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From: Gaia (all posts)
Date: 2001-03-13
Subject: Re: Strange TED 'effect'
Mike Dailly <mike@dailly.org> írta:

> >this when we use the characters from ROM area but we write
> >an "illegal" value to the $FF13.
> >So, does anyone know what could cause this strange effect?
> Your pointing the character data down into Zeropage. This changes all
> the time, and so will the data for the characters. Its just chance it
> seems to go diagonally, theres probably a few counters down there somehere

Not quite that! I don't point to the zero page, 'coz I do NOT set the $FF12 register to read from RAM area! In theory it still reads from ROM! But, there's no underlying ROM area there for values <=0x80.

Besides I think the 'scrolling' effect is there as well when I disable the ROM (although that needs to be checked).

> If it points at the screen, then you'll get another funny display, but
> one thats static until you scroll...

Yes, that's true if the data is >=0x80...


PS: I've just heard you've been having a new baby!
Congratulations! ;-)

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