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on 2021-01-03
 Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hi all. I think this is material that maybe Plus4World may be interested about.
In the article on our C64portal.pl (in polish but google translator does decent job) we describe a story of a guy name Sylwester and his productions for C+4.
He developed under the name BKP in years 89-9x. He shared the history with us + some programs he was able to recover. So far we have few BASIC games + 2 assembly language games + ROM files that he made for himself to replace 3-plus-1 with most common tools he used back in the days.

According to author the productions were no published anywhere beside him and his friend. I can't find them on the portal here either.
Anyway, here's the article.

Please let me know if this is worth publishing on Plus4World.
We also wait for more releases from him as the tapes were found and the author is going to look for his programs on it.

Posted By

on 2021-01-03
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

It's decent stuff, some really nice musics in there. Of course we want this on our site, we collect and archive everything Plus/4 related. Thank you happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-05
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Now this is a fantastic treasure saved from unkown depths, thank you carrion!

Posted By

on 2021-01-05
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

I created a map for Castle Dance, if anyone wants to play through it. The controls are not the smoothest, but you can see that a lot of effort was put into the game.

Posted By

on 2021-01-06
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Very nice map Csabo, the game really deserves it, thank you! I find several common points between Castle Dance, Swords and their never declared father Robo Knight - a C16 classic I love - and probably both the homebrew games have been designed as acts of love to their moral predecessor.

carrion fantastic interview, could we really expect for hundreds of unseen trained versions as I read? I really hope so! Till yesterday, we had some Polish Basic games, and the great works made by Bohdan R. Rau, today we know there were sparkles of a Plus/4 Polish scene cluster! Waiting for what the author will recover from his tapes, I ask for more infos about the phantom AY music which should play in the background when running Castle Dance: are we talking about a specific hardware addon?

Posted By

on 2021-01-06
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hey, I'm glad that I could finally show my work to a wider audience happy Programs may not be of the highest caliber, but in those days we only studied with buddies from one backyard, watching and analyzing other programs.
@Csabo, beautiful job! happy I didn't have such a map even when I wrote this game: D
@Luca, in order to hear music from the AY-3-8910, you need an external card plugged into the extension port commodore. Unfortunately, the card was not very popular. Its control registers are maintained at $ FD21- $ FD23. Even though the AY sounds worse than the SID, its advantage was the additional two in / out ports, through which I liked to control, e.g. light bulbs. I started writing a tracker for making music and stopped working when I bought the first Amiga ... Lack of time (school) and few AY cards on the market discouraged me from continuing to work on the music program.

Posted By

on 2021-01-06
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP happy to see you here!

Who had built up the AY card for Plus/4? Can we have some specs and some pictures of it, in order to include it into our /Hardware page? How many programs did use it?

I'm waiting for what you'll be able to recover from your tapes and D64s, trained games included.

Posted By

on 2021-01-06
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

When I have some free time, I will take some photos and maybe even find a diagram somewhere happy
The card was constructed by an elekrtonik and programmer from Poland, Tadeusz Z. (TZ) You must know a program like Copy System - it's the same programmer (Copy System +4)
Unfortunately, I do not have any programs written by other users because I bought the card as one of the first (No. 003). I had to program everything myself. I do not know how many of these cards have been sold and if anyone else wrote anything on AY for C + 4/16.

Posted By

on 2021-01-06
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Glad to hear from you happy (Please email me or Luca if you'd like a password set up - since we already created an account for you.)

I like Castle Dance, it captured my imagination happy In the program, this text can be found: "CRACKED & COPY BY METALLIC /FMJ INC." Any idea who that is or how it got there?

Posted By

on 2021-01-07
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hahaha, "CRACKED & COPY BY METALLIC / FMJ INC." - my friend left it, after breaking security happy We learned to program in the backyard by creating various security measures or algorithms that were faster or shorter. I showed him your map today, it is he who designed the rooms - he likes it very much

PS. You made a detour to Castle Dance very quickly happy The one with inviolability makes it impossible to go further in some chambers - it is not possible to lose your life to find yourself at the entrance point to the chamber again wink

Posted By

on 2021-01-07
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

And a little surprise about DIGIMUZ wink

Posted By

on 2021-01-07
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Ooh, that's a lot of cool stuff (in the video)! I hope you manage to archive them and send them to us.

So Metallic/FMJ is Tomasz Kiełbiowski?

Posted By

on 2021-01-07
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

2021 couldn't start better than this, with a big untold story far from being told! And now we also have to place a WANTED tag asking for the tape version of Castle Dance with its loading screen, as .tap file. Gaia guess what, I have a request looking for YAPE 1.1.9: we need a DIGIMUZ card emulation happy

Hope to see all this and more very soon, thanks once again BKP!

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

back in the day, we didnt have much hardware and software for c16/+4. here in holland. most of the users were complaining about that and that was it! it is great to see that other guys just start to find everything out themselfs!
i didnt have the knowledge and maybe more important the patience!
but what i see what you guys achieved with allmost nothing. i take my head off for you!! thanks!!
it is great to see all the new-found-old-stuf!! i wonder what else will come up in the future!
as we can see the c16 and plus4 are not dead..

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

and treasure hunting continues...
I have another pack from BKP and will soon publish on c64portal.pl

...and - Great video BPK!

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

carrion: there's a global ola from the stadium's curve!

BKP: so, its name is officially DIGIMUZ :)

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

To update YAPE, Gaia needs to know the specifications of this extension (and I'm curious, too). Where is the AY/YM clocked from, what is the clock frequency? What addresses are assigned to the expansion and how do you access registers through them? What does that EPROM looking component do there?

By the way, I think the relevant hardware subsection should be renamed from SID Cards to Audio Extensions or something like that.

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

gerliczer to update YAPE, Gaia should say ok as first move, I think grin After that, the rest will follow wink
I second you about the renaming of the hardware's subsection, we were pondering about that while keeping our eyes to see what would have happened while the data were flowing in happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Csabo, "So Metallic/FMJ is Tomasz Kiełbiowski?" - YES happy

@Luca, "so, its name is officially DIGIMUZ happy" - YES, AY extension for C+4 is a DIGIMUZ

@gerliczer, "Where is the AY/YM clocked from, what is the clock frequency? What addresses are assigned to the expansion and how do you access registers through them? What does that EPROM looking component do there?"

I have a schematic of this extension (I just need to redraw it cleanly). It has its own timing.
Addresses used in DIGIMUZ:
$ FD23- register number
$ FD22 - write to the register
$ FD21 - reading from the register
A very detailed description of all registers can be found in the datasheet AY-3-8910 (pdf).
You do not need eprom to handle the sound, but the constructor included additional commands extending the basic for AY support and a convenient turbo for datasette. Sometimes this eprom bothered me so I added an on/off switch. I never used the basic ones, the turbo was very useful happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-08
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hi BKP, awesome stuff, glad you could recover them. You said that the AY card had its own clocking but I need to know what the exact clock rate was... otherwise I'd assume that it was some multiple of the clock rate of the machine.

Posted By

on 2021-01-09
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

The FMJ Inc. spotted into the Castle Dance code returns in Mini Baza Danych and Cross Scroll Demo too, so have to argue about a *real* Plus/4 operating group, with BKP, Radosław Walewski and Tomasz Kiełbiowski, Full Metal Jacket Inc. (FMJ). Am I right? Can I ask for more juicy infos, which could expand into talking about the Polish Plus/4 scene in general? happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-09
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Gaia, I measured the clock frequency in my extension - 1.749MHz. The clock is made on NOT gates and it drifts slightly downwards with time. I think you can take a value of 1.75MHz

@Luca, I sent you information about FMJ on priv happy I would like to add that we lived in a tiny place where it was far away everywhere to get some materials (memory maps, programs, etc.) or go to a computer party and show off what we created. We acted practically only for ourselves, until after 30 years, finally some of what we created saw the light of day happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-09
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP: 30 years only, it was worth the wait! grin Can't find any mail at the moment from you, even in the spam folders, probably hafta wait...

Posted By

on 2021-01-09
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

The name "Full Metal Jacked" was invented and founded by Tomasz Kiełbiowski. Although it had a C64, we often collaborated, exchanging algorithms and technical solutions. We even ported the Genesis V2.8 assembler from C + 4 to C64 before it got TurboAssembler

Group members:
Tomasz Kiełbiowski "Metallic" - coder / graphic designer
Radosław Walewski "COMRAD" - coder
Sylwester Kuna "BKP" - coder / graphic designer / music composer

There is no official start and end date for the group's activities ... just 90s

Posted By

on 2021-01-09
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP these infos are pure gold, thank you! Csabo probably there are good reasons to let us add the whole members and group stuff wink
Do you know that we don't have the V2.8 of Genesis Assembler V2.6? Were you in contact with other Polish users, e.g. exchanging software via snailmail? Can't wait to see all the other demos, and put my hand on the potential dozens of commercial games'cracks which should jump out from the hat of your tapes :)

Edit: Metalic or Metallic, like in Castle Dance? Comrad or COMRAD all caps?

Posted By

on 2021-01-09
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Luca, "Do you know that we don't have the V2.8 of Genesis Assembler V2.6?" - I noticed happy
@Luca, "Were you in contact with other Polish users, e.g. exchanging software via snailmail?" - Unfortunately, no contacts. I saw only a few times with TZ (constructor DIGIMUZ). It probably had the largest database of programs in Poland at C+4/16/116.
@Luca, "Edit: Metalic or Metallic, like in Castle Dance? Comrad or COMRAD all caps?" - Metallic, COMRAD

@Gaia, I did a little more research on the network and there was a 1.79MHz generator on the ZX Spectrum AY schematics - apparently it complies with the specification. There is nothing to worry about, since it works at 1.75MHz, it means that it has a high tolerance for deviations happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-10
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP infos about Caton and SSC, cited in the Demo 3's textscroller? wink The second one could actually be Cannibal/TCB.

Posted By

on 2021-01-10
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Caton and SSC are friends of my hometown. Caton had nice ideas and talked like a philosopher happy unfortunately he died some 20 years ago. SSC changed computers like gloves (he wasn't a programmer), but he liked to watch what we were creating on C+4.

Posted By

on 2021-01-10
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hi BKP , I am experimenting with the AY emulation in YAPE, and I have some success with Cross Scroll Demo but Castle Dance sounds horrible... since you are the author, can you give a hint what could go wrong? It would save me some time happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-10
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

What exactly is happening? Sound is out of tune or is played unevenly? Maybe there is a problem with original envelopes placed in AY layout. I would have to listen to say more.

Posted By

on 2021-01-10
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Well, it's a mess happy Here's a link for you:

Castle Dance tune

The engine is from another emulator of mine where this was also an add-on so it was not tested too excessively.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hey Gaia,

IDK what that is but I quite like it. It would go perfectly with some glitch demo.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

I second gerliczer, the Plus/4 scene needs moar glitch/concrete/pioneer x8 x16 x345345 electronic music happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

There is also the option that CASTLE DANCE actually got corrupted during a hack by a friend. This version has been on my disk for a long time and on the emulator I couldn't check if everything was ok. I made a .TAP version from my original cassete which should be 100% correct. I'm sending it to @Luca.
Meanwhile, check if DEMO 2 or DEMO 3 plays correctly. It is also under DIGIMUZ. Regards

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Thanks, DEMO2 and 3 actually do sound a lot better (I'd say almost right happy ). I'll try to post something during the day. Looking at my code I am not so sure what the expected behaviour is for the AY if the tone frequency is set to zero. Some eumlators reset the oscillators, some say it's the same as a freq of 1, the docs are completely silent about it...

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP: great! Keeping an eye on all the email boxes, still nothing, neither in the mailboxes nor in the spam folder, keep waiting...

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Until @Luca officially publishes the version of .TAP Castle Dance, I am providing a link from where to download it.


Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Heh Luca just waited for it on all his mailbox but no result grin Yes, absolutely better via free uploader wink

Castle Dance original on tap is worth the download, as it shows PETSCII loadin screen and a raster intro probably with a brand new DIGIMUZ tune to test, Gaia wink Thank you anew BKP, still waiting for more from you!

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Here's a video I made about Cross Scroll Demo in YAPE:


Rgarding the TAP (thanks!), alas, it appears to exhibit the same sound artifacts as the PRG version.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

"http://gaia.atilia.eu/download/xscrolldemo.avi" - WOW!!! Sounds exactly like I made it happy

"Rgarding the TAP (thanks!), alas, it appears to exhibit the same sound artifacts as the PRG version." -
- Amazing ... I don't know how AY emulation works, but maybe something with the order of register completion is wrong, or with reading the memory above some value (I suggest you check it). I don't remember writing player anymore, but I didn't use any complicated techniques there. Most of my players had a common base which I developed with new functions.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

"I strongly want a replica of the DIGIMUZ to instantly buy" has just been said? happy Not yet? Ok, then I strongly want a... grin

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

So as not to wait for it to load from the "tape" I have already done .PRG Castle Dance with the title screen happy


Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Gaia: Regarding TP register value 0 the manual really not says anything explicitly. However, there is this sentence: "Note also that due to the design technique used in the Tone Period count-down, the lowest period value is 000000000001 (divide by 1) and the highest period value is 111111111111 (divide by 4,095)." That may suggest writing 0 to TP should result in a different value. I read somewhere that 0=1. On the other hand, reading a random discussion of seemingly AY emulation developers of hackers yields another strange nugget of information. One person stated that the phases of tone generators are only after reset in a determined state, later they are driven in all directions by the periods, but writing 0 and the desired period back-to-back to TP register causes the channel phase to reset.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP thank you! I renamed the previous one as Castle Dance (no intro) and uploaded this most complete one. I took the liberty to cut off the last byte, saving it from $0800 to $77FF included only, cutting off the useless $7800.

BKP I saw into your releases several concepts from a mature 8bit scene which weren't common heritage in the early 90ies, like extending the background colors on the border (Castle Dance's titlescreen), or using a shadowmask with little softsprites to fade in 4 points the scrollings (Cross Scroll Demo). Does this experience come to you from other scenes, like C64 or the most spreaded in Poland Atari 8bit?

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

And one more demo (it was the first one) .TAP version only.
I have been sitting for a long time and analyzing jumps and the hell I can't find the starting address ... in my own program: D I'm out of practice. If someone wants to play in the search for the starting address and do .PRG try it. Theoretically, it should start at $ 52dd - it doesn't.


@Luca, I watched some of the effects in other productions (e.g. additional screen lines), and then analyzed and developed them in my own way. The CrossScroll effect was simple and spontaneous - I have been dealing with electronics for a long time and logical operations are no stranger to me, I used it in the program :) I also did software sprites somewhere, but I can't find them.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@BKP: thanks for the feedback and the kind words! I noticed in Castle Dance you are writing registers 0-13 in a loop at once, while in Cross Scroll Demo there appears to be a different approach. One awkward thing is that in Castle Dance values (> $0F) are written into the coarse (high) frequency register which are higher order than the actally usable range.

@gerliczer: thanks for looking this up for me. Ironically, the TED has something similar where the lowest tone is actually $3FF as the oscillator counter's increment happens before the compare. I am not saying this is the case here as more sources suggest indeed that value 0 is in fact 1 but no word about 1 being 2 for example happy

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Don't care about it and leave it to me, I did the .PRG for you well packed with Exomizer, the startaddress was $52D8, as the modified Novaload Specjal said wink

Is Demo 1 a music box where to choose 3 different tunes by pressing 1 2 3?

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Gaia: You're welcome. Another idea would be trying to contact IstvanV about AY emulation. His multi-machine emulator has such a feature. Maybe he'd be willing to share some basic information.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Luca, "Is Demo 1 a music box where to choose 3 different tunes by pressing 1 2 3?" - YES

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

In Castle Dance there appears to be some sort of ROM banking going on... (it turns on and off the #2 low ROM). Was there an EPROM in the cart?

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

There was eprom in the extension, it contained basic commands for AY and turbo for datasette. The ROM was located in bank # 2. I usually didn't use it in my programs. Is castle dance an exception ....? Now I'm at work, tomorrow I will send the DIGIMUZ ROM.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@BKP: cool! You probably know that but lower ROM's are relatively easy to dump? Anyway, I suspect that the reason why these pieces of music are so out of tune currently in YAPE is that in some tunes it appears that some kind of lookup table is used (residing on the zeropage...!?). Without the ROM at this moment it seems to me that simply nonsense data is written to the frequency registers.

Posted By

on 2021-01-11
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Gaia, here is the DIGIMUZ ROM. Good luck in testing happy


@Gaia, one more thing ... install DIGIMUZ ROM in Yape - ROM C2 Low:

@Luca, please don't officially release this ROM yet.

Gentlemen, all of you here, I would like to say that I am very happy that I have met such people of brilliant programmers and computer enthusiasts that have almost gone into oblivion. This is a long story and you keep it going. Great respect and obeisances for the work you put into running this portal. By chance, I got to know @Carrion, who started this topic, and after 30 years I got a wider audience for my programs: D
Just thank you for what you do happy

PS. Sorry for my english but i use google translator happy

PS2. I will ask by the way :) I have three of my compositions in the Voicetracker standard (C64 computer) in the D64 file. Would anyone like to port this to C + 4 SID? Make such a small demo :)

Posted By

on 2021-01-12
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@BKP: thanks a lot for this and your kind words. You see it is not every day that we stumble upon such treasures so obviously we are very enthusiastic! I have tested the ROM and it works great. Is there any documentation on its functions? One peculiarity is that at least in YAPE, the ROM fails to finish the initialization in case you have a 1541 drive attached. Once you remove the 1541, it loads fine.

As I suspected, some of your tunes in Demo1 and Castle Dance appear to use some kind of lookup table for the notes from the DIGIMUZ EPROM, hence it is out of tune if you run them without it. The 'cracked' version of Castle Dance does not work with the EPROM (it jumps to $0408 which is empty) so I guess there was no way to test it properly because few people had the actual extension (it would have crashed with the EPROM attached or would have been out of tune or no sound at all without the EPROM attached).

The original TAP and the 'clean' crack PRG versions you provided above, however, worked flawlessly so I managed to make a video. Here it is with my clumsy gameplay happy

I made a beta build available for you to see for yourself here:

Posted By

on 2021-01-12
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

WOW! WOW! WOW! I am impressed with the perfect AY emulation happy Congratulations on a great job!
Unfortunately, Yape does not work for me, because I have a 32bit system

Posted By

on 2021-01-12
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

New pack of programs from BKP


Posted By

on 2021-01-12
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Gaia, I checked my daughter's computer. It took a while before I found the option to turn on AY, but it worked happy It works ok. I noticed a curiosity - when I do not mount the DIGIMUZ ROM, the sounds are played randomly, but when I press RESET (F11) in DEMO 2, the music plays correctly happy
(DEMO2 - has a RESET lock)

Unfortunately, I don't have a description for the DIGIMUZ ROM. I do not have a description of the basic extension written inside either.

Posted By

on 2021-01-13
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@BKP: I updated the beta above with an improved 32bit version, you may wish to redownload it. Cheers!

Posted By

on 2021-01-13
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

@Gaia, you have a case of beer with me happy Thanks a lot!

How did I create these programs, that some melodies play in the emulator even without the DIGIMUZ ROM attached, while others require it? Even more strange is the situation with DEMO2. There, regardless of whether the ROM is present or not, the music is properly played only after a reset (F11). It must have to do with the interrupt vectors I think and memory management. I have too little knowledge to grasp it ... happy Anyway, it's great that I managed to emulate AY in YAPE. I am extremely pleased with that.

Posted By

on 2021-01-13
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

one more file added in the same updated article. It's a database with disk load/save functions

Posted By

on 2021-01-13
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Thank you carrion. yes, probably Mini Baza Danych has been added here by the author himself.

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hello, it's me - Mettalic. My friend - BKP - told me about this thread on the plus4word forum. Glad to see "Castle Dance" after thirty years. In fact, I forgot about her already. Now I will probably get the old C16 out of the basement and try to play. But ... I don't have DIGIMUZ and C16 doesn't work. I have a schematic. (Thanks to BKP) Time to repair the machine and make a sample copy.

Hey @Gaia. I have a small request. Can you add another AY-3-8910 to the YAPE emulator at the address $ xx40- $ xx5f? For the next 3 channels? I have an idea and such an emulation would help me.

Greetings gentlemen.
Tomasz K - Metallic.

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hey, glad to see you here Metallic (is it definitely "Metallic" and not Mettalic?), congrats for the surprising products you've contributed to in the 90ies, we appreciate'em a lot!

Usually, YAPE should emulate real hardware that actually existed, maybe are you asking for a special version? Anyway, Gaia will come and answer the right way, I'm just blabbling around grin

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hi Metallic/Mettalic,

If I were you, I'd reuse the same register window ($FD21..$FD23) as the single AY DIGIMUZ card. I'd use the unused upper bits of the address register ($FD23) to select the second sound generator. Or up to the eighth if you will. The I/O area is quite tightly packed already. It would be unwise further "littering" it if you ask me.

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

gerliczer has a valid point. $fd40-$fd5f is already in use by SIDCard (yes, probably you can't plug in a SIDCard and a DIGIMUZ together but existing software writing SIDCard registers can cause trouble.

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Hello again,
Plague (who knows Witcher?), My mistake, of course, Metallic (some say it's from Metallica, but my version is from steel).

Of course. Maybe I'm asking too much, but maybe we can make YAPE an unpublished version of Γ (gamma).

@gerliczer Digimuz equipment allows you to connect additional devices in the address space:
$ xx40- $ 5f (extra AY-3?)
$ xx60- $ 7f
$ xx80- $ 9f
$ xxa0- $ bf

Regards, Tomasz K.

PS. You guess what I'm going to do? AY-3-8910 are terribly cheap.
PS.2 "This user name (Metallic) is already taken by Tomasz Kxxx" - How can I log in?

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

Metallic ah those addreses were specific of the DIGIMUZ hardware, just like SIDcard uses $FD40 and $FE80 as additional mirror memory location. Very good, if that's a real feature, Gaia will do it for sure, aiming to the most reliable emulation possible wink

Metallic isn't another user, he's *you* actually happy As you can see, no registration is needed to write here, but if you request for a registration, you'll become...Metallic, both as database entry and user grin If you wanna register here, click the word "registration" in the welcome message for the forum.

Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

I continue to rummage in old cassettes for programs and finally found ... A demo version of the easy music composition program, which I started to create due to the lack of a good alternative - Music Tracker BKP. Unfortunately, I only did a synchronization of the player with the screen. There was not enough time to edit the music and the Amiga appeared, which made me dizzy and stunned with great sound happy For Amiga (and later PC) I composed a total of about 150 modules. And now I'm back to C + 4 from AY again happy

@Luca, the file is at the link below. I don't know how to add to my program list myself.


Posted By

on 2021-01-20
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

BKP, from the homepage, click [ Edit Page ], click Programs, click New. Or - my preferred method - search for the program you're about to add, if not found, you'll see the [ Add New Program ] link below the results.

Posted By

on 2021-01-21
 Re: Polish games from 1989-92 dug up after 30+ years

thanks @Csabo, I will remember happy

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