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on 2022-05-06
 Re: Screen scrolling forced by PRINT/CHAR

@Gaia eh unfortunately the C64 apparently operates in a different way, and this thread actually arrives after a conversion from the C64 Basic to Plus/4, where what would look like an easy slice of code has demonstated to work differently compared to the C64.

Try your own code, e.g. moved on line 0, having some test below that first line:

10 PRINTCHR$(27)"M"
20 CHAR,39,0,"O"
30 GOTO 20

...and you'll see what happens: the text scrolls down because the simple act of printing a character into the last screen columns "produces" the next line (line 1 in this case). I also changed line 30 in order to repeat it till the text below disappears completely from the screen.

Now try this both on C64 and Plus/4, writing some garbage to be eventually scrolled away on screen:

10 PRINT"{home}"TAB(39)"O":GOTO10

and see what I mean wink

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