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From: Marko_Mäkelä
Date: 1998-09-16
Subject: Re: 256K RAM expansions
Hello Richard,

> I've been thinking about RAM expansions again, and I had an idea for the
> simplest 256K expansion possible... (or is it?)

Well, Pekka Pessi had that idea already in 1987. He uses a MC 6821 PIA for bank-switching, and you have four 16kB banks. His expansion is for the C64, but I adapted it for the C128. See http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/documents/projects/memory/256kB/ for the C64
expansion documents, or my document page
(http://www.hut.fi/Misc/cbm/docs/) for the HTML version.

> If my idea works, I will expand a plus/4 and a C64 to 256K and maybe
> even a C128 to 512K.

If you have a spare MMU, you can even expand the C128 to 1 megabyte. I've done that.


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