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Image File Formats


Attribute Cell

The screen is divided into 40 x 25 = 1000 attribute cells. Each cell is 8 x 8 pixels in size (8 x 2 px in the MCFLI graphics mode) and it determines the color of foreground pens (pen 0 and pen 1) in the cell area.

Background Pen

Pen Number TED Register Description
0 $ff15 Screen background color
1 $ff17 Screen programmable color number 1
2 $ff18 Screen programmable color number 2
3 $ff16 Screen programmable color number 3

Foreground Pen

Pen Number Description
0 Attribute cell color 0
1 Attribute cell color 1


Pixel Aspect Ratio

Image File Formats

File Formats for Character Graphics

Standard PETSCII Image

File Formats for Bitmap Graphics

Standard Bitmap Image


Multi Botticelli


Standard PETSCII Image

Graphic mode: High-Resolution Character Mode
Attribute Cell Size: 8 x 8 px

Name Size (Hex) Size (Dec) Offset (Hex) Offset (Dec) Description
LOAD ADDRESS $02 2 $00 0 Load address: $00, $08
COLOR DATA $03e8 1000 $02 2 Character color data
PADDING $18 24 $03ea 1002 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
CHAR DATA $03e8 1000 $0402 1026 Character data
PADDING $18 24 $07ea 2026 Padding to adjust to kB boundary

Note: Background color is not saved.
Load address: $0800 (2048)
File Size: 2050 bytes

Standard Bitmap Image

Graphic mode: High-Resolution Bitmap Mode (320 x 200 px, PAR 1:1)
Attribute Cell Size: 8 x 8 px

Name Size (Hex) Size (Dec) Offset (Hex) Offset (Dec) Description
LOAD ADDRESS $02 2 $00 0 Load address: $00, $18
LUMINANCE MAP $03e8 1000 $02 2 Foreground pen 0 (**) and 1 (*) luminance
PADDING $18 24 $03ea 1002 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
COLOR MAP $03e8 1000 $0402 1026 Foreground pen 0 (*) and 1 (**) color
PADDING $18 24 $07ea 2026 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
BITMAP $1f40 8000 $0802 2050 Bitmap data

(*) Low nibble, (**) High nibble

Load address: $1800 (6144)
File size:10050 bytes


Graphic mode: High-Resolution Bitmap Mode (320 x 200 px, PAR 1:1), Multicolor Bitmap Mode (160 x 200 px, PAR 2:1)
Attribute Cell Size: 8 x 8 px

Name Size (Hex) Size (Dec) Offset (Hex) Offset (Dec) Description
LOAD ADDRESS $02 2 $00 0 Load address: $00, $78
LUMINANCE MAP $03e8 1000 $02 2 Foreground pen 0 (**) and 1 (*) luminance
PADDING $16 22 $03ea 1002 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
BACKGRND 3 $01 1 $0400 1024 Background pen 3 color, value stored to TED + $16
BACKGRND 0 $01 1 $0401 1025 Background pen 0 color, value stored to TED + $15
COLOR MAP $03e8 1000 $0402 1026 Foreground pen 0 (*) and 1 (**) color
PADDING $18 24 $07ea 2026 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
BITMAP $1f40 8000 $0802 2050 Bitmap data

(*) Low nibble, (**) High nibble

Note: The BACKGRND 3 & BACKGRND 0 colors are stored in reverse nibble order, so the lower and upper 4 bits must be swapped before you set the value to the TED.
Load address: 30720 ($7800)
File size: 10050 bytes

Multi Botticelli

Graphic mode: High-Resolution Bitmap Mode (320 x 200 px, PAR 1:1), Multicolor Bitmap Mode (160 x 200 px, PAR 2:1)
Attribute Cell Size: 8 x 8 px

Name Size (Hex) Size (Dec) Offset (Hex) Offset (Dec) Description
LOAD ADDRESS $02 2 $00 0 Load address: $00, $78
LUMINANCE MAP $03e8 1000 $02 2 Foreground pen 0 (**) and 1 (*) luminance
PADDING $12 18 $03ea 1002 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
SIGNATURE $04 4 $03fc 1020 "MULT": $4d, $55, $4c, $54
BACKGRND 3 $01 1 $0400 1024 Background pen 3 color, value stored to TED + $16
BACKGRND 0 $01 1 $0401 1025 Background pen 0 color, value stored to TED + $15
COLOR MAP $03e8 1000 $0402 1026 Foreground pen 0 (*) and 1 (**) color
PADDING $18 24 $07ea 2026 Padding to adjust to kB boundary
BITMAP $1f40 8000 $0802 2050 Bitmap data

(*) Low nibble, (**) High nibble

Note: The BACKGRND 3 & BACKGRND 0 colors are stored in reverse nibble order, so the lower and upper 4 bits must be swapped before you set the value to the TED.
Load address: 30720 ($7800)
File size: 10050 bytes


Graphic mode: Multicolor FLI Mode (160 x 200 px, PAR 2:1)
Attribute Cell Size: 8 x 2 px

Name Size (Hex) Size (Dec) Offset (Hex) Offset (Dec) Description
LOAD ADDRESS $02 2 $00 0 Load address: $00, $20
LUMINANCE MAP 0 $03e8 1000 $02 2 Luminance map 0 for foreground pens 0 (**) & 1 (*)
UNUSED $18 24 $03ea 1002 Unused
COLOR MAP 0 $03e8 1000 $0402 1026 Color map 0 for foreground pens 0 (*) & 1 (**)
UNUSED $18 24 $07ea 2026 Unused
LUMINANCE MAP 1 $03e8 1000 $0802 2050 Luminance map 1 for foreground pens 0 (**) & 1 (*)
UNUSED $18 24 $0bea 3050 Unused
COLOR MAP 1 $03e8 1000 $0c02 3074 Color map 1 for foreground pens 0 (*) & 1 (**)
UNUSED $18 24 $0fea 4074 Unused
LUMINANCE MAP 2 $03e8 1000 $1002 4098 Luminance map2 for foreground pens 0 (**) & 1 (*)
UNUSED $18 24 $13ea 5098 Unused
COLOR MAP 2 $03e8 1000 $1402 5122 Color map 2 for foreground pens 0 (*) & 1 (**)
UNUSED $18 24 $17ea 6122 Unused
LUMINANCE MAP 3 $03e8 1000 $1802 6146 Luminance map 3 for foreground pens 0 (**) & 1 (*)
UNUSED $18 24 $1bea 7146 Unused
COLOR MAP 3 $03e8 1000 $1c02 7170 Color map 3 for foreground pens 0 (*) & 1 (**)
UNUSED $18 24 $1fea 8170 Unused
BITMAP $1f40 8000 $2002 8194 Bitmap data
BACKGRND 0 & 3 $01c8 456 $3f42 16194 Background pen 0 & 3 colors for each pixel line, values to be written to TED + $15 and TED + $16
UNUSED $38 56 $410a 16650 Unused

(*) Low nibble, (**) High nibble

Note: BACKGRND 0 & 3 array contains color register values for $ff15 and $ff16. The 1st value is for $ff15, 2nd for $ff16, 3rd for $ff15, 4th for $ff16, and so on.
Load address: $2000 (8192)
File size: 16706 bytes

file format, graphics, petscii, hires, multicolor, fli, mcfli 

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