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Posted By

on 2014-11-06
 The WANTED thread

Just like we use that old thread in order to announce all the 16K fixings we do, and the consequent updates of the involved files, I would to open a WANTED thread.
Keep in mind that the best way to check what Plus/4 World still ask for, is to search for the 'WANTED' term and see what pops up, as the usage of this thread is intended for quick or urgent needings happy

Here's the first voices: we still need TAPs for Terra Nova both C16 and Plus/4 version (the current ones could be corrupted dumps), and Petch released by Anirog claimed to have no turbo loader.

Thank you all in advance, for this and for the rest :*

Posted By

on 2014-11-06
 Re: The WANTED thread

No one ever told you it's rude to ask? happy

Terra Nova will not happen over night as it's a bugged mess even when it fully loads.



1942, I mean Level 4 wink

Note it says: Stage 0

All was going well and I completed Level 1 just fine.
As soon as Level 2 loaded I now had infinity lives and the game could not make it's mind up if I had unlimited fuel or ammo, one moment I did, another life I didn't. When I reached the end of the game it hung and I was left looking at a black screen!
One good thing came from all of this, I know all the levels of the C16 version load now from my tape. The only option now is to tweak the heads on the 1531 and keep play testing hoping it will load without fault. Only then is it worth making a tap image, what the 1531 does MTAP will record. The only way to do that is to beat the game without cheating and then there is the Plus/4 version to do. wink

Maybe I crashed the game or it has a built in cheat? I found that RUN/STOP will pause the game, press 1 to continue. I doubt it's a built in cheat, it messed up...

Posted By

on 2014-11-06
 Re: The WANTED thread

@MIK you never, never have to mention "1942" to Luca! Or it makes him sorrowful for a week... wink

Posted By

on 2014-11-06
 Re: The WANTED thread


OMG did I have been so rude? I smiled, I didn't draw any gun to someone's temple to have TAPs, I thanked in advance, in the end I even sent a smackey kiss... :o Did I really looked as a TAPs sucking vampire? happy Beg your pardon you all, if there was the picture I've given to you, then.

Of course, the real aim of this thread is to have the chance in comparing different tapes from different owners, in order to have an idea of what's really out there.

Thanks for the road testing MIK, that's a confirmation about the C16 TAP dated 2004 we just have, that TAP shows the game exactly as you've described, and this would mean it's the regular one, despite the weird filename and the black screen as ending.
Now, we also have the C16 and Plus/4 TAPs dated 2001, and both are broken. This takes us to argue they're bad dumps, because this C16 version should be exactly the same of the working one: if it doesn't work and it should, the Plus/4 version could be bad dumped too.
And, guess what? Better have it good than bad grin So, if a good man out there would gently think to us, we're here waiting for his spare time.

Other two checkings would be cool:
- checking the version released into the compilations, to see if they do the same;
- having a picture of the cassette, both sides.

Posted By

on 2014-11-06
 Re: The WANTED thread

Those 2001 broken Terra Nova's might be mine from the chewed tape which happened trying to make them because of the bug issues back then. I don't believe I publicly released them, might of been sitting on the old site as that was all we had, or I shared them to you and Gaia in private.

Yes that strange file name on the c16 version is the same on my working tape! The master copy must of been bad. I have since managed to get c16 level 2 to load properly, switched it off when I died as it was late. I will check some more, it might be something silly like the game having been loaded twice while still in memory from a soft rest, I will check for that. Only the +4 version disables the reset button.

BTW. I tried loading Terra Nova +4 on a c16 with 32k ram. Amazingly it loads, title screen and music work!! As soon as you press fire and it says "Mission One" the game crashes. Very cool you can at least get the music running with 32K!

PS. I only have the original release.

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