Posted By
 Csabo on 2021-05-21 18:30:21
| Re: Software Sprites
These questions are a big too vague, but I'll try to cover them.
Hmm, most popular? I don't think there's a consensus on this. I'd say the approach has always been that each coder implements whatever is needed for their game/demo.
How many games - this would be too difficult to count, but there are certainly "some" 
Self-modifying code being the fastest - again, this really depends on what you're trying to do.
One thing I can recommend is take a look at RoePipi's page, at the bottom he has a list of his favourite games which doubles as a showcase of "sprites done right". To mention two at random; check out Bongo and Rescue from Zylon - both really well done but very different beasts.