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on 2022-05-07
 Re: Screen scrolling forced by PRINT/CHAR

@RoePipi I tried your system, and in the very end doesn't work, I also tried something similar before posting here...BUT wink A different approach of the method you've revealed before would work.
See the animated GIF, where I first run your attempt with RUN9 and then I RUN39 mine.

In any case, it works for simple cases, and new annoying assumptions to work with must be applied in different cases: in the Basic stuff I've converted, for example, that 39,0 screen location has been used for a little animation, and the attempt I tried would eventually produces some bad side effects if multiple chars gotta be printed...

Anyway, we kinow now we could always do something. Of course, the straight solution I've taken (POKE3072+39,XX) is still the best one.
What remains, is that actually C64 and C264 kernels seem to act differently in that particular situation.

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