| From: ern0 (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-16
Subject: Re: Answers 2 ern0!
> was "VANGUARD", right? Named after the game?
It was ADT + me. We found that word in the dictionary ;-)
> Did you know, that there are two MOD demos on plus/4?
> Well, it's probably easier to get a vintage C16 in Hungary than in
Yes, it was the "volksmachine" of Hungary.
Maybe I have to try out more emulators, this one I am using is playing sound not too well, as I said there're small glitches.
I should be very happy if this
> A 123 DEC $FF11
> >314 23 01
> G 8000
> SOUND 1,x,0
> SOUND 2,y,0
could work same way on emulator as it works with an original machine. If y > 1000 it is a funny "drummer".
It is good fun at parties to write these lines suddenly into a free machine, push up the volume, then go away...
Maybe I can't remember well, but my another favourite trick was "shrinking down" the memory by
> M FFF0 FFFF 3FFF I'm not sure but if you press reset, you "get" only
12277 bytes free... (If you G 8000, it's sure worx).
It's time to get a real machine.
ERN0.since.1971.amiga.scene.muzak mailto:zalkae@rs3.szif.hu http://www.nexus.hu/ern0/ lite.updated.1998.09.03
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