Future Shock
Title:Future Shock
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Tynesoft Computer Software (Tynesoft)
Cracked by:HQC
Code by:Jameson, Julian
Cracked by:ECO
Notes:Cracked by Clouseau. The HQC crack has been spread titled as Future Shock II.
  External links:
    Amstrad CPC release
    C64 release
    BBC release
    Acorn Electron release

User Rating: 5.0/10 (7 votes)
Future Shock Title Screenshot

Future Shock Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseTynesoft Computer Software1987CommercialCassetteUnspecified1
1 found.

Derived Software
Future Shock (Trinacria)

Appeared On Compilations
Four Great Games Vol. 3

Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 8 (Magazine/English) pg. 9
Review: Videogiochi 43 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 21
Map: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 2 Issue 1 (Magazine/English) pg. 46

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
Cassette Inlay
Cassette Inlay

Physical Media
Submitted by Ulysses777

Game Map Preview
Download: future_shock_map.gif
Created by Csabo
Description: Game Map
Dimensions: 1320x1260
File size: 126 KB. Created in 2003.

Game Overview
Having rather a lot on his hands at the thime, the Supreme Being decided to sub-contract the job of human evolution to GAL-CORPS of the Planet Maltron II.

Well, it was the sixth day and getting towards closing time at the Drog and Pallette Ale House, so the contractors decided to celebrate with a few pints of Thargsberg Special Brew.

The following morning they turned up for work in, lets say an unwell state. Their work obviously suffers, and as a result the Scroll containing the plan for the Evolution of human life on earth is scattered to the four winds.

So 42 billion years later (could this be relevant), whilst exploring the confines of an empty beer bottle, our hero, GLOB, found himself transported to the presence of the Supreme Being.

"GLOB" said the Mighty One.

"I have chosen you to search human memory for the Scroll of Evolution".

"Why me?" said GLOB glumly !

Find the 16 pieces and reassemble the Scroll using a sliding block method.

Solutions - Complete
Initially, some rooms have reversed gravity. In these, you float up and stick to the ceiling.

After collecting 4 pieces (flashing circles with letter P), this phenomenon is completely removed. You will only be able to move up by using the animated "elevators".

To solve the game, this has to be carefully taken into consideration. The 3 rooms in the middle of the map (containing one P on the floor and one on the ceiling) can only be entered while having 3 Ps, and exited when we've picked up the 4th (and then 5th).

The second important thing is that the 3 rooms with the rat and eyeball should be entered last, after picking up the P, there will be no way out. Once all Ps are collected, press "P" to enter puzzle mode and put them in order.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>1482 A5
Unlimited energy
>1A45 EA
Unlimited time in puzzle mode

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