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on 2017-09-23
 Castle Matcher Released!

Castle MatcherCastle Matcher is finally done! For those of you who played the Release Candidate, this version has improved gameplay and more clues. Never heard of this game before? Well then :-) Take a trip into the wonderfully twisted imagination of RoePipi. Without giving away all the ingredients, here's the recipe: take a dodo bird stuck in a castle, add a screwdriver-kicking rooster, mix in some high-tech locked doors and bake to perfection :-)
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on 2017-09-24
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

At laaast! Wanna check it right now, thank you RoePipi, although the suffix V1 scares me to death: are you ready to improve and fix it to the infinity and beyond? wink
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on 2017-09-24
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

Luca: Nope, I'm just open to further corrections and additions. happy I don't want to see a single bug in my games. There are already some compromised solutions there, mainly cause of limitations of my brain. However, I have some extra kilobytes for easy and funny additions, I have some ideas. But first, let's see who can max out this game. wink
Posted By

on 2017-09-27
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

RoePipi: code to Castle 5 is 4 digits long only, and I'm not able to use it.

EDIT: ah ok, I have to use 0 for the blank one.
Btw, the prize banner made me laugh loud :D

EDIT2: I'm now at Level 12, and surprises and fun don't wanna stop. Congratulations RoePipi, this game is art!
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on 2017-09-27
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

Luca: Sorry about the 4-digit codes, I could've programmed them to be 5-digit ones, but I thought, what the heck... let those birds figure it out! happy At least level codes are compatible between different game versions.

Thanks for your compliments so far, but keep in mind that arts can be too abstract sometimes...
...Have you tried to close those banners? grin
Posted By

on 2017-09-28
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

Ooooh X key really works! grin So entertaining overall, in any aspect!
Today I'll face the 17th level, where I still dunno what to do!

EDIT: dunno yet how to solve level 17, but there are mechanics I don't understand: leaving a heavy item on the floor opens the door; once entered the door, there's a similar mechanism on the other side related to the same door, and you can drop/take a heavy object there too; if you perform that move, the door closes, although on the first side still there's an item that should keep it open! And I suspect that if this doesn't work as expected, I won't be able to exit with the football :(

EDIT2: OMG 18 is even more terrible :D

Posted By

on 2017-09-28
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!


Oh... Yes... That mechanism senses if you remove an item from either side... Well... It was cheaper this way. :p
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on 2017-09-28
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

Finished, but by using the card, and it means easy ending. Hafta figure out the 6-digits code in order to enter the procedural universe and spot the vile out.
I added the levelcodes (obscurated) in the game page, I'll wait to see all the endings before completing the page with the ending stuff.

What a great game you did, again: congrats!
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on 2017-09-29
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

Luca: What, finished already? I think I'll switch to open-ended games then grin (No, just one game, really.) I have one more idea.
Posted By

on 2019-06-15
 Re: Castle Matcher Released!

Is Castle Matcher the best and most original game on Commodore Plus/4, and the best game written in BASIC on any platform ever? Yes, sure it is!

RoePipi offers to you all the surprising and complex ending of his game, here at Game Endings!

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