| GOTO Statement | Reference/Commodore BASIC V3.5
GOTO line#
This statement can be entered as GOTO or GO TO.
When a GOTO statement is executed in a program, program execution jumps to the line number specified after the GOTO statement.
GOTO can also be used in direct mode to start a program from a specific line number, similar to the RUN command, except that variables are not cleared when using GOTO in this manner.
When used within an IF/THEN/ELSE statement, the GOTO keyword may be optional, see the IF/THEN/ELSE statement for more information.
If a line number is not specified after a GOTO statement, it assumes line 0. If the specified line number does not exist in the program, an ?UNDEF'D STATEMENT ERROR occurs.
10 PRINT "HELLO":GOTO 10 The GOTO 10 causes line 10 to be repeated indefinitely until RUN/STOP is pressed
GOTO 20 Used in direct mode, starts program execution at line 20 with all variables left intact
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