Turbo Vision 4 BASIC (TV4B) is an own developed BASIC interpreter with unique properties! | |
It shows similarity with the Commodore Plus/4 computer, such as MONITOR... (256 segments, one segment is 64KiB) | |
...or DISASSEMBLER... (binary code of instructions are the same) | |
...what's more the syntax of BASIC is devilish similar to the big ancestor. | |
Wherein it substantially different from the most interpreter is that you can move, rotate the screen in the 3 dimension how you want... (SHIFT or CTRL and cursors (+HOME: default)) | |
It uses 3 different graphic screens. One of them looks nostalgically back to the root with its bit/pixel methode... | |
You can give the colors of the foreground and background with block of 8x8 on the screen consists of 320 coloumns and 200 rows. | |
The another one of them is only different from the first that it is byte/pixel... | |
...enables to show 256 different colors... | |
You can move the screen freely in 3D while running a program of course. | |
The third graphic screen was born in a later development... | |
...4byte/pixel... (32bit color depth) | |
...TrueColor... (Red Green Blue Alpha) | |
The next big challange was drawing the graphical element... | |
...then drawing a polygon and turning a given angle... | |
The another advantage of TV4B is that the education of programming will become more easily, because fantasies of pupils are moved by some line code making something spectacular! | |
You can write a program to use a separate screen. One is a text screen, the other is graphic screen... | |
...BUT the screen is separated in myriad way according to where you want to input datas from the user and where you want to draw... | |
...getting more information about it, have a closer look at the address of 0x0083 in the zero segment of memory... (Memory.txt) | |
My first BASIC game in my first BASIC interpreter is a torpedo... | |
...ask for X and Y coordinates from the user. In the case of hit the target it fill the given area with red color and make a sound... | |
...and this was a little presentation of abilities of TV4B! If you want to know more, see the memorymap, the history of the program. Demo example codes enclosed by interpreter make the motivation! | |