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Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Classic Bridge 4.0

The game has just arrived in the post and got me out of bed lmao! wink

Once the game has loaded it shows on the title screen "Bridge 4.0", its shows on the cassette "Classic Bridge 4.0". Also says By Arthur Walsh.

I can understand now why this game hasn't show up until now. Its a conversion of a game that was created by Artworx in 1983 (stated on the title screen) and as you might guess it uses basic chars for the GFX. It was released in 1986 for the Plus4 and doesn't live upto the high graphics standard that we got to love from the house of Anco such as Strip Poker and for this reason its been in hidding as it must of been a bit hard to sell this title with such other amazing works coming out at the same time, hense no advertising for it. Amiga or ST screen shot on the back cover lol. wink

It may be a great game to play, I've only just loaded it to make sure it works. wink

So the name "Classic Bridge 4.0" could mean version 4?

I'll try and make a TAP image as soon as I can (hope she works as its a 1/2 wav, turbo same as Winter Events), and scan the cover and info although the cover has been folded in half and has a fold in the middle.. Because of the lack of GFX this should run on a C16+16k ram pak??? Will test for that.

A bit of a disappointment to be honest, but who was to know. wink

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0

Gneeem, Lando...
Could I have a .prg too of this game?

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0

I'll leave that to your good hands happy

Almost done, check the New Uploads page. Tape will be up any moment.

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0

Excellent work my dear friend happy While not an exceptional program, this is a real gem wink Where did you get hold of it?

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0


Luca spotted it on eBay happy I had to keep quite as I knew this would sell for big money and it did! Truth was that I nearly lost the bid as I was at work! I bidded once of £42.50 (CRAZZZZY I know but I thought even that was safe!!!) and it sold for £42.00. We were lucky!!

Ah well, happy xmas!! wink

Link: Classic Bridge on eBay

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0

Geeeez. You realise that you had been competing with Ulysses?

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0

Nope. Wish he said something. No one did on here so I just got on with it...........

I'm not really one for saying anything, people can read whats going on so I keep these things quite in hope the compition isn't going to go silly. There are many unknow browers in here. Who knows whoes reading...

Thats why I never said anything about it...

Never mind, my fault maybe for not saying anything aswell. Its here for all to see thats the important thing, but sod paying £40 for agame again as that was painful (snif).

Posted By

on 2003-11-22
 Re: Classic Bridge 4.0

Well, it was a communication error =( At least we've become smarter now than before wink

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