery.)
W (In the middle of a long east-west portrait gallery.)
S (Climbing the short stairs.)
PLAY LUTE (A panel moves revealing a secret door.)
E (Now you have entered in a hedge maze.)
SE (In the middle of the maze. A well is here with Water of Strength.)
IN (Down the well, within reach of the water.)
DRINK WATER (This makes you strong enough to remove the grate in the Roman Bath later.)
N (Back inside the clock)
SCORE (625/1000)

TURN COG 7 (To proceed to Zone 7)
N (On a starlit plain which stretches for many miles.)

Zone 7: The Future

W (At a walkway junction.)
W (At the Intergalactic Bureau-de-Change.)
GIVE COIN (To get a galactic groat, which will buy you a Day Pass at the Sports Arena)
E (At a walkway junction.)
N (At the foot of the Milky Way, a long sparkling pathway which soars upwards into space.)
UP (Halfway up the Milky Way and the star-fields glimmer all around you.)
UP (At the top of the Milky Way, amid a sea of brightly twinkling stars.)
WEAR GAUNTLET (Because the fallling star is white-hot.)
TAKE STAR (Score 650)
DOWN (Halfway up the Milky Way and the star-fields glimmer all around you.)
DOWN (At the foot of the Milky Way, a long sparkling pathway which soars upwards into space.)
S (At a walkway junction.)
E (On a starlit plain which stretches for many miles.)
E (At a walkway junction on the grey plain.)
N (At the end of the north walkway.)
N (Perched on a floating metal platform, suspended in mid-air.)
N (Inside the starship.)
W (In a space swimming pool. You instantly cool the white hot star before it burns through your gauntlet.)
TAKE EMERALD (Score 675)
E (Inside the starship.)
N (In a green sleep room which would be really cozy if you were a tapeworm.)
S (Inside the starship.)
S (Perched on a floating metal platform, suspended in mid-air.)
S (At the end of the north walkway.)
S (At a walkway junction on the grey plain.)
E (On the edge of a wide crater.)
DOWN (In a dull, lifeless crater. The mattress breaks your fall.)
S (In a long room.)
E (In the alcove room.)
W (In a long room.)
S (In a cubicle with metal walls.)
W (In a room with no roof.)
TAKE PHIAL (Score 700, note do not drop this item anywhere as it will shatter.)
FIRE ROCKET (Outside a sports and aerobics arena, designed for low-grav manoeuvres.)
N (You are stopped by the guard.)
N (In the fencing hall.)
E (In a robot repair shop, surrounded by all kinds of electrical and solid-state junk.)
EXAMINE WORKBENCH (To get a delicate little screwdriver)
W (In the fencing hall. You see some broken robots but don't touch them yet.)
S (Outside a sports and aerobics arena, designed for low-grav manoeuvres.)
IN (Beside a deep tropical pool with clear blue water and exotic plastic plants.)
DOWN (In a dark, dingy hole between a ladder and a low tunnel.)
TAKE RUBY (Score 725)
UP (Beside a deep tropical pool with clear blue water and exotic plastic plants.)
OUT (Outside a sports and aerobics arena, designed for low-grav manoeuvres.)
N (In the fencing hall.)
EXAMINE ROBOT (To get a silicon chip, Score 775)
S (Outside a sports and aerobics arena, designed for low-grav manoeuvres.)
IN (Beside a deep tropical pool with clear blue water and exotic plastic plants.)
DOWN (In a dark, dingy hole between a ladder and a low tunnel.)
DOWN (Back inside the clock)
SCORE (775/1000)

TURN COG 8 (To proceed to Zone 8)
N (On a road leading north through the gates of a Roman city.)

Zone 8: The Roman Era

N (Just inside the gates, at a junction.)
W (On the steps of a small temple.)
IN (Inside the temple, which contains shrines to many gods.)
PRAY (The god Mercury sppears and gives you a pair of winged sandals.)
OUT (On the steps of a small temple.)
E (Just inside the gates, at a junction.)
N (On a long straight road north of the gatehouse.)
N (In the forum: an open courtyard surrounded by buildings.)
N (In the deserted treasury.)
TAKE BUCKLE (A gladiator steals the buckle and runs south to the arena.)
S (In the forum: an open courtyard surrounded by buildings.)
S (On a long straight road north of the gatehouse.)
S (Just inside the gates, at a junction.)
NE (At a road junction.)
E (In a spartan barracks, beside an iron-bound locker.)
IN (Inside the locker where soldiers store their weapons.)
OUT (In a spartan barracks, beside an iron-bound locker.)
W (At a road junction.)
SW (Just inside the gates, at a junction.)
S (On a road leading north through the gates of a Roman city.)
S (Outside the north entrance of an amphitheatre.)
IN (In the arena of the amphitheatre, surrounded by an immense cheering crowd.)
THROW NET (It entangles the lion.)
THROW TRIDENT (It pins the net in place holding the lion securely.)
TAKE BUCKLE (Score 825)
OUT (Outside the north entrance of an amphitheatre.)
E (On a road leading north through the gates of a Roman city.)
N (Just inside the gates, at a junction.)
NE (At a road junction.)
NE (In the south end of the caldarium.)
NE (Beside a stone dolphin which pours out cold water.)
S (In the hot baths where, through the drifting steam.)
S (In the hypocaust.)
S (In the hypocaust. You are getting too hot.)
W (In the hypocaust.)
W (In the hypocaust.)
S (Back inside the clock)
(You should now collect the eight ingredients gathered so far for the final zone.)
SCORE (825/1000)

TURN COG 9 (To proceed to Zone 9)
N (In a fair field full of flowers.)

Zone 9: The Far Future

S (In front of an ugly arch. You see a notice which reads "Abandon hope all ye who enter here".)
DROP MILESTONE (Father Time appears and says "Do not be afraid! What you are about to see is the future if the Timelord win. There is still time to defeat them." The door swings open. Score 850)
S (In the Ruined Land.)
S (Amid the smoking ruins of a small village.)
S (On the brink of a deep crack, which plunges into daarkness.)
DOWN (At the bottom of a deep, earthy pit.)
W (In a stifling maze of decayed earthy passages, their walls pallid with mould.)
S (In a putrescent chamber that glows faintly with a sicky light.)
DIG (In a hole. You see a brown bottle poking out of the earth.)
TAKE BOTTLE (It contains poison. You cannot wait, because here is a scorpion and it will attack you.)
N (In a stifling maze of decayed earthy passages, their walls pallid with mould.)
E (At the bottom of a deep, earthy pit.)
S (In a square white room, some sort of experimental laboratory.)
UNLOCK CAGE (Animals bound away.)
S (In a worse laboratory, dirty, as well as smelly.)
UNLOCK BARS (The people are free and hurry away, handling you a reward. It is a tightly-closed box with the evil eye and it is the final ingredient needed to complete your quest. Score 950)
E (At a junction between foul passages.)
E (In a room full of strange plants which grab at you.)
IN (Inside the plant.)
DOWN (Climbing down a sticky tube, lined with hairs.)
DOWN (inside the tangled roots of the giant plant. The plant is digesting you.)
DROP BOTTLE (It smashes and releases liquid paraquat which kills the plant.)
E (In a low, earthy tunnel.)
E (At the end of the earthy tunnel.)
UP (Climbing steep, treacherous stairs.)
UP (Squeezing your way up the narrow stairs, between jagged, constricting walls.)
UP (At the top of the stairs.)
TAKE CLOAK (Score 975)
WEAR CLOAK (It renders you invisible.)
UP (Under a long table. Seated round it are nine Time Lords.)
UP (Standing behind the Evil Timelords as they discuss their wicked plans.)
(Now you have only two moves in the mists of time so throw just two ingredients separately into the cast iron cauldron.)
E (Lost in the mists of time. You can see a cast-iron cauldron.)
W (Standing behind the Evil Timelords as they discuss their wicked plans.)
E (Lost in the mists of time. You can see a cast-iron cauldron.)
W (Standing behind the Evil Timelords as they discuss their wicked plans.)
E (Lost in the mists of time. You can see a cast-iron cauldron.)
W (Standing behind the Evil Timelords as they discuss their wicked plans.)
E (Lost in the mists of time. You can see a cast-iron cauldron.)
W (Standing behind the Evil Timelords as they discuss their wicked plans.)
E (Lost in the mists of time. You can see a cast-iron cauldron.)
THROW BOX (Score 1000)

The Recipe is complete! Your surroundings fade away as the structure of time is repaired.
You have won! Your score 1000 out of 1000.

2. Red Moon Walkthrough:

In the parallel realm of Baskalos, the arcane arts mirror our technology. At the time when the Red Moon crystal was the sole active source of magik, its theft was a potential disaster for the history of both worlds. You must recover it...

At start you are on a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun. Your score is 50/1000 and you are a whingeing Nacod. You have 50 hit points left.

DIG (You find and get a crown. Score 100)
N (On a steep rock slide which tumbles down in a river of shattered rock from the soaring precipices above.)
NW (On a stony path across dry cinders and ashes, which puff into the air and swirl lazily around your ankles.)
NW (On a rocky path up a volcano peak, zigzagging between leaning pillars of jagged lava.)
NW (On a crater rim towering high above the landscape.)
N (In a volcano crater covered by shattered black rocks.)
S (On a crater rim towering high above the landscape.)
SE (On a rocky path up a volcano peak, zigzagging between leaning pillars of jagged lava.)
W (On a crumbling edge of a sheer cliff on the west flank of the volcano.)
E (On a rocky path up a volcano peak, zigzagging between leaning pillars of jagged lava.)
SE (On a stony path across dry cinders and ashes, which puff into the air and swirl lazily around your ankles.)
W (On a volcanic outcrop beside an array of tiny slits in the ground.)
W (On a bank of a bubbling lava river, watching the glowing rock ooze downhill.)
S (On a dry plain of volcanic ash, and rust streaks the cinders beneath your feet.)
TAKE HORSESHOE (It is a magnet in real.)
SE (On a wide, flat grassy plain, dotted here and there with clumps of blueberry and heather, and crisscrossed with little meandering sheep tracks.)
E (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
EXAMINE LAMP (It is archaic, around its sides is written ancient text, which means: to cast a spell you need its focus, usage: CAST . Furthermore many magical casting are described.)
SCORE (100/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
S (In a small copse of ash trees, their keys hanging in limp clusters that rattle dully in the breeze.)
E (In a forest.)
N (In a tree clump beside a great lake whose surface glimmers with limpid lights.)
N (In a lakeside folly in the form of a ruined Lunar temple. A square hole and some bushes are here.)
EXAMINE BUSHES (You found a handle and a key.)
INSERT HANDLE (It fits into the hole perfectly.)
TURN HANDLE (The handle opens sluices to drain the lake.)
N (On a dry lake bed where the muddy bottom has solidified and cracked into uneven plates.)
EXAMINE FUNGUS (You found a pearl. Score 150)
N (In a forbidding castle entrance, a great archway through the granite walls of castle Cakabol.)
E (It's dark.)
LIGHT LAMP (You can see now. You are in a grand entrance hall.)
N (In a grain store. An enormous Rat is here.)
BURY RAT (Score 200)
N (In a side alcove.)
E (In a west alcove of the Great Hall where the mistrels would wait for the Castellan's summons.)
E (In a central area of the Great Hall, a vast room, some 120 metres long, panelled and beamed with golden oak-wood, blackened with the smoke from the central firepit.)
E (In a far east alcove of the Great Hall where little remains of its former glory.)
DOWN (In a room of manacles, a small, windowless cell whose clammy stone walls reflect a cold hostility.)
E (In a T-junction with an arched doorway to the east and a dismal entrance to the west.)
S (In a torchlit corridor, winding from norht th south.)
S (In a dimly-lit room. Sog the Newtling is here.)
E (In a rough-cut crawl, better suited for dachshunds than people.)
S (In a long, low room filled with odds and ends of old toys.)
S (In a south alcove of a long, low room.)
S (In a small alcove with a human skeleton chained to the wall in one corner.)
W (In a dark corridor that runs from north to south.)
S (In a semi-circular room, home to a host of woodlice.)
W (In a small, high room.)
SW (In a vast, lamplit circular room, almost a hundred metres across, the high roof could only be supported by magik.)
NW (In a walk-in wardrobe, where a squadron of mots have made their home. Bracers and a linen shirt are here.)
WEAR BRACERS (You feel stronger, but find you can't take them off again!)
SE (In a vast, lamplit circular room, almost a hundred metres across, the high roof could only be supported by magik.)
SW (On a precarious platform, high up on the wall of the circular room.)
SW (In a stone stairway, slippery with moss and green algae.)
W (In a blocked well from which issues a foul smell of decay. Some iron coins and a grating are here.)
WAVE HORSESHOE (The magnet attracts the coins, you get them. Score 250 and you are a beginner.)
E (In a stone stairway, slippery with moss and green algae.)
NE (On a precarious platform, high up on the wall of the circular room.)
NE (In a vast, lamplit circular room, almost a hundred metres across, the high roof could only be supported by magik.)
N (In a long, cramped corridor.)
N (In a bone room where the followers of Litter Muurdox left the Moon worshippers when they had finished with them.)
E (In a u-shaped tunnel, dark and evil.)
NW (In winding tunnel lit by solitary torch. Bletch the Scorpion man is here.)
N (In a wood-panelled library, a quiet, sunlit room, filled with the peaceful atmosphere that comes to such places after long and tranquil years. A scroll is here.)
TAKE SCROLL (A Spell for Chasms)
E (In a straw-strewn room, where the presence of large, striped linen bags and reels of cotton suggest that mattresses were made.)
S (In a hospital chamber with herbs and potions in wall cabinets.)
N (In a straw-strewn room, where the presence of large, striped linen bags and reels of cotton suggest that mattresses were made.)
W (In a wood-panelled library, a quiet, sunlit room, filled with the peaceful atmosphere that comes to such places after long and tranquil years.)
N (In a store vault: really an enormous pantry. Some meat is here.)
W (In a castle kitchen.)
S (In a cold junction between three passages.)
NW (In a basement with oak walls, once the servants' hall, where they would take their meals when the work was done, having saved the best food, as always, for themselves.)
W (In a grand entrance hall.)
W (In a forbidding castle entrance, a great archway through the granite walls of castle Cakabol.)
SW (In wide gateway in the wall of castle Cakabol.)
KEY (The gate creaks open and the key falls away, disintegrating in a shower of rusty flakes.)
SW (On a junction of several sheep tracks.)
S (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
W (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
W (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
SCORE (250/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
W (On a wide, flat grassy plain, dotted here and there with clumps of blueberry and heather, and crisscrossed with little meandering sheep tracks.)
S (On a plain of grass beside a marble tower, a near-cylinder of polished white rock: ten meters wide at the base and narrowing subtly near the top. You find letters "Xiiz" carved in a tower.)
SAY HUMAK (You hear a bolt slide back with a dull "thunk". You have 49 hit points left.)
IN (In a marble tower.)
TAKE BOOK (Score 300 and you are a real adventurer.)
READ BOOK (It is the Codex Oedipus, on the first page is written, "Obis to open and Ollabin for dust".)
DOWN (In a steep sairway, its marble steps polished and treacherous.)
DOWN (In a landing. Xiiz the wizard is here, and he demands a treasure to let you pass.)
GIVE BOOK (Grudgingly, Xiiz accepts your payment. Score 250 and you are a beginner.)
DOWN (In a bronze stairway, its cold steps covered with a narrow blue-patterned carpet grown threadbare and faded.)
S (In a bronze stairway with cold metal banisters.)
SE (In a tiny passage.)
SW (In a tiny passage.)
TAKE MEDALLION (Score 300 and you are a real adventurer.)
NE (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a bronze stairway with cold metal banisters.)
N (In a bronze stairway, its cold steps covered with a narrow blue-patterned carpet grown threadbare and faded.)
UP (In a landing.)
UP (In a steep sairway, its marble steps polished and treacherous.)
UP (In a marble tower.)
SAY HUMAK (You have 48 hit points left.)
OUT (On a plain of grass beside a marble tower, a near-cylinder of polished white rock: ten meters wide at the base and narrowing subtly near the top.)
N (On a wide, flat grassy plain, dotted here and there with clumps of blueberry and heather, and crisscrossed with little meandering sheep tracks.)
E (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
SAY SATARH (A book appears with a strong smell of garlic. You have 47 hit points left. Score 350)
SCORE (350/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
DOWN (In a small entrance cavern with a rough floor littered with chunks of rock.)
SE (In a webby junction festooned with the efforts of an army of spiders.)
S (In a low crawl with sharp, protruding rocks hanging from the ceiling and impeding movement.)
E (In a dormitory cavern where grimy sleeping furs lie scattered haphazardly on the floor.)
E (In a secret bedroom.)
SE (In a long stairway which stretches away into darkness, its steps slick with damp and slime. A mushroom is here.)
NW (In a secret bedroom.)
W (In a dormitory cavern where grimy sleeping furs lie scattered haphazardly on the floor.)
W (In a giant forge where a mighty fire burns white-hot, its heat fanned by rushing air. A hot sword is here.)
WEAR GLOVES (The sword is too hot, and you drop it immediately without wearing leather gloves.)
SE (In a secret canyon where gentle breezes blow, calling forth phantom voices from the hidden depths.)
S (In a windy cave where mysterious breezes waft from hidden shafts. A flask is here.)
TAKE FLASK (It is half full.)
N (In a secret canyon where gentle breezes blow, calling forth phantom voices from the hidden depths.)
NW (In a giant forge where a mighty fire burns white-hot, its heat fanned by rushing air.)
W (In a corridor of arches.)
S (In a dusty cave, lined with shelves: its floor, and every bare surface, covered with chaff from the cave beyond.)
S (In a windy store room where the breeze soughs among the high stone beams, fluttering the tarpaulin-covered boxes and scattering clouds of dust and chaff, which tumble across the floor like miniature sandstorms. A hill of beans is here.)
EXAMINE BEANS (There's a trapdoor hidden beneath the beans!)
DOWN (In a dusty store room, its shelves broken and empty.)
S (In a polished tunnel whose curved sides glisten black, like the scales of a brittle insect.)
S (In a tube room. Some tubing is here.)
N (In a polished tunnel whose curved sides glisten black, like the scales of a brittle insect.)
NE (In a complex junction.)
SE (In a treasure vault which is almost, but not quite, completely empty. A safe with a dial is here.)
EXAMINE SAFE (The safe is very tightly shut and has a large black dial.)
TURN DIAL (You hear the whisper of a closing catch.)
TURN SAFE (The back of the safe is missing! A box is here.)
TAKE BOX (It has a loose lid and has a poisonous gas in. Do not open yet!)
SW (In a guardian cave. The Guardian is here.)
NW (In a polished tunnel whose curved sides glisten black, like the scales of a brittle insect.)
NE (In a complex junction.)
E (In a carpeted hallway.)
NE (In a work room belonging to Ziix, which is a clutter of bizarre equipment, books, papers and unidentifiable gadgets. Ziix the magician and rare spices are here. Ziix says if you let him live he will let you have spices.)
SW (In a carpeted hallway.)
W (In a complex junction.)
SE (In a treasure vault which is almost, but not quite, completely empty.)
SW (In a guardian cave.)
N (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a tiny passage.)
N (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a tiny passage.)
E (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a bronze stairway with cold metal banisters.)
N (In a bronze stairway, its cold steps covered with a narrow blue-patterned carpet grown threadbare and faded.)
UP (In a landing.)
UP (In a steep sairway, its marble steps polished and treacherous.)
UP (In a marble tower.)
SAY HUMAK (You have 46 hit points left.)
OUT (On a plain of grass beside a marble tower, a near-cylinder of polished white rock: ten meters wide at the base and narrowing subtly near the top.)
N (On a wide, flat grassy plain, dotted here and there with clumps of blueberry and heather, and crisscrossed with little meandering sheep tracks.)
E (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
DOWN (In a small entrance cavern with a rough floor littered with chunks of rock.)
SE (In a webby junction festooned with the efforts of an army of spiders.)
DOWN (In a steep stairway its steps high and narrow, worn down by the passage of centuries of labouring feet.)
DOWN (In a small, neat cave whose smooth floor has been swept clean of dust and stones.)
EAT MUSHROOM (The door is too small for you to pass through! You have shrunk temporary.)
E (In a secret cupboard about five feet high.)
W (In a small, neat cave whose smooth floor has been swept clean of dust and stones.)
UP (In a steep stairway its steps high and narrow, worn down by the passage of centuries of labouring feet.)
UP (In a webby junction festooned with the efforts of an army of spiders.)
NW (In a small entrance cavern with a rough floor littered with chunks of rock.)
UP (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
W (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
W (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
WEAR MASK (Because there is a poisonous gas in the box.)
OPEN BOX (Opening box triggers a jet of poison, hidden in the velvet lining, which squirts into your face. Your gas mask saves you, the poison splashing harmlessly off its surface. The box contains a large emerald. Score 400)
SCORE (400/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
N (On a junction of several sheep tracks.)
NE (In a wide gateway in the wall of castle Cakabol.)
NE (In a forbidding castle entrance, a great archway through the granite walls of castle Cakabol.)
E (In a grand entrance hall.)
E (In a basement with oak walls, once the servants' hall, where they would take their meals when the work was done, having saved the best food, as always, for themselves.)
NE (In a stinking corridor.)
N (In a central area of the Great Hall, a vast room, some 120 metres long, panelled and beamed with golden oak-wood, blackened with the smoke from the central firepit.)
E (In a far east alcove of the Great Hall where little remains of its former glory.)
DOWN (In a room of manacles, a small, windowless cell whose clammy stone walls reflect a cold hostility.)
E (In a T-junction with an arched doorway to the east and a dismal entrance to the west.)
E (On a sanctum of alchemy belonging to Nezzon the Alchemist. Pink pills, a chalk chunk and Nezzon the Healer are here.)
W (In a T-junction with an arched doorway to the east and a dismal entrance to the west.)
S (In a torchlit corridor, winding from north to south.)
S (In a dimly-lit room.)
E (In a rough-cut crawl, better suited for dachshunds than people.)
N (In a room of mirrors: a cube of reflective diamond-glass.)
SE (In a rough-cut crawl, better suited for dachshunds than people.)
S (In a long, low room filled with odd and ends of old toys.)
S (In a south alcove of a long, row room.)
S (In a small alcove with a human skeleton chained to the wall in one corner.)
W (In a dark corridor that runs from north to south.)
S (In a semi-circular room, home to a host of woodlice.)
S (In a cluttered office absolutely choked with the accumulation of years.)
S (In a junction between narrow caves with no distinguishing features whatsoever.)
E (In a cabinet of dead wood - the traditional material for cabinets. Some leaves are here.)
EXAMINE LEAVES (You find and get an acorn.)
W (In a junction between narrow caves with no distinguishing features whatsoever.)
N (In a cluttered office absolutely choked with the accumulation of years.)
N (In a semi-circular room, home to a host of woodlice.)
N (In a dark corridor that runs from north to south.)
E (In a small alcove with a human skeleton chained to the wall in one corner.)
DOWN (In a stained room, its walls and floor blotched and stained.)
SE (On a north wall of a chasm which is much too wide to jump.)
W (In a confusing cave, filled with that strange twilight you get just before dawn and just after sunset, when everything seems clearly visible, but is really hidden in the darkness.)
W (In a room without walls, bounded only by ferocious white light.)
SW (On a platform above steps which plunge into murky darkness.)
NW (In a beautiful room of classic proportions, decorated in the best of good taste. Bostog the dwarf is here.)
PLAY DULCIMER (Bostog tells there is a spell which can turn an acorn into a bridge hidden in these caves.)
SE (On a platform above steps which plunge into murky darkness.)
S (In a watery passage: acrid water percolates down from the roof, leaving trails of evil-coloured residuum.)
W (In a small pool of stagnant water.)
S (By a brightly illuminated pedestal which lights up the water in this cave, clearly showing a hole in the north wall. A ring is here.)
TAKE RING (It seems to be one of those magik thingumajigs.)
N (In a small pool of stagnant water.)
E (In a watery passage: acrid water percolates down from the roof, leaving trails of evil-coloured residuum.)
E (In a blue, flooded cave where cerulean light slants, shimmering, through the silent waters; reflecting from the serene, blue-crystal walls. Swimming easily underwater.)
E (By a cave lake where the still, dark waters lie tranquil. Swimming easily underwater.)
N (In a period stairway.)
N (In a confusing cave, filled with that strange twilight you get just before dawn and just after sunset, when everything seems clearly visible, but is really hidden in the darkness.)
E (On a north wall of a chasm which is much too wide to jump.)
READ SCROLL (The acorn expands to form a bridge over the chasm. Score 450)
S (In the Helix of Het.)
E (In a well-trodden junction, where centuries of passing feet have worn runnels in the stone floor.)
S (In a vacant void, very vacant and very void.)
S (In a very empty cell.)
E (By a fountain abyss, edging around a narrow ledge which skirts the depths below. A pool of acid is here.)
DROP CHALK (The chalk and the acid have reacted together to form a harmless solution.)
N (By a stone statue of a God, possibly Zog of Snortlenose, but nobody is really sure any more, because all his followers got so fed up with the way he kept answering their prayers by doing exactly what they said and not what they meant, that they became Socialists instead.)
NW (In a stunningly fantastic chamber composed entirely of jade, sapphire and aquamarine, whose shimmering blues and greens fill the room with the rippling luminescence of an undersea grotto. Some silver bars are here.)
TAKE BARS (They are very valuable. Score 500)
N (In a room of blinding light. A fan is here.)
CAST ESCAPE (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass. You have 45 hit point left.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
SCORE (500/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
DOWN (In a small entrance cavern with a rough floor littered with chunks of rock.)
SE (In a webby junction festooned with the efforts of an army of spiders.)
S (In a low crawl with sharp, protruding rocks hanging from the ceiling and impeding movement.)
E (In a dormitory cavern where grimy sleeping furs lie scattered haphazardly on the floor.)
E (In a secret bedroom.)
SE (In a long stairway which stretches away into darkness, its steps slick with damp and slime.)
N (In a recess containing a well.)
DOWN (In a well-bottom, its muddy floor oozing around your ankles. Swimming easily underwater.)
DOWN (In a channel underground. Swimming easily underwater.)
S (In a flooded cave. Swimming easily underwater.)
S (In a river junction where an icy current flows strongly from some unseen entrance, mingling with the rushing waters. Swimming easily underwater.)
UP (In a secret chamber where the waters play; burbling over rocks and stones and echoing down long tunnels to invisible and fathomless cavern-depths. Swimming easily underwater.)
E (In a damp stone area, the ground drops away to one side in a damp tumble of rocks, and phantom sounds emerge from the darkness.)
N (In a stone cell, its bare surrounds stark and menacing. A cloak is here.)
S (In a damp stone area, the ground drops away to one side in a damp tumble of rocks, and phantom sounds emerge from the darkness.)
DOWN (In a flooded tunnel and the dark waters pound above your head, while little pebbles and sharp stones scour your skin. Swimming easily underwater.)
S (In a flooded tunnel, its cold, dark waters gurgling dully around your body. Swimming easily underwater. A crowbar is here.)
S (In a flooded tunnel, and the water holds you with fingers of ice. Swimming easily underwater.)
UP (In a brown corridor which runs from north to south, dipping into a pool of water at the southern end.)
N (In a junction between narrow caves with no distinguishing features whtasoever.)
N (In a cluttered office absolutely choked with the accumulation of years.)
N (In a semi-circular room, home to a host of woodlice.)
W (In a small, high room.)
SW (In a vast, lamplit circular room, almost a hundred metres across, the high roof could only be supported by magik.)
N (In a long, cramped corridor.)
N (In a bone room where the followers of Litter Muurdox left the Moon worshippers when they had finished with them.)
W (In a carved cave where Moon worshippers inscribed runes during the Era of Gods, to ward off the evil influence of Litter Muurdox.)
NW (In a dark junction where shadows coil; sinister tendrils of misbegotten night. A cloaked statue is here.)
E (In a temple to Litter Muurdox the God of light and darkness, evil lord of the Dying Sun. A black ball is here.)
TAKE BALL (It is black, round, very dark and very mysterious.)
W (In a dark junction where shadows coil; sinister tendrils of misbegotten night.)
W (In a rubber room dedicated to the tired God, Dunnlop.)
E (In a dark junction where shadows coil; sinister tendrils of misbegotten night.)
SE (In a carved cave where Moon worshippers inscribed runes during the Era of Gods, to ward off the evil influence of Litter Muurdox.)
E (In a bone room where the followers of Litter Muurdox left the Moon worshippers when they had finished with them.)
S (In a long, cramped corridor.)
S (In a vast, lamplit circular room, almost a hundred metres across, the high roof could only be supported by magik.)
S (In a cramped corridor, lit by flickering blue sparks.)
S (In a metal room whose floor crackles with a blue fire of electricity, leaving a hot, trickly smell in the air. Here is a solid state grid.)
E (In a brackish river tunnel with greasy rivulets running down from the roof. A crucifix is here.)
TAKE CRUCIFIX (It is small, but of solid silver.)
W (In a metal room whose floor crackles with a blue fire of electricity, leaving a hot, trickly smell in the air. Here is a solid state grid.)
N (In a cramped corridor, lit by flickering blue sparks.)
N (In a vast, lamplit circular room, almost a hundred metres across, the high roof could only be supported by magik.)
N (In a long, cramped corridor.)
N (In a bone room where the followers of Litter Muurdox left the Moon worshippers when they had finished with them.)
E (In a u-shaped tunnel, dark and evil.)
NW (In winding tunnel lit by solitary torch.)
N (In a wood-panelled library, a quiet, sunlit room, filled with the peaceful atmosphere that comes to such places after long and tranquil years.)
N (In a store vault: really an enormous pantry.)
W (In a castle kitchen.)
S (In a cold junction between three passages.)
NW (In a basement with oak walls, once the servants' hall, where they would take their meals when the work was done, having saved the best food, as always, for themselves.)
W (In a grand entrance hall.)
W (In a forbidding castle entrance, a great archway through the granite walls of castle Cakabol.)
SW (In wide gateway in the wall of castle Cakabol.)
SW (On a junction of several sheep tracks.)
S (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
W (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
W (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
SCORE (500/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
DOWN (In a small entrance cavern with a rough floor littered with chunks of rock.)
SE (In a webby junction festooned with the efforts of an army of spiders.)
S (In a low crawl with sharp, protruding rocks hanging from the ceiling and impeding movement.)
E (In a dormitory cavern where grimy sleeping furs lie scattered haphazardly on the floor.)
W (In a giant forge where a mighty fire burns white-hot, its heat fanned by rushing air. The fire is burning.)
CAST EXTINGUISH (The fire is out. 44 hit points left.)
E (In a dormitory cavern where grimy sleeping furs lie scattered haphazardly on the floor.)
W (In a giant forge where a mighty fire burns white-hot, its heat fanned by rushing air.)
UP (In a chimney, filled with soot whose darkness hides a veritable minefield of sharp bricks and crumbling stonework. A grill is here.)
UP (In a chimney stack.)
DOWN (In a chimney, filled with soot whose darkness hides a veritable minefield of sharp bricks and crumbling stonework.)
DOWN (In a giant forge where a mighty fire burns white-hot, its heat fanned by rushing air.)
W (In a corridor of arches.)
S (In a dusty cave, lined with shelves: its floor, and every bare surface, covered with chaff from the cave beyond.)
S (In a windy store room where the breeze soughs among the high stone beams, fluttering the tarpaulin-covered boxes and scattering clouds of dust and chaff, which tumble across the floor like miniature sandstorms.)
DOWN (In a dusty store room, its shelves broken and empty.)
E (In a complex junction.)
SE (In a treasure vault.)
SW (In a guardian cave.)
N (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a tiny passage.)
N (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a tiny passage.)
E (In a tiny passage.)
NW (In a bronze stairway with cold metal banisters.)
N (In a bronze stairway, its cold steps covered with a narrow blue-patterned carpet grown threadbare and faded.)
UP (In a landing.)
UP (In a steep sairway.)
UP (In a marble tower.)
SAY HUMAK (You have 43 hit points left.)
OUT (On a plain of grass beside a marble tower.)
N (On a wide, flat grassy plain, dotted here and there with clumps of blueberry and heather, and crisscrossed with little meandering sheep tracks.)
E (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
SCORE (550/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
E (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
E (In a pothole which could lead to an extensive cave system.)
N (On a junction of several sheep tracks.)
NE (In a wide gateway in the wall of castle Cakabol.)
NE (In a forbidding castle entrance, a great archway through the granite walls of castle Cakabol.)
E (In a grand entrance hall.)
E (In a basement with oak walls, once the servants' hall, where they would take their meals when the work was done, having saved the best food, as always, for themselves.)
NE (In a stinking corridor.)
N (In a central area of the Great Hall, a vast room, some 120 metres long, panelled and beamed with golden oak-wood, blackened with the smoke from the central firepit.)
E (In a far east alcove of the Great Hall where little remains of its former glory.)
DOWN (In a room of manacles, a small, windowless cell whose clammy stone walls reflect a cold hostility.)
E (In a T-junction with an arched doorway to the east and a dismal entrance to the west.)
S (In a torchlit corridor, winding from north to south.)
S (In a dimly-lit room.)
E (In a rough-cut crawl, better suited for dachshunds than people.)
S (In a long, low room filled with odd and ends of old toys.)
S (In a south alcove of a long, row room.)
S (In a small alcove with a human skeleton chained to the wall in one corner.)
DOWN (In a stained room, its walls and floor blotched and stained.)
SE (On a north wall of a chasm which is much too wide to jump.)
W (In a confusing cave, filled with that strange twilight you get just before dawn and just after sunset, when everything seems clearly visible, but is really hidden in the darkness.)
W (In a room without walls, bounded only by ferocious white light.)
NW (In a wide armory, stripped of most of its weapons.)
E (In a cubbyhole, a mean, cramped place that smells of damp and misery. Kellf is here and dying of thirst.)
GIVE BOTTLE (Kellf drink water and getting well, and tells a rumour that mummies can only be slain by magic. Score 600 and you are a senior Adventurer.)
CAST ESCAPE (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass. You have 42 hit points left.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)
SCORE (600/1000)

N (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
CAST ESCAPE (In a cubbyhole, a mean, cramped place that smells of damp and misery. You have 41 hit points left.)
W (In a wide armory, stripped of most of its weapons.)
SE (In a room without walls, bounded only by ferocious white light.)
SW (On a platform above steps which plunge into murky darkness.)
NW (In a beautiful room of classic proportions, decorated in the best of good taste.)
N (In a cave of sloping slabs where some cataclysmic force has cloven the blue-grey slate of roof and walls and upraised the floor into jagged plates and pyramids.)
N (In a crypt of evil mist where nonmort worshippers gather for their evil rites. Here is Mandana the vampire, and it is unable to attack because of the crucifix.)
NE (In a peculiarly-shaped room whose dimensions are hard to pin down.)
N (In a tilted room.)
NW (In a carved cave lit from from the north by a dull, red light.)
N (In a tomb of an avatar of Litter Muurdox, lord of light and darkness.)
SAY OBIS (The sarcophagus creaks open, to reveal a well-preserved mummy, wrapped in ancient cerecloths, with a brooch lyying upon its breast. You have 40 hit points left.)
SAY OLLABIN (The mummy's body seems to slump, then it collapses into itself and crumbles away, until only a pile of dust is left. You have 39 hit points left. Score 650)
TAKE BROOCH (Score 700)
E (In a Sun Temple to Litter Muurdox, built by evil yellow elves in times past; its power protected by cunning warding spells.)
TAKE RAISIN (It is wrinkled and warm to the touch.)
S (In a cave of ice, abode of the evil wizard, Aiken Bronze. Freezing air blasts down from above, sending tremors through the columns of ice that link ceiling and floor.)
NE (In a room with cool walls but a warm floor.)
S (In a room of sparkling rock, whose purpose remains a total mystery to one and all.)
S (In a debris pile where slides of fallen debris have accumulated.)
E (In a stone kennel south of an impressive door on which is engraved in spidery letters the legend, "Cave Canum".)
GIVE MEAT (The dog eats meat and seconds later it dies.)
N (In a smoke-filled room which makes your eyes water and hurts your nose.)
E (On a bridge over a sea of flames within a crystal cavern.)
S (In a red room, decorated entirely in shades of red.)
S (In a room with many doors which all look exactly the same. Score 750)
E (Surrounded by thousands of brilliant flashing lights, which dazzle your eyes and effectively blind you.)
CAST EXTINGUISH (The room is plunged into darkness for several seconds. You are in a room of flashing lights. You have 38 hit points left.)
E (On a vault containing a great pedestal. The Moon Crystal of Baskalos is here.)
TAKE CRYSTAL (As you pick up the crystal, two dragons appear from the side rooms. Score 950)
WAVE FAN (Waving fan blows the dragon's fire back at them, enveloping them in a sea of flames and they disappear.)
EXAM CRYSTAL (It is a great, red gem, with so many facets that it appears spherical. Light streams from it, bathing all around in its warm rosy glow and restoring magik to Baskalos once more.)
W (In a room of flashing lights. Score 1000 and you are a grandmaster Adventurer.)
W (In a room with many doors which all look exactly the same.)
N (It's dark.)
LIGHT LAMP (In a red room, decorated entirely in shades of red.)
N (On a bridge over a sea of flames within a crystal cavern.)
N (In a yellow sulphur room, carved out of solid volcanic sulphur.)
UP (In a yellow hole, its sides streaked with sulphurous deposits and tumescent crystals.)
DOWN (In a volcano crater covered by shattered black rocks.)
S (On a crater rim towering high above the landscape.)
SE (On a rocky path up a volcano peak, zigzagging between leaning pillars of jagged lava.)
SE (On a stony path across dry cinders and ashes, which puff into the air and swirl lazily around your ankles.)
SE (On a steep rock slide which tumbles down in a river of shattered rock from the soaring precipices above.)
S (On a wide, flat grassy plain, baked by the yellow sun.)
W (On a grassy mound which rises a few metres above a sea of waving grass.)
S (In a ruinded stone house.)

Congratulations! You have completed your quest, restored the Red Moon, and saved the Kingdom of Baskalos!
Your score 1000 out of 1000 and are a Grandmaster Adventurer. You have 38 hit points left.

3. The Price Of Magik Walkthrough:

The Red Moon crystal was recovered and guarded for many years, gaining intensity. But its power proved too tempting for one magician; Myglar by name. Thinking to have eternal life, he stole the moon and locked himself away. One last hero would have to defeat this last treat to history and recover the crystal, even if it meant paying the price of magik.

At the start you are on a dark and winding drive just to the south of a house, whose venerable magnificence has decayed through years of abandonment and neglect. SCORE: You are 100% sane, a novice and feel 20 years old with 100 stamina points. (It is important any improvement to your score, or any use of magik, increases your age. For the purposes of this game, you are assumed to die at 100.)

EXAMINE DOOR (The word "ESP" is moulded roughly into the brass knocker. SCORE: 98% sane and feeling 22 years old.)
W (In a rickety woodshed which is slowly sinking into the dank marsh that has grown up and engulfed the grounds of the house.)
EXAMINE WOODPILE (Underneath it is something nasty.)
EXAMINE NASTY (The nasty slithers away into a little hole. SCORE: 97% sane, and feeling 23 years old.)
GET CANDLE (SCORE: 96% sane, and feeling 24 years old.)
LIGHT WOODPILE (Whitin moments it is reduced to ashes.)
GET ASHES (SCORE: 95% sane, and feeling 25 years old.)
W (On a herb garden on an insect-infested mound. An elder cross, a mandrake and some eyebright flowers are here.)
GET ALL (Eyebright flowers: taken. The mandrake screams in terror as you grab its leaves. Do you want to continue?)
Y (Some things fall from its roots. Skull: taken. Knucklebone: taken. Around it is a ring which has a diamond. Elder cross: taken. SCORE: 94% sane and feeling 26 years old.)
E (In a rickety woodshed which is slowly sinking into the dank marsh that has grown up and engulfed the grounds of the house.)
E (On a dark and winding drive just to the south of a house, whose venerable magnificence has decayed through years of abandonment and neglect.)
UP (On a vine, digging their dry roots into the stone walls.)
UP (On a vine, pushing through a tangled mass of tendrils.)
UP (On the top of the vine which clings precariously to the crumbling wall at the house roof's edge.)
UP (On a sloping roof, walking unsteadily on the slick grey slates.)
UP (On a roof, high above the dismal marshes and mist-covered plain.)
W (In the east of an attic with a sloping ceiling that droops despondently towards the floor. SCORE: 92% sane, and feel 28 years old.)
N (In a shadowy alcove to the north of the attic. A wardrobe is here. SCORE: 90% sane, a sorcerer's apprentice and feel 30 years old.)
EXAMINE WARDROBE (In it are some robes.)
S (In the east of an attic with a sloping ceiling that droops despondently towards the floor. A full-length mirror is here.)
GET MIRROR (SCORE: 89% sane and feeling 31 years old.)
S (In a recess, which was hidden behind the mirror. A prism is here.)
GET PRISM (SCORE: 88% sane and feeling 32 years old.)
EXAMINE PRISM (The word "XAM" is etched on its base. SCORE: You are 86% sane, and feel 34 years old.)
N (In the east of an attic with a sloping ceiling that droops despondently towards the floor.)
W (In the west of an attic filled with the accumulated junk of centuries; cracked pottery vies with the fashions of a bygone age. A cage is here.)
SW (In the doorway to an attic, bare boards beneath your feet.)
SE (In an office. A table is here.)
EXAMINE TABLE (The word "MAD" carved in chunky letters. On it is a scroll and a knife. SCORE: 84% sane and feeling 36 years old.)
READ SCROLL (Part of magik training manual. Spell usage: CAST spell [AT target]. SCORE: 82% sane and feeling 38 years old.)
NW (In the doorway to an attic, bare boards beneath your feet.)
NE (In the west of an attic filled with the accumulated junk of centuries; cracked pottery vies with the fashions of a bygone age.)
E (In the east of an attic with a sloping ceiling that droops despondently towards the floor.)
E (On a roof, high above the dismal marshes and mist-covered plain.)
DOWN (On a sloping roof, walking unsteadily on the slick grey slates.)
DOWN (On the top of the vine which clings precariously to the crumbling wall at the house roof's edge.)
DOWN (On a vine, pushing through a tangled mass of tendrils.)
DOWN (On a vine, digging their dry roots into the stone walls.)
DOWN (On a dark and winding drive just to the south of a house, whose venerable magnificence has decayed through years of abandonment and neglect. A vine is here.)
CUT VINE (You cut a staff from the vine.)
GET STAFF (SCORE: 81% sane and feeling 39 years old.)

KNOCK DOOR (You can hear vile slithering noises coming towards you.)
OPEN DOOR (The squelching noises are getting closer.)
IN (In an entrance hall of the ruined mansion. The noises die away. A postcard is here.)
EXAMINE POSTCARD (Postal deliveries are cancelled.)
NW (In an entrance hall. A grandmother clock is here. SCORE: 80% sane, a conjuror and feeling 40 years old.)
EXAMINE CLOCK (An antique - and it's ticking. The time is h: mm am. A pendulum is in it. h:mm: means how long you are in the game. Start at 5:45 am maybe.)
GET PENDULUM (SCORE: 78% sane and feeling 42 years old.)
EXAMINE PENDULUM (The word "DOW" etched into its beaten surface. SCORE: 76% sane and feeling 44 years old.)
WAIT (Do it until next text comes: Time passes. The clock goes BOM. SCORE: 74% sane and feeling 46 years old.)
E (In a broom cupboard. A broom is here.)
GET BROOM (SCORE: 73% sane and feeling 47 years old.)
W (In an entrance hall.)
SE (In an entrance hall of the ruined mansion.)
W (In a butler's passage.)
W (In a rock-walled room, where the air trembles with the far-off boom of rushing waters.)
NW (On a yellow river which oozes through a deep chasm.)
N (In a distorted junction.)
NE (In an ante-chapel, its walls carved with scenes from the life of the master.)
N (In an ante-alcove, its arched entance engraved with indecipherable runes. An altar and on it a red moon are here.)
TOUCH MOON (You are young again. SCORE: 73% sane and feeling 20 years old.)
S (In an ante-chapel, its walls carved with scenes from the life of the master.)
SW (In a distorted junction.)
N (In a better hole.)
N (In a hole.)
UP (In a stairway the banister smooth and cold under your grasping hand.)
E (In an oak panelled corridor.)
SE (In an oak panelled corridor.)
PUSH PANEL (Found a secret door to the east.)
E (In a store room. A lever and a sword point are here.)
PULL LEVER (The sword abruptly drops from sight and clatters into the room below.)
W (In an oak panelled corridor.)
S (In a white-wood corridor.)
E (In a store room. A shovel is here.)
W (In a white-wood corridor.)
NW (In an old sea-dog's room, an extraordinary place, like the bridge of a ship.)
SW (In a cellar, still dry and cool, its contents well-preserved, though all around it has fallen into neglect and ruin. Some chests are here.)
EXAMINE CHESTS (There are coloured black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey and white. You have to open the right colored chest, anyway a flash of light hurts you, causing -20 stamina points.)
To find the right chest which contains salt use: CAST DOW AT CHEST (Where pendulum swings that chest has some salt, then OPEN CHEST)
CAST DOW AT GREEN CHEST (The pendulum swings side to side. SCORE: 72% sane and feeling 22 years old.)
OPEN GREEN CHEST (SCORE: 71% sane and feeling 23 years old.)
NE (In an old sea-dog's room, an extraordinary place, like the bridge of a ship.)
SE (In a white-wood corridor.)
N (In an oak panelled corridor.)
N (In a pentagonal room, its walls hung with red velvet.)
NE (In a small landing.)

S (In a musty hall.)
E (On a spiral stair, its cold stone steps hollowed by long usage.)
DOWN (In an alcove.)
W (In a hall hung with paintings showing desolate landscapes. A warped portrait is here.)
NW (In a bone chamber. Some bones are here.)
S (In a rough-hewn tunnel, carved from the living rock.)
SE (In a panelled corridor. A sword is here.)
GET SWORD (The blade is slightly chipped and inscribed, "rubilacxe".)
NW (In a rough-hewn tunnel, carved from the living rock.)
N (In a bone chamber.)
E (In a rest room.)
N (In a library, every wall lined with books. Some books are here.)
GET BOOK (Illustrated coffin-table tomes.)
NW (In a sagging corridor, its ceiling bulging towards the ground, its walls bowing outwards.)
SW (In a collapsing junction. A curtain is here.)
CUT CURTAIN (There is a way to the west. Later.)
N (In a solarium.)
NW (In a laboratory. The word "SEE" is scratched in the soot. SCORE: 69% sane and feeling 25 years old.)
SE (In a solarium.)
S (In a collapsing junction.)
W (In a sanctum; a peaceful room, sparsely furnished.)
S (In an inner sanctum, wood-panelled, like the sanctum, but unkempt and neglected. A feldspar lens are here.)
GET FELDSPAR (SCORE: 68% sane and feeling 26 years old.)
N (In a sanctum; a peaceful room, sparsely furnished.)
E (In a collapsing junction.)
NE (In a sagging corridor, its ceiling bulging towards the ground, its walls bowing outwards.)
SE (In a library, every wall lined with books.)
N (In a library and the musty smell of old books chokes the air. A grimoire is here.)
GET GRIMOIRE (SCORE: 67% sane, a soothsayer and feeling 27 years old.)
NW (In a study, surrounded by dark shadows. A desk is here.)
EXAMINE DESK (It is sturdy oak desk, with a battered leather top stained with black ink and some other, reddish stuff. In it is a parchment.)
EXAMINE PARCHMENT (About ZEN and the art of rapid progress. SCORE: 65% sane and feeling 29 years old.)
CAST SEE (A hidden exit leading north. SCORE: 64% sane and feeling 31 years old.)
N (In a dusty priest hole. On the wall above the word "DET" is scrawled in dark, dried fluid. SCORE: 62% sane and feeling 33 years old.)
SE (In a cold room where the icy wind wails like a lost soul.)
N (In a magnificent treasury. SCORE: 60% sane, a shaman and feeling 35 years old.)
GET BAG (In it is some gold.)
S (In a cold room where the icy wind wails like a lost soul.)
NW (In a dusty priest hole.)
S (In a study, surrounded by dark shadows.)
SE (In a library and the musty smell of old books chokes the air.)
S (In a library, every wall lined with books.)
S (In a rest room.)
W (In a bone chamber.)
SE (In a hall hung with paintings showing desolate landscapes. A warped portrait is here.)
E (In an alcove.)
UP (On a spiral stair, its cold stone steps hollowed by long usage.)
W (In a musty hall.)
N (In a small landing.)

NE (In a room with a large table. A wargame is here.)
NW (On a roof garden. A valerian plant and a sprig of wolfsbane are here.)
GET PLANT (SCORE: 59% sane and feeling 36 years old.)
NW (In the north tower. A rope is here.)
UP (In a belfry where mist curls sleepily through the slatted shutters. You can hear vile slithering noises coming towards you. A blood-sucking bat and a bell are here.)
GET BAT (The squelching noises are getting closer.)
EXAMINE BELL (Cast from several tonnes of bronze and covered with bat-droppies. The blood-sucking bat eyes a vein in your neck. A nameless horror rears from the gloom. You pass out from sheer terror. SCORE: 58% sane, a shaman and feeling 37 years old.)
D (In the north tower.)
SE (On a roof garden.)
SW (In a marble hall, its vaulted ceiling supported by graceful columns.)
SW (In a misty corridor, where phantom voices whisper in your ears.)
S (In an oak panelled corridor.)
W (In a stairway the banister smooth and cold under your grasping hand.)
DOWN (In a hole.)
S (In a better hole.)
S (In a distorted junction.)
S (On a yellow river which oozes through a deep chasm.)
SE (In a rock-walled room, where the air trembles with the far-off boom of rushing waters.)
E (In a butler's passage.)
E (In an entrance hall of the ruined mansion.)
OUT (On a dark and winding drive just to the south of a house, whose venerable magnificence has decayed through years of abandonment and neglect.)
W (In a rickety woodshed which is slowly sinking into the dank marsh that has grown up and engulfed the grounds of the house.)
W (On a herb garden on an insect-infested mound.)
BURY SKULL (A ghost appears and thank burying its all bones and let take its armour and says that beware of Myglar, for his magik is deadly.)
E (In a rickety woodshed which is slowly sinking into the dank marsh that has grown up and engulfed the grounds of the house.)
E (On a dark and winding drive just to the south of a house, whose venerable magnificence has decayed through years of abandonment and neglect.)
IN (In an entrance hall of the ruined mansion.)
W (In a butler's passage.)
W (In a rock-walled room, where the air trembles with the far-off boom of rushing waters.)
NW (On a yellow river which oozes through a deep chasm.)

S (On a slide of slime which glistens viscidly against the yellow mud. A giant slug is here and attacks you, but you dodge.)
THROW SALT AT SLUG (The salt hits the slug and it howls and slithers away.)
N (On a yellow river which oozes through a deep chasm.)
S (On a slide of slime which glistens viscidly against the yellow mud.)
DOWN (On some steps. A marble statue is here. SCORE: 56% sane and feeling 39 years old.)
EXAMINE STATUE (A vandal has scrawled "SPY" on its left foot. SCORE: 54% sane and feeling 41 years old.)
DOWN (In a circular room.)
S (In a pentagonal room.)
SW (In a store room.)
SE (In the shadow of an altar with an unholy font, carved into wicked shapes.)
NE (In a cloakroom.)
S (In a short corridor.)
S (In a low cellar.)
E (In an omnious chamber. The word "FLY" is picked out in a bright mural on the floor. SCORE: 50% sane, a spellbinder and feeling 45 years old.)
W (In a low cellar.)
N (In a short corridor.)
N (In a cloakroom.)
SW (In the shadow of an altar with an unholy font, carved into wicked shapes.)
SW (In a sloping room.)
NW (In a red room.)
NW (In a green room.)
S (In a silvery room. A picture by moon light is here.)
S (In a winding corridor which twists and turns aimlessly. A picture of werewolves is here.)
W (On some steps. A metallic golem is here and it looks very uncomfortable in some silver mail wearing.)
GIVE ROBES TO GOLEM (You get the silver mail.)
EXAMINE MAIL (A suit of delicate metal, made from overlapping silver scales and inscribed "FIN". SCORE: 47% sane and feeling 48 years old.)
DOWN (On some rickety steps that creak and quiver omniously beneath your feet. SCORE: 45% sane, a spellbinder and feeling 50 years old.)
NW (On an ancient boardwalk, its timbers creaking slightly beneath your feet.)
SW (In a morgue, in pristine condition, its white walls and surfaces gleaming in the cold air.)
W (In a tomb; a great mausoleum, buried beneath the earth.)
SE (In a stupendous cavern.)
S (In a stone platform.)
E (In a web cavern. A crowbar and a web with a giant spider are here.)
CUT WEB (The web collapses in a sticky heap, and the spider runs away, gibbering with terror.)
NW (In a grotto, a small cave, carved by the passage of water long since gone, into fantastic shapes and hollows.)
W (In a stupendous cavern.)
NW (In a tomb; a great mausoleum, buried beneath the earth.)
E (In a morgue, in pristine condition, its white walls and surfaces gleaming in the cold air.)
NE (On an ancient boardwalk, its timbers creaking slightly beneath your feet.)

W (On the rickety landing stage, quivering to the rhythm of the waves. A boat and in it a ferryman are here.)
GET IN (In the boat. In the river, sussurating gently like a still sea at midnight.)
CAST FIN AT ME (You become a fish. SCORE: 44% sane and feeling 52 years old.)
DOWN (On a river bed. A plaque is here.)
EXAMINE PLAQUE (Marked with the word "SAN", its letters rippling gently in the current. SCORE: 42% sane and feeling 54 years old.)
WAIT (Time passes. The existing FIN spell wears off.)
GET IN (In a damp cave.)
N (In a watery tunnel whose chilly air carries a hint of rottenness.)
N (In a watery tunnel, cold and damp. A colossal bloodworm is here and attacks you. The bat swoops upon the bloodworm with a happy cry. The bloodworm wriggles off into the gloom.)
N (In a boardwalk, listening to the sound of rushing waters flowing in the darkness of the cave beyond.)
NW (In a short stone corridor.)
N (In a perfectly spherical junction, which is confusing at first, until you get the hang of scrabbling around the glassy-smooth floor.)
SW (In a glass cave.)
S (In a temple, beside an altar. An altar and on it a talisman are here. Hanging above the altar is a weight.)
CAST FLY AT WEIGHT (The weight shudders, but remains exactly where it is. SCORE: 41% sane and feeling 56 years old.)
GET TALISMAN (As it moves, you hear a click. The weight stays right where it is, suspended by your spell.)
N (In a glass cave.)
NE (In a perfectly spherical junction, which is confusing at first, until you get the hang of scrabbling around the glassy-smooth floor.)
NE (In a hall of statues, a motley collection of monstrosities on the "chubby child" theme. A chubby stone cherub is here.)
EXAMINE CHERUB (A chubby little statuette, cavorting like a baby elephant. It is carrying a trumpet.)
CAST BOM AT CHERUB (The chubby stone cherub wakes with a jump, sees you, and flies off. In its panic, it drops the trumpet it was carrying. SCORE: 40% sane and feeling 58 years old.)
GET TRUMPET (SCORE: 39% sane and feeling 59 years old.)
SE (In a dry gallery, panelled with wood which glows like sleepy afternoon sunlight. Some books are here.)
NE (In a room just south of a glowing gateway.)
N (An invisible Something stops you and a phantom voice intones, "Before any enter, a gift must be offered to Myglar")
GIVE PENDULUM (The voice says, "Hmmm. I suppose that will do". The pendulum disappears.)
N (On a grassy plain, mist-covered and stretching into obscurity. A monkey is here and it will follow you.)
S (In a room just south of a glowing gateway.)
SE (In a dry gallery, panelled with wood which glows like sleepy afternoon sunlight.)
S (In a glass room.)
SW (In a boardwalk, listening to the sound of rushing waters flowing in the darkness of the cave beyond.)
S (In a watery tunnel, cold and damp.)
S (In a watery tunnel whose chilly air carries a hint of rottenness.)
S (In a damp cave. A boat is here.)
GET IN (In the river, sussurating gently like a still sea at midnight.)
S (On the rickety landing stage, quivering to the rhythm of the waves.)
E (On an ancient boardwalk, its timbers creaking slightly beneath your feet.)
SE (On some rickety steps that creak and quiver omniously beneath your feet.)
UP (On some steps.)
E (In a winding corridor which twists and turns aimlessly. A picture of werewolves is here.)
N (In a silvery room. A picture by moon light is here.)
N (In a green room.)
SE (In a red room.)
NE (In a store room which once housed bales of cloth.)
N (In a store room: a rather pokey room in which are kept all kinds of stationery.)
N (On some steps.)
UP (On a slide of slime which glistens viscidly against the yellow mud.)
N (On a yellow river which oozes through a deep chasm.)

N (In a distorted junction.)
N (In a better hole.)
N (In a hole.)
UP (In a stairway the banister smooth and cold under your grasping hand.)
E (In an oak panelled corridor.)
SE (In an oak panelled corridor.)
S (In a white-wood corridor.)
SW (In an arch-roofed corridor, walls lined by torches. An inscription is on the ceiling here.)
CAST FLY AT ME (Sane must be less than 51. SCORE: 39% sane and feeling 60 years old.)
EXAMINE INSCRIPTION (It reads: "HYP". SCORE: 37% sane, a sorcerer and feeling 62 years old.)
WAIT (Time passes. The existing FLY spell wears off.)
NE (In a white-wood corridor.)
N (In an oak panelled corridor.)
N (In a pentagonal room, its walls hung with red velvet.)
NE (In a small landing.)
NE (In a room with a large table. A wargame is here.)
CAST BOM AT WARGAME (It comes to life. The assembled elders eye the psychotic wizard with distaste, awaiting his explanations. But, instead of addressing them, Myglar shrieks: "ZAP!" and "KIL!" and hurls jagged lightning across the room. The scene flares, fades, and the wargame is still again. SCORE: 33% sane and feeling 67 years old.)
SW (In a small landing.)
S (In a musty hall. A tapestry is here.)
CAST BOM AT TAPESTRY (It briefly comes to life. The healer looks into your eyes and mutters "FIX". SCORE: 31% sane and feeling 70 years old.)
E (On a spiral stair, its cold stone steps hollowed by long usage.)
DOWN (In an alcove.)
W (In a hall hung with paintings showing desolate landscapes. A warped portrait is here.)
NW (In a bone chamber.)
W (In an ecoing crypt, its cold stone walls and vaulted roof hung with dusty cobwebs. Some plate armour is here.)
GET ARMOUR (It is made from some kind of metal, possibly steel.)
E (In a bone chamber.)
S (In a rough-hewn tunnel, carved from the living rock.)
SE (In a panelled corridor.)
S (In an elm panelled corridor. A werewolf is here, but it fears because you are holding a sprig of wolfsbane.)
SW (In an entrance hall.)
SE (In an entrance hall of the ruined mansion.)
W (In a butler's passage.)
W (In a rock-walled room, where the air trembles with the far-off boom of rushing waters. A picture of Stonehenge is here.)

CAST BOM AT STONEHENGE (You are sucked into the picture. On a sullen standing stone. SCORE: 31% sane, a sorcerer and feeling 71 years old.)
SW (On a cold pillar.)
SW (On a cold pillar.)
E (On a sullen standing stone.)
NE (On a cold pillar.)
S (On a carved pedestal. A blue box is here. SCORE: 29% sane, a sorcerer and feeling 73 years old.)
EXAMINE BOX (Stamped "IBM", in large letters. SCORE: 26% sane, a magician and feeling 76 years old.)
CAST ZEN (In the mists of time. SCORE: 25% sane and feeling 78 years old.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
DOWN (In a cold store, whose freezing air catches in your throat. Some snow is here.)
WAIT (Time passes. It may be your imagination, but the monkey seems to be shivering pretty violently. The monkey's teeth are chattering! There is a loud crack from the monkey and something falls with a clatter. The monkey leaps from your back and runs away.)
EXAMINE SNOW (Is is a crystal ball and a black ball.)
GET CRYSTAL (Not really crystal, more a bluish type of glass, but it is certainly spherical. SCORE: 24% sane and feeling 79 years old.)
GET BALL (Made of a very hard materal.)
N (In a depressing junction.)
SE (In a corridor with shelving from wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling.)
N (In a scullery kitchen, a nasty place that at some time has been used as a stillroom. A walking skeleton goes round here. If it is not here just wait until it arrives.)
WAIT (Time passes. A walking skeleton enters from the southeast and attacks you.)
CAST ZAP AT SKELETON (Lightning damages skeleton. It has random 1-8 stamina points. SCORE: 23% sane and feeling 81 years old.)
CAST ZAP AT SKELETON (Skeleton is dead, the body vanishes. A shild is here. SCORE: 23% sane and feeling 82 years old.)
GET SHIELD (Battered, but still serviceable. Beware: another walking skeleton will appear again later anywhere.)
N (In a rock-walled room, where the air trembles with the far-off boom of rushing waters. A picture of Stonehenge is here.)
NW (On a yellow river which oozes through a deep chasm.)
N (In a distorted junction.)
NE (In an ante-chapel, its walls carved with scenes from the life of the master.)
N (In an ante-alcove, its arched entance engraved with indecipherable runes. An altar and on it a red moon are here.)
CAST FIX AT ME (You feel well again. SCORE: 22% sane and feeling 84 years old.)
EXAMINE ALTAR (A small lump of rock, dwarfed by a stone moon. On top of the altar is a small recess, previously hidden by the moon. In here is written, "DED". SCORE: 20% sane and feeling 87 years old.)
WAIT (The existing FLY spell wears off.)
TOUCH MOON (You feel very youngful again. SCORE: 20% sane and feeling 20 years old.)
S (In an ante-chapel, its walls carved with scenes from the life of the master.)

SW (In a distorted junction.)
N (In a better hole.)
N (In a hole.)
UP (In a stairway the banister smooth and cold under your grasping hand.)
E (In an oak panelled corridor.)
N (In a misty corridor, where phantom voices whisper in your ears. A wheel is here.)
CAST HYP AT BAT (The blood-sucking bat looks at you expectantly. SCORE: 19% sane, a wizard and feeling 22 years old.)
BAT GET WHEEL (The bat disappears into the mist then, after a short time, returns and drops the wheel on your foot.)
GET ALL (Wheel: Made of some dark alloy, this wheel is reinforced by powerful enchantments. SCORE: 18% sane and feeling 23 years old.)
CAST ZEN (In the mists of time. SCORE: 18% sane and feeling 24 years old.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
DOWN (In a store room.)
SW (In a red room. To the south there is a dangerous dead end and there is a axe above the door, as a trap. As you go through the door, an axe falls from above and hurts you. Therefore the bat will go in first...)
CAST HYP AT BAT (The blood-sucking bat looks at you expectantly. SCORE: 18% sane, a wizard and feeling 25 years old.)
BAT GO SOUTH (The blood-sucking bat leaves, going south. You hear a scream of pain from the south.)
S (In a dangerous dead end. An axe and a picture of a ghoul are here.)
GET AXE (Hefty, with a sharp blade inscribed, "Bat's Bane". SCORE: 17% sane and feeling 26 years old.)
N (In a red room.)
N (In a dark room. A picture of dark spawn is here.)
CAST BOM AT SPAWN (A dark spawn bursts out of the picture and attacks you. The spawn has 20 stamina points. SCORE: 18% sane and feeling 27 years old.)
CAST HYP AT SPAWN (The dark spawn looks at you expectantly, it does nothing. SCORE: 17% sane and feeling 28 years old.)
KILL SPAWN WITH AXE (You attack the dark spawn with a axe, causing 4-8 points of damage. When it is dead, the body vanishes. A claw is here.)
EXAMINE CLAW (Curved, sharp and wickedly-pointed. SCORE: 16% sane and feeling 29 years old.)

CAST ZEN (In the mists of time. SCORE: 16% sane and feeling 30 years old.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
S (In the mists of time.)
E (In the mists of time.)
E (In the mists of time.)
E (In the mists of time.)
E (In the mists of time.)
DOWN (In a palatial portico, its pointed roof supported on four huge columns of figured marble. Some giant ant army ants are here and attack you.)
CAST IBM AT ARMY (The giant army ants try to hide in a corner. SCORE: 15% sane and feeling 32 years old.)
IN (In an entrance hall.)
N (In a statue-lined room, where representations of cruel and ancient gods alternate with death masks.)
NW (In an arched stone corridor.)
N (In an arched stone corridor and your every footstep echoes between its fluted pillars.)
N (In an arched stone corridor like an enclosed cloister.)
SE (In a stone room, whose walls are carved with the graffiti of a dozen times and tongues.)
CAST ESP EAST (Your astral self floats into another room. In a huge hall of swirling mist, where unseen things caress your hands and face. A stone idol is here. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 36 years old.)
EXAMINE IDOL (658;a huge stone representation of Myglar.)
CAST ESP EAST (Your astral self floats into another room. In a huge hall of swirling mist, where unseen things caress your hands and face. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 37 years old.)
CAST BOM AT IDOL (The stone idol wakes. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 38 years old.)
CAST ESP EAST (Your astral self floats into another room. In a huge hall of swirling mist, where unseen things caress your hands and face. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 39 years old.)
CAST HYP AT IDOL (The stone idol looks at you expectantly. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 40 years old.)
CAST ESP EAST (Your astral self floats into another room. In a huge hall of swirling mist, where unseen things caress your hands and face. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 41 years old.)
IDOL OPEN DOOR (The stone idol leans across and opens the door.)
E (In a huge hall of swirling mist, where unseen things caress your hands and face.)
NE (In a cylindrical chamber.)
S (In a great stone room.)
S (In an ice room. The floor is so cold that you jump back. In a great stone room.)
CAST FLY AT ME (The black ball absorbs the spell, but crumbles into dust. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 41 years old.)
CAST FLY AT ME (You float into the air. SCORE: 12% sane and feeling 42 years old.)
S (In an ice room.)
S (In a moon room. A gargoyle and a moonbeast are here and the moonbeast attacks you.)
WAVE MIRROR (The moonbeast sees its reflection, yelps with terror and gallops off into the gloom.)
EXAMINE GARGOYLE (A hideous winged monster with bulbous eyes and lolling tongue.)
NW (The gargoyle says, "Before you may enter the tomb of Myglar, you must tell me the answer to the riddle".)
FEAR (The gargoyle says, "Pass, master".)
CAST ESP NW (Your astral self floats into another room. In the tomb of Myglar. Myglar is here. SCORE: 10% sane and feeling 45 years old.)
CAST SAN AT MYGLAR (Myglar stares angrily at you. SCORE: 9% sane, a mage and feeling 47 years old.)
CAST ESP NW (Your astral self floats into another room. In the tomb of Myglar. Myglar is here. SCORE: 9% sane and feeling 48 years old.)
CAST DED AT MYGLAR (There is a loud thunderclap as Myglar's magik is neutralized. He crumples as Time regains its power, no longer held at bay by his spells. Finally, nothing remains of the proud wizard but ancient dust.)

Well done, you have won the right to take Myglar's place as guardian of the Red Moon crystal! There are two alternate views of your future. Do you want the good version?

YES (You live in a luxurious castle as an all-powerful magician, tended hand and foot by loyal servants. Everyone lives in awe of your wise magik and every millenium is more enjoyable than the last. You have beaten the Price of Magik!)

NO (The quest for magik has driven you absolutely stark, staring mad. You spend your time incarcerated in a modern asylum, cared for by efficient nurses. They humour your obsession with chanting arcane gibberish an your screams of "ZAP" and "KIL" when they bring you your cocoa, so it's not a bad life.)

You are 7 percent sane, a mage and feel 51 years old. The adventure is over.

All games are completed successfully.

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