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Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Captain Slim

Title:Captain Slim
Release Date:2025-03-11
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Captain Slim Screenshot

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

It's pro and smooth. I love Epy's games.

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

What a fantastic game.

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

What I appreciate the most about Epy's games, is the modern vision he has about the game's design. Which, once applied to a hyper vintage classic game's scheme, plays a role of striking contrast at the interface of the two, and the merging of the two, always works greatily!

What I like of it: ALL.
What I would add: diagonal movements, run option.

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

Definitely very smooth. Thank you for releasing this gem happy

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

Congrats! Nice to see such professional releases today!

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

Congrats! Very nice game, thanks guys! After more than an hour of wandering I finally found everything grin

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

I could get only 160 at my first attempt. sad

Posted By

on 2025-03-12
 Re: Captain Slim

Excellent game! Epy FTW, again! yay Also thanks Csabo for the nice music and Chronos for the pleasant additional graphics.

Posted By

on 2025-03-13
 Re: Captain Slim

When I wrote that I love Epy's modern approach to the game design, I was thinking – among other features – mainly to the concept of counting no lives but halving the score at every continue. I guess that this makes the game fit for the Hall of Fame, and you're the first entry @TRP !

Oh, I see you're already in, good!
I edited your entry this way. The main condition to get classified with an entered score here, is to have completed the game, otherwise I could post a heavily not halved yet score of thousands when I'm at 20% of the game completion. So Score1: (null) and ScoreString: (Completed/Uncompleted). Therefore, the score goes in Score2: 3655.

Please all of you, tell me if this would work for you, I guess it should be good but of course further opinions and suggestions are welcome. Play Captain Slim! And vote for it, as for the other releases too.

Posted By

on 2025-03-13
 Re: Captain Slim

It's great to see such high quality exclusive games being made for plus/4!
Smooth implementation, good theme music, huge varied map and cute characters. Congratulations to all the contributors!

It's got a very good foundation, but a little more polish on the gameplay would make it more enjoyable. What I missed the most is that there is no diagonal movement, and generally no way to dodge opponents, and no running out of projectiles or other resources to add a tiny tactical layer to the game.

Due to the fact that the player starts from the starting position after every death, I would only play it with cheat. happy

Posted By

on 2025-03-13
 Re: Captain Slim

Ah I forgot to mention a third feature I would have seen. Updating my lists:

What I like of it: ALL.
What I would add: diagonal movements, run option, different behavior for different baddies.

Posted By

on 2025-03-13
 Re: Captain Slim

First of all, thanks to Csabo for the great music and Chronos for the great graphics. The original graphics was very very simple.

Thank you guys for the positive words and that you like this game.

Very important for me there's no life count, I always hated that in the games, I think I'm not the only one who feel this.
Of course there's always need some punishment if you don't play enough good, need some practice and you can be good player.
I didn't want to use diagonal movement, only enemies can do this. You cannot escape from them just simple run, you have to always
shoot them all, if you want to go through the path.

Posted By

on 2025-03-13
 Re: Captain Slim

I also think that the diagonal movements for the captain can make the game worse.

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