| Posted By
 Wayne on 2023-02-03 00:17:49
| Hi There ! Sid Card help please !
So, Erm Yeah, TOTAL NOOB, I would like a SID CARD for my Plus 4, I have seen the thread but when I clicked to Reply it wouldn't let me leave a reply ??? Anyway... Hope you Guys can help, so I would like a SID CARD, I understand I need a SID CHIP which I will have to Buy seperately ( any help with getting one - a Link would be much appreciated :-> ). Also I need a Case which I also need to Buy seperately too again... A Link please would be Much appreciated. Finally, is there anything else I need to know - There are 2 types of SID CHIPS, which one is the best for the PLUS 4 the 6580 or the 8580 ? Sorry to be a royal pain, but as they say "If you don't ask, you don't find out" - Much Respect, Love and Appreciation in Advance :->
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2023-02-03 01:41:16
| Re: Hi There ! Sid Card help please !
Most probably you are talking about the SID card 6th batch topic. Not sure what goes on with that but I think you more or less missed your chance. However, you may try contacting BSZ to see if you are lucky and there are still available cards. You can find the address of his webpage in his card test program and there you will find his e-mail address. Or you could ask Csabo or Luca for registration to Plus4World. It costs nothing beyond a little time and effort.
For the SID chip, you should go to eBay, SellMyRetro or such similar marketplaces. Google is you friend, forum search is your friend, too. Put the work into it.
If you were lucky, contact Charles about the case. If you are out of luck with CAE, you may want to try SukkoPera's clone of the original Solder's SID card. But AFAIK there is no case for this latter.
There is no 6580. 6581 or in extremely rare cases 6582 but you don't have to worry about ever finding the second one. CAE may be requested to support 6581 but usually it is made for 8580. ReSeed is for 8580.
It's surely true that without asking it can be hard to learn but there are certain limits to consider in throwing out questions, if you ask me. I do seriously believe that everything I wrote above you could have found out on your own, if you were willing to put in the necessary time and effort googling the net, searching this forum and reading the found topics and webpages. Your questions suggest that you stopped at scratching the surface. Well, you got your answers anyway but seeing this always gives me the urge to make scalding remarks and go spiteful against the obviously lazy person asking instead of finding out. Which, I feel, I should be sorry about but from time to time I can't resist. Nothing personal.
Posted By
 Luca on 2023-02-03 02:02:47
 | Re: Hi There ! Sid Card help please !
Wayne, gerliczer gave you a quite comprehensive and exhaustive answer, I can only add the thread to the past 6th batch, here, which shoud still be the post where to write in order to enlight the BSZ's radar about this argument 
Posted By
 SukkoPera on 2023-02-03 02:11:32
| Re: Hi There ! Sid Card help please !
Just a small correction to what @gerliczer said: ReSeed can also be built for the 6581 SID . It's one of the many improvements over Solder's original design.
I'm also going to release V2 this weekend!
Posted By
 Wayne on 2023-02-04 12:48:21
| Re: Hi There ! Sid Card help please !
Thanks for all the lovely input guys. I was NOT been lazy, I am THICK and Stupid and NOT versed with the PLUS 4, my questions were more from a "Panicky Wayne" point of view, I am autistic and suffer from anxiety and worry and stress about Stuff - Computers are my escape from "REAL LIFE" which I find HIDEOUS ! I read some stuff off the Internet but did Not quite understand so rather than guess, spend money, and F#ck up I decided to ask nice people on here for help. Did NOT mean to upset or make ANYONE angry - as I did say I am a NOOB ! I can JUST about use a SD2iec Card and that has took months of learning ( Reference point - The PS2 Controller took me about 5 - 6 weeks to learn ). From now on I shall limit myself to Comments on Games etc - Happy Thoughts and Lots Of Love to you all :->
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