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Posted By

on 2014-06-14

Is it just me who did not know this / thinks this but the title music of A-07 on C16/Plus4 sounds quite similar to Kraftwerk's 'The Robots'. ??

Posted By

on 2014-06-14
 Re: A-07

No, it's not just you happy The title tune is clearly a cover of that song.

Posted By

on 2014-06-14
 Re: A-07

Wow, I never knew about this game. A-07 is an Impossible Mission clone? Why did nobody tell me? grin

The player moves way too slowly though. Plus the robots have the ability to go over the gaps where they don't in the original Impossible Misson. Shame. What's the recommended speed setting?

Posted By

on 2014-06-15
 Re: A-07

Nice find! I did not realize it when I played with it ~20 years ago...

I do remember the slow move was rather annoying, so I played with the Pink Panther (Rozsaszin Parduc) when I wanted to play with an Impossible Mission clone.

Posted By

on 2014-06-16
 Re: A-07

Everybody, raise hands who did NOT want to recreate Impossible Mission on the +4 happy I, too, liked Rozsaszin Parduc more it was even a bit technically better in my view.

Posted By

on 2014-06-16
 Re: A-07

Defence Force did it some time ago:
Full 6502 source, no sprites, perfect fit for +4, what more do we need? happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-16
 Re: A-07

Sixteen Plus, we didn't tell you cause we didn't know you don't know this game. But if there's any other cool games you don't know, tell us know, and we'll let you know about them happy (I'm hilarious today.)

Edit: Kichy, wow, that game looks really good. I had to look up this computer. 240 * 224 screen? Well, that could be one issue, but otherwise, you're right: we don't need much else. Just a hero, a True Plus/4 Hero, someone who consistently puts out awesome conversions from a wide range of systems... :-)

Posted By

on 2014-06-16
 Re: A-07

Csabo Wrote:
Sixteen Plus, we didn't tell you cause we didn't know you don't know this game. But if there's any other cool games you don't know, tell us know, and we'll let you know about them (I'm hilarious today.)

Posted By

on 2014-06-17
 Re: A-07

Joking aside, I'm not sure if we can "solve" something like this. I checked, A-07 doesn't show up in the Top 100 either. I'm an okay game overall, but within its genre it's actually pretty good (given how few similar games we have).

So, perhaps adding more data to the database? As in, refining fields, allowing tags, making the navigation easier (and therefore more fun). Is any of that worth looking into? My secret fear is that there's massive hordes of Plus/4 enthusiasts out there with tons of free time, and the only thing preventing them from adding/editing stuff is our site being "not good enough" happy

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