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on 2017-10-25
 Shaun Southern's videochat interview

We searched for him fo so much time, and we've been beaten by this guy, who got the chance to interview the real Shaun Southern. Gonna add this video to his personal page, don't miss this great one-hour interview!

"...these things ([top games charts]) every week in the magazines, like 10 C16 games, they are all Mastertronic and a half of them were mine..."

EDIT: the interviewer has answered to my comment under the video, and he will turn some questions to Sout being in contact with him. So, let's collect all YOUR questions to Shaun Southern, here on this thread, and I'll copypaste'em to him!
Here's mine:
"You were used to include Duck Shoot and Super Snake Simulator into your C16 softography, but the are both unreleased on the market; what could be happened inbetween?"
"Michelangelo Pignani has drawn the loading screen of Formula 1 Simulator and you've problably crossed his work in several other games, what do you remember about this obscure Welsh Mr. Chip's coder with strictly Italian name and surname?".

Posted By

on 2017-10-25
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

Seen this! Great interview.. Didn't know he did all that stuff. Especially Lotus. Cool to see!

Posted By

on 2017-10-26
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview


Posted By

on 2017-10-26
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

I'm gonna turn to him some questions in few hours, so write your own question and someone will deliver it to him!

EDIT: really? Nobody wanna ask something to Shaun Southern? As far as I remember, there had been quite a constant searching about him in the past years, and i figured out that this could have been a juicy chance to ask something to him...probably I was wrong.

Posted By

on 2017-10-27
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

IIRC MIK (Lando) was most interested in hearing from Sout.

Posted By

on 2017-10-27
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

How much crowdfunding do we need to see a new game from him? happy

Posted By

on 2017-10-27
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

JamesC: yes, hope he will read this thread in time...

Lavina: yeeeah grin gonna add this question too wink

Posted By

on 2017-11-13
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

Alan "Mamemeister" Stewart has kindly taken questions and answers back and forth, and that's what we got overall, thank you Alan!

I've just copy and pasted the conversation directly. Shaun has kindly also given me Andrew Morris's email address if you wanted me to ask him questions.

AS: "Hi Shaun, hope you're well sir. I can categorically say this interview has sparked a lot of interest especially within the Commodore c16 scene. There's a bunch of them on a forum who have asked if I was willing to ask you, on their behalf a number of questions which hopefully you would kindly be willing to answer. If you could, I'll post your answers back to them. Thanks again sir. Alan

1 -"You included "Duck Shoot" and "Super Snake Simulator" into your C16 softography on several interviews (for respective refers see the relative pages on Plus4World.com), as they really look to be reasonable games for C16, but the are both unreleased on the market; what could be happened inbetween?";

2 - "Michelangelo Pignani has drawn the loading screen of Formula 1 Simulator and you've problably crossed his work in several other games, what do you remember about this obscure Welsh Mr. Chip's coder with strictly Italian name and surname?"

3 - "Do you remember about unreleased games, or games that have found some obstacles to change'em in steam and not to be?";

4 - "Your C16/Plus4 fans were used to talk about a crowdfunding in order to see a new C16 game from you (and if you have some unreleased stuff you could also cheat )...does a convincing amount exist to let you turn back to C16 coding?"

SS: "Hi - I'll reply properly when I get home. I thought these games did go out - the best way I can check is that I'll probably have a scan of a review if they did.. Could be my memory playing tricks on me though"

AS: "Cheers Shaun, appreciate that. Alan"

SS:"Hi.. I looked through all my reviews and I can’t find DuckShoot or Super Snake Simulator for the C16. I know they went out on other formats, and there’s no reason why they couldn’t have gone out on C16, but it's so long ago I really can’t remember. Other than I couldn’t find any cassette inlays or reviews with them on...

Michelangelo was a friend of Doug Braisby's the guy who started Mr Chip, and a programmer rather than an artist, if I remember right. Andrew knows him pretty well, and I think he lives in Switzerland now. I'm not sure if he still writes games or not.

Not sure what no 3 means, sorry... Games I've written that are unreleased ?

C16.. AS mentioned before, I don’t think I could even remember how machine code works any more, let alone the intricacies of a C16, C64 or Amiga. A convincing amount of money.... Hmmm... It would have to pay more than my job as I think part of my contract says I can't work on any projects on the side... I'm holding out for Trailblazer the movie though

Btw I did get the C64 and C16 emulators working, we had a laugh at Olympic Skier but the Amiga one I couldn't.. Got stuck on the loading screen. I have another Amiga emulator somewhere that I was sent but is still in the box... I'll have another go at getting them working soon"

AS:"Ah thanks for all the info Shaun, I'll pass it over to the guys. Alan"

SS:"Ok, any more questions, no problem.. I can ask Andrew to let you know more about Michelangelo if you like."

Posted By

on 2017-11-13
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

hmm.. What's "Trailblazer the movie" ??

Posted By

on 2017-11-13
 Re: Shaun Southern's videochat interview

Mmmh, a joke about possible bigger project than his current one, I guess.

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