Your score could not be submitted.
Please enter your name.
Please enter the score.

Name:If you're a member, you can log in.
Game:Select the game.
Sub-game:An example of a sub-game is an event (for games like Summer/Winter Events). Use this only if applicable, for most games this is not needed (leave empty).
Score:If numerical, enter the score as-is (without commas). If the score is time, or some other value, enter it with the original formatting.
Score #2:Most games do not have this, so please leave empty. One example where it is used is G-Man, which has both score and time. Time is the secondary score, used for ranking in case of a tie.
Date:Enter the date when the score was achieved in YYYY-MM-DD format. Note: If you don't have the month or day, just enter zero (e.g. 2012-00-00 if it was sometime in 2012.)
Image:Optional, a public URL to an image (screenshot) of the score.
Video:Optional, a public URL to a video of the gameplay.
Notes:Optional, add any notes you like (e.g. if the game was played on a real machine or an emulator, how long it took, etc.).

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