Harbour Attack
Title:Harbour Attack
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:02371 / SC1601 (C.S.P.)
Retail Price:£5.99
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (no reward)
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Produced by:Mr. Micro Ltd.
Released by:Commodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd. (CBM)
Re-released by:Edizioni Trinacria
Re-released by:C.S.P. Microgame
Re-released by:Express Software
Code by:Duddle, Greg
Notes:The C.S.P. rerelease doesn't report a straight mark of the label, just use a generic "FREEGAME" printed on the cassette.
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    C64 release

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Harbour Attack Title Screenshot

Harbour Attack Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Single releaseCommodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd.1984CommercialCassetteUnspecified4
Bundle releaseCommodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd.1984CommercialCassetteUnspecified5
2 found.

Hall Of Fame
2Luca6,712Played using YAPE 1.1.7, PSX joypad.
3alfetta775,208VICE on Mac with CompetionPro.
4gc8413,233Played on a Plus/4.
5MIK3,089Played on a real Commodore 16.
6retroscener2,097Played on a real Commodore 16.
7Csabo597YAPE 1.0.4, keyboard controls.

Derived Software
Abissi Minati
U-Boot (Byte Games 32)

Appeared On Compilations
C16 Super Games 1
Supergiochi Al C16/Plus4 2
Peek And Poke 1

Bundled with Hardware
Commodore Plus/4 Plus Pack

Description: 100+4/2 (Book/Hungarian) pg. 64
Cheat: Moj mikro November 1986 (Magazine/Slovenian) pg. 60
Review: Your Commodore May 1985 (Magazine/English) pg. 61

TitleCreated byPlatformHomepageNotes
Harbour AttackLacosteGameboy Color

Cassette Cover (Single Release)
Cassette Cover (Single Release)
Instructions Leaflet 1
Instructions Leaflet 1
Instructions Leaflet 2
Instructions Leaflet 2
Cassette Cover (Bundle Release)
Cassette Cover (Bundle Release)
Cassette Cover (C.S.P. Microgame)
Cassette Cover (C.S.P. Microgame)
Cassette Cover (C.S.P. Microgame)
Cassette Cover (C.S.P. Microgame)

Physical Media
Cassette (C.S.P. Microgame)
Cassette (C.S.P. Microgame)

Mission Description
The game has three stages.

Stage 1
In stage one, you have to manouver your submarine through the obstacles and mines to reach the right end of the screen.

Stage 2
In stage two, you have to shoot down a number of enemy planes. An enemy ship is also attacking you: if it's above you, it will drop bombs. If you come up to the surface it will fire torpedos. You can only shoot the ship sideways (not upwards). You can only shoot the planes from the surface, by pressing fire + up. If your sub is on the surface, and the plane is above you, it will drop a very fast

Stage 3
In stage three, you have to sink the mother ship. No one is shooting at you, and you can only move left and right. Once you fire your torpedo, you can still adjust its course by moving left or right. Once the mother ship is sunk, you go back to stage 1.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>1B34 ##
Start with ## lives
>196A 00
Unlimited subs
>130E 24
Level 1: Walls don't kill you
>1319 24
Level 1: Mines don't kill you

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