Posted By
MIK on 2003-04-01
| Zophar's Domain seized by US government.
Hey Csabo I guess you posted this??
I don't know of the site or sites, but what I sort of understand he might of been into carts from NES, maybe Master System and anything upto the present day.. If that was the case then I don't feel sorry for him at all nor if he was into trading copyrighted music. The N64 suffered big time because the games were online the day they were released almost. Thats the stuff I don't believe in doing or touching.
How ever it does reflect what we are doing here. I find it sad people wish to clamp down on the older 8bit home computer stuff. The Game Boy Advance is the one to blame although I love the machine. People are releasing their old stuff on GBA, eg.(Bubble Bobble) and sure we never saw the light off day on Plus4, but the C64 version has all the magic from the original arcade machine... So no wonder people want to clamp down.
I have not been in contact with emucamp in a very, very long time and they don't have my email, but I did state to them which they agreed to that I would remove anything on this site if I was asked too. Yeah I see your email, but have been ignorant to it because it's pi55es me off
Yak said yes.
As for the other guys, they don't own their software, but rather the software companys who released them so it's pointless asking them them selfs.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-04-01
| Ahem...
I thought it was obvious that it was an APRIL FOOLS!!! joke... Hehehe... Ati posted it by the way.
On permissions, we don't have much to worry about. British telecom has allowed us to distribute the Firebird titles, they are now all marked /PD. The permissions are here, hopefully we will have more later.
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-04-01
| Csabo -->
I read the 'press release' before I came to the forum, and was about to pm you that it was an April Fool's joke. The names given at the bottom of the 'press release' give it away..... Hugh, Oliver, etc.
Posted By
MIK on 2003-04-02
| ..
I wish I could laugh, a bit to close to the truth to be funny. I got about 1/2 way down and that was enough for me.
It will only be time before they come and take me away for doing Plus4 stuff
Posted By
MIK on 2003-04-02
| ..
We should of uploaded a blank TAP called 1942, that would of been funny with people asking how to we get it to work. We could of even gone as far as having a basic title screen, "NOW LOADING", once it loaded it just resets the plussy
But we are not like that are we
Posted By
Luca on 2003-04-02
| *Woff*
Lando: try to do the 1942 joke and I'll reach you in England with a huge baseball bat in my hands!
Posted By
Gaia on 2003-04-02
| 1942 joke
Actually I liked the joke I already imagined using the NOVALOAD turbo and a screen coming up just like Lando said... and then, after some loading something like a screen that says "April's Fool, press reset to continue"
Posted By
MIK on 2003-04-02
| ..
Ati: We could of been really nasty and had the game Reach for the Sky load aswell