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on 2023-11-11
 Re: There is no 16k only support

A Főnévi Igenév, one educational program from the prolific strand created by Zsuzsa Jókútiné Döbrőssy, always looked like the black sheep of the breed. No, this definition hasn't meant to be a mere figure of speech: the .PRG hack we'd found was actually black in the background, whereas all the other releases like the one under examination have both background and border as samely coloured.

It turned out that the hack has been badly packed up, and didn't fit into the C16 memory due to some very bad chioices, which is a bad bad point for a 16kB release. Actually, this particular sub-strand of the Jokosoft/DELTASoft programs boasts some brainy routines, in order to handle both ML and BASIC, and the most folkloristic one is the usage of a hidden 64 bytes line starting from $0FC0 in the bottom of the screen memory, containing both ML routines and jump tables.

Probably, the Commodore 16 can host this slice of code in several other comfortable areas, but if one has no knowledge of which locations could be touched by the BASIC while it's working, then the screen memory is a safe one, forcing your own program to not writing there. Oh well, a little fix only to chitchat a couple of minutes, file changed, bye.

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