The game makes use of the SIDcard in the intro only. Unfortunately, it doesn't work due the missing volume's value which results not to be copied from $D418 to $FD58 ($FE98). This could look like a mistake by the author; alternatively it could have been deliberately shut off, due the choice he would have made about hacking a well known TED music from a commercial game, aiming to something already fitting the original coin-op's music.
In order to play the intro music on SIDcard, e.g. with an emulator in which the SIDcard option has been already switched on, enter the Monitor while the intro is running, and type:
>2093 19
and press Return to enter it.
The original Pengo coin-op machine used an interpretation of Popcorn (Gershon Kingsley, 1969), and Leaper uses it too, in a much different version. In order to use the music from the game, Moldi had to clean it up from the other jingles also present into its code, considerably rewriting it where necessary. Compared to the original, the volume control of the music has been cut off, to prepare one of the two channels to host a new slice of the code, which allows to handle sfx at the same time. The text hidden at $F020 says:
Once taken the decision about that TED tune, to make his conversion totally compliant with the original game by adding the other famous cover involved ("An die Freude", IV movement of the Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 by Ludwig Van Beethoven), Moldi had the only solution to compose it by himself. The text hidden into that music's code at $B088 says:
PLAYER BY MOLDI V1.1 93.11.09