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on 2020-04-11
 Re: 10 Jahre BASIC 10Liner Contest

My absolutely favorite is The Spiral, this is the most remarkable one in every aspects. I don't understand why this is only on the 39th, but "Every man to his own country.".

BTW (Please Wait): Hmmm there were somebody to like it, its score is not zero... happy More than 33%, it's unbelievable! Steve Jobs was right... happy

BTW2 (The Horde): "POKE52,31:POKE56,31:CLR" in the first line (0th) is unnecessary. ...and every zombie has got the same value (1 point), it would have been better: "the nearer zombie, the more valuable". What a pity!

BTW3 (Mines Plus C16): 5 S=ASC(A$+"@")... ...+"@" is also unnecessary, because of ASC takes notice of only the very first character. So it makes no sense... ...and about controls (IJKL): 2+2=4, but ASC("TRICK")-SIN(PI/2)-DEC(STR$(LEN("DEAD"))+MID$("BEEF",3,1))+COS(PI)=4 even, so it's only a really trick, but no magic... happy

THE REAL MAGIC IS "POKE1177,62"! ($0499 = $3E = switch to ROM) WoW

.0494 8D 9C 04 STA $049C
.0497 78 SEI
.0498 8D 3F FF STA $FF3F
.049B B1 00 LDA ($00),Y
.049D 8D 3E FF STA $FF3E
.04A0 58 CLI
.04A1 60 RTS

It's a miracle (for me), because if I would have known it when I was a little kid I wouldn't have to memorize the following:

What I didn't know what it did (it copies bytes from $D000 to $3C00), only I knew how to rewrite characters and I had enough to know it then... happy

So, when I developed Turbo Vision 4 BASIC I wrote a lot of BASIC and Assembly programs from different computer newspapers in order to test TV4B. But TV4-format is a little bit different from pure BASIC PRG, so I had to make a TV4 to PRG converter. The last few days I converted some programs (about 82) to .lumy for LUMYDCTT v5.6.3: "sources/typein", and here is one of them in which I uses the above magic:

Lumydctt - POKE1177,62

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