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on 2021-04-01
 Re: Full Throttle in YAPE/plus4emu Programmatically?

@SVS: There is a significant difference between "not achieved perfection, yet" and "doing something it never was and never will be capable of." Why would you call a program to be for Plus/4 if it cannot be (or only unbearably slowly) run on the real hardware?

Want higher performance in a Plus/4? Build and sell in reasonable quantities a compatible turbo card then ask the emulator authors to update their software. It is not a difference between "creative community" and "museum." People still write new software for these machines. Sometimes even you do. It is a difference between an emulation of something that exists and a fantasy computer. If we step onto that slippery slope there will be no stopping. First we want to have speed, next some nice features, then new capabilities and so on. Those emulators will not be emulators any more because there is nothing in existence they resemble to. Want a fantasy computer that somewhat looks like a Plus/4? Use Charlemagne's Turbo Vision 4 BASIC. Or you could fork either YapeSDL or plus4emu and turn it into your dream machine.

It is not a preservation of something when you use the original name and do something radically different from it. Want to preserve it? Write more programs for C16 and Plus/4 that those machines can run without any wished for but never existed capabilities. You have the knowledge and creativity. Use it and it will be a flourishing community instead of a museum.

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