Posted By
 gerliczer on 2021-01-02 11:20:53
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Holy Sh...! That is God damn awful. I wish him.. What could I even wish? That is so sorrowful. I can't find words. Fight, Jason!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2021-01-02 16:45:20
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Thanks for the update. Wow, it's pretty unbelievable how "random" life is. I truly hope he recovers.
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-01-05 11:07:15
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Have written and canceled a couple of thread's answers, and now I have no words that can be spoken about Forza! Jason.

Posted By
 Chronos on 2021-02-10 03:41:11
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
CreaMD (Fa**book): This is probably the most bizarre news I have ever shared on this page, but it's very positive news. Jason Kelk, a.k.a. T.M.R./Cosine who was admitted to hospital with covid on March 31 last year is recovering from the long and complicated ilness. Not the best way how to become famous outside the scene, but what's most important, he made it! I (CreaMD) am personally glad to finally hear good news. Jason, congrats on taming this beast and I wish you fast recovery. Stay strong!
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-02-10 05:31:12
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Fantastic news Chronos, thank you. No doubt it's a tough hit to see Jason in those conditions, videos and images break our hearts into pieces, but knowing that he finally sees a light thru the dark tunnel he ran into, that's enough to relieving all of us. Forza! Jason.
Posted By
 JimmyCoupe on 2021-02-10 08:22:52
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
I have a lot of time and respect for St James in Leeds and the staff that work there. He is in good hands, and I am sure they are doing their very best for him.
Posted By
 Mad on 2021-02-10 23:05:15
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Oh my.. Thank god he is recovering.. Almost some tears here.. It's so good to read that he is on a good way to recovery.. All the best for Jason..
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-02-15 14:54:23
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Today Jason has finally written his first public post (Facebook) after almost a year:
"The connection is limited and my typing hobbled, but I'm finally online from Jimmys. Reponses will be sporadic but I'll try to keep up!"
Posted By
 aNdy/Cosine on 2021-02-15 15:18:17
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
He's on CSDb also...
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2021-02-16 01:30:36
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Great news! I wish him strong recovery. Get well soon, friend.
Posted By
 TMR on 2021-04-21 05:25:20
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Might as well make this official... =-)
Yes, I'm back online, still broadcasting from a hospital bed at Jimmy's (everything positive said about the staff here is true, they've been fantastic) using my little Dell and a Huawei mobile router because who needs agressive firewalls? Covid has seen me sittng out more than a year in hospital now aynd, although I've got some distnce to go yet physically, my mind seems fully intact and I've even been dabbling with some 6502!
But I'm here right now for something a bit more personal; I want to say a huge "thankyou" to evryone for the lovely, positive essages here and in the scrolltext for aNdy's MD202006, I saw them on a day I was feeling down so they lifted my spirits so much. I've always been a quite solitary person so the cynic in me says "yeah, online friends don't really care about you" but it was awesome to be proved so ridiculusly wrong!
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2021-04-21 05:50:30
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
How I waited for this moment. Welcome back, friend. Welcome back. I'm incredibly happy you finally made it.
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-04-21 06:26:06
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
"...my mind seems fully intact and I've even been dabbling with some 6502!": this, this totally turn my day to a very good day. Welcome back TMR! Next milestone: a multisystem comeback intro, and a real comeback to your home. IRL and very soon.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2021-04-21 08:16:58
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Lovely to hear from you! Wish you a full recovery 
Posted By
 Mad on 2021-04-21 10:30:03
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Absolutely great to hear!! And nice that the 6502 stayed fit for some more T.M.R. between all this... Can't wait for the next Cosine stuff.. Grateful to hear of your recovery and kept 6502 abilities! Welcome back!
Posted By
 retroscener on 2021-04-21 11:03:46
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Wow that was you? Makes the world seem suddenly smaller. Glad you won this longest of Covid battles, that you’re doing well again and back where you belong.
Posted By
 SVS on 2021-04-21 14:39:06
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
A good news, finally! Go TMR go 
Posted By
 George on 2021-04-21 16:20:25
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Welcome back! Wish you good health and all the best..
Posted By
 Doug on 2021-04-21 17:52:35
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
TMR welcome back! I was so shocked to read your story. I can't imagine what you've been through - so glad that you've come through! I know all the folks on here have missed you, and we have all been hoping for your safe return. Well done!!!! (Straight back into 6502 - what a dude!!!) 
Posted By
 Ati on 2021-04-22 00:33:02
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Welcome back Jason! I wish you the best!
Posted By
 TMR on 2021-04-22 05:52:50
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Yes, that was mw in th papers and on telly retroscener, I think I hold the record for longest ICU stay now that Derek Draper has gone home. It's been a weird exerience, I came in this time last year but only remember things from late October onwards and even then some of it is a little sketchy.
I'm incredibly lucky too, Derek Draper isn't the person he was before Covid but my personality and dodgy sese of humour still seem to be intact, so I reckon that Iccan live with the physial damage.
Posted By
 RobertB on 2021-04-27 20:56:24
| Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Thank god that you are back, Jason! 
Truly, Robert Bernardo
Posted By
 Lavina on 2021-04-28 12:20:24
 | Re: Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk
Hi Jason,
Nice to have you back at last. Strange, that in great distress we reach back to our roots... When I was in hospital (ICU) a long time ago with skull fracture, as soon as I began to feel better and literally know my own name again I asked for a notebook and pen. That's how Beamphobia was born.