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GOSUB Statement
Reference/Commodore BASIC V3.5

GOSUB line#

AKA GO to SUBroutine. This is similar to the GOTO statement, but remembers where it was executed from. When a RETURN statement is encountered, the program resumes execution following the last encountered GOSUB statement.

This is normally used for accessing sections of a program (subroutine) that are kept isolated from the main program.

Multiple GOSUBs may be executed concurrently. A RETURN statement returns to the last executed GOSUB statement, therefore multiple RETURN statements will be required to end all GOSUB statements.

If a RETURN statement is encountered and there is no GOSUB in operation, a ?RETURN WITHOUT GOSUB ERROR will occur.

If a line number is not specified after a GOSUB statement, it assumes line 0. If the specified line number does not exist in the program, an ?UNDEF'D STATEMENT ERROR occurs.

20 GOSUB 300 Goes to line 300 and executes the program from there

300 PRINT "HELLO" : RETURN The RETURN statement returns program execution to the point immediately following the GOSUB statement


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