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on 2015-11-16
 Gate of Power!

Gate of PowerWe don't have a good explanation as to why this game is announced now, as opposed to last year, but nevertheless, here's Gate of Power!

A new adventure awaits: set out to see the world in the shoes of Fred Nelson, archaeologist. Your quest is to find the mysterious gate of power, which, according to ancient records, is somewhere in Asia. Visit many exotic locations while making friends and collecting clues. Test your skills and see if you pass the ultimate test, that is IF you manage to stay alive!

The game was coded by angelsoft, and is accompanied by music from Csabo. It requires a disk drive, but it runs on any stock C16 (PAL or NTSC)! The current version was released in time for the DoReCo party in Germany. It was shown at the party to some great feedback. It is still in development (of sorts), with a hopefully final version forthcoming, but it's definitely playable now. So get to it :-) (As an added bonus, you can enjoy a remix of the soundtrack.)
Posted By

on 2015-11-17
 Re: Gate of Power!

Wow! Very nice adventure game! Well done, I really like adv games. happy
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on 2015-11-17
 Re: Gate of Power!

Wow, and it's all in 16k too. Nice job. It's about time common sense prevailed to start using disk multiload for graphical text adventures for the unexpanded C16 in these times where the SD2iec is pretty much commonplace now happy

I mean it's hardly going to interrupt on what is technically a slow game genre to play anyway. It makes more room for great graphics, the disk loading is naturally quick anyway and the added music is just the icing on the cake.

I notice it says 1986 on the title screen but was re-coded in 2014, so I'd love to know more on its history, and I'd also like to see more 16k graphic text adventures like this one please
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on 2015-11-17
 Re: Gate of Power!

"You seem to be lost." argh..
nice game and very atmospheric music
Posted By

on 2015-11-17
 Re: Gate of Power!

Misfit, You are lost too? grin

nice storyteling and well made gfx. and even had an intro animation!
The music is very nice piece, and as far as I noticed, it reflects to the situation you have.
I really like the adventures, and it impresses me with it's 16K size and really nice presentation.
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on 2015-11-17
 Re: Gate of Power!

Bug alert! When the waiter serves you the dishes, GET DISH and the game stops with no prompt at all.
Posted By

on 2015-11-18
 Re: Gate of Power!

Thank you all. I'm glad you like to play the game!

Baz asked for the historical background. The story is that I originally wrote the game in BASIC and sketched the images with a painting program (was it koala painter or doodle?) on my C64. I think I was inspired by graphic adventures like dallas quest which were popular that days. The original game was never released. I've added some images of the original version here Gate of Power, so see yourself. When I found the disk after sort of 30 years in the attic, I decided to 'reanimate' it... As I told Csabo about the idea, he immediately offered to contribute the music. The songs are really great.

Indeed Luca found a bug (eventually not the last one). A wrong branch aim lets the game loop.
Here you can get a bugfixed disk image: http://www.angel-soft.de/gop/d64/GOP-A-doreco-fix1.d64
(just replacing the file cod16 will do,too).
When playing in the emulator, you can fix it using > $1289 0c in the monitor after the restaurant scene is loaded.
Posted By

on 2015-11-18
 Re: Gate of Power!

Very nice in-game art, reminds me of adventure games like Winter Wonderland on the C64.
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on 2015-11-18
 Re: Gate of Power!

Good fixing Jens, definitely the game needs a final version, with bugfixes and, hope so, turboloader. The latter feature will move for sure to raise my vote happy

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