Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-04-26 05:16:35
 | Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Hey Crew !
Recently found out that other forums state that if you are inactive for a month your membership credentials are removed. This is an outrage 
The only time this has happened to me was back in the late 90's when the not so Hotmail crooks deleted my account after i stopped checking my emails for a period. I lossed everything 
Do these people even take into consideration that you may have lousy/limited internet connections, might have long-term illness, or extended holidays???
Please share your thoughts & experiences 
Posted By
 MIK on 2014-04-26 06:26:21
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Depends how it works I guess. If you've signed up, never posted or only posted 1 message in all your time as the months go by it could be viewed as spam or a bot. This type of thing could be purged.
Or maybe the forum is so busy they are only just getting by each month, as an example some 3rd party current generation game created by a small time dev has become a hit over night and the masses flood in. They have no loyalty to anyone and your just viewed as a number. They will have admin to keep things under control while purging those who are not active. At the same time it allows new people to check things out. Understandable from a certain point of view when you don't have the resources.
But if it's not this and they are happy to get shot of people after the account has not been used for a month then the whole site is not worthy of your time and effort. Find another if possible. 
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-04-26 08:33:42
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Thanks 4 the quick reply as always MIK 
I didnt realise that such complex issues can arise 
In my case i had lost hundreds of hotmail messages, pics, jokes & contacts list & have never been back there since. I believe it is now called Live Mail service but i certainly will not trust them again . I suppose if anyone ever got the boot from a forum they could always rejoin under a different name but it is about the inconvenience of having to start all over again!
BTW i was surpised that my thread topic has gone from ''General'' to ''Off Topic'' ? I was gonna edit it to show the relevance to this site (PLUS/4 WORLD) by asking if anyone has ever been booted for inactivity, rude, rascist, sexist or political motives ?
Somehow i don't think this admin crew will chop someone for MIA over a month as i have observed the member list & seen inactive listings! I guess their accounts are still active but they havent made any new posts in last few months???
Posted By
 retroscener on 2014-04-26 22:20:28
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
What's up with the site? I can't post a new topic. I just get greeted with an Internal Server Error 
Edit: Fixed now 
Apologies for the slight diversion.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2014-04-26 20:57:27
| Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
I would also say this is "off topic", not directly related to the C16/Plus4, though I'm happy to discuss it. To answer your question Retro76, no-one has been banned/removed here. I did mark a few people "inactive" in the database a while back, but that doesn't really affect anything. And yeah, we have members (good friends even) who haven't logged in over a year, but they will, eventually 
What other sites do... is their business. I can understand them doing it too: if you open up registration and you get tons of people signing up, then never posting or posting just once, that just takes up resources. As long as they allow you to register again, it doesn't seem like a big problem.
Posted By
 Luca on 2014-04-26 21:17:12
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
...and just to be clear: it's me, who moved it from 'General' to 'Off Topic'. That would be the actual maximum "tuning" a thread would come under, even though it barely regards this site. As Csabo just said: we've never deleted a discussion or banned someone here 
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-04-27 01:57:14
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Gday Luca, Csabo & Sixteeen 
Hey thats cool !
This site is my first forum membership & you guys are definitely the friendliest bunch. I always receive great responses & friendly advice 
Unfortunately the same can't be said with two other forums i have tried out  The responses have been minimal & advice not forthcoming.
This site also has the best layout & is easy to use once you get a grip on things 
I guess the admin/members here are also very tolerant having never banned anyone !
Posted By
 MIK on 2014-04-27 06:40:14
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Retro76, as your new to all this I thought I say...
I see you signed up to Lemon64 and posted a message to show your support after it came back... Unknown to you that place is busy, fast moving at times and anything slightly off topic that's not in the right place will be moved or deleted. Your 1st message on Lemon64 should of been posted under,"Member Introductions". Part of it was your intro, but you also said about the site going down... I believe they deleted it. I can't find it any way but if they deleted it it's because there is a topic called, "Welcome back!" and the very 1st post in that says, "Please keep all messages re: the outage confined to one thread." Sometimes you have to be a little careful where you post and what it might relate too on busy forums.
Once you've been nosing around for a while your soon get used to how things work, just remember it's always busy over there and what ever is on your mind needs to be posted under the correct board and must be kept on topic (with-in reason). That's how most forums work. 
Just go easy and get a feel for the place, check to see if something has been asked before recently or is already ongoing ect... your soon catch on. 
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-04-28 04:32:52
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
OK so BIG BROTHER is watching over me LOL ! 
Anyhow i see what you are saying (direct & to the point: should have gone to Member Intros or Welcome back heading). After looking closely, i see they actually moved it to the games heading & after 70 views i still have no replies. This was a disastrous thread & i have come up with a new one under general & hopefully this gets better responses as i am still testing the waters But youre right about things moving quickly as they got 11000 members compared to our 1000 roughly !?
Back to what Csabo was saying about members here. I f i was not to post a thread in over a year it would mean i have made a drastic & serious change in my lifestyle preferences, am seriously ill or even dead. Is there a way of knowing if some members who leave minimal details have passed over?
Posted By
 MIK on 2014-04-28 06:16:10
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
I didn't reply as I knew they would move it. Nice to see they were gentle with you any way! I looked long and hard and could not see it. I blame the tablets I take. Some one has replied now. 
If your thinking about dying on us then don't worry as your not alone. Some say sooner the better like my woman does to me as a joke, all this retro stuff I have is worth a fair old bit and it's not just C16/Plus4, haha!
I've been seriously i'll for the last 4 years, death on the mind every day and I'm still here... Secretly I hope my woman or a family member might say something as they know about this place and that's the best thing anyone can hope for as no one want's to die really. Enjoy while you still can and make the most of it where possible. Let those who are still alive do the worrying. 
It does happen though... We lost someone about 4 years ago, his name was Dunric, also known as Paul Panks R.I.P. He liked creating text adventure games... was a bit of shock when it happened but word got about quickly when it did! As you can see by clicking on his nickname, his info and photo are still on the site and will be forever more! 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2014-04-28 13:09:39
| Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Retro76, I hope you're joking when you mention being ill or dead... Everything is going to be all right Since brought up this topic, I had to check: our list has 4 people who passed away.
Otherwise, if someone who's not a regular member would pass away, I'd guess we'd have no way of knowing. Some of us keep in touch outside of Plus/4 World by email, etc, and even meet in real life on retro parties (Arok is coming up!). But some of the folks, whom I would call a good friend have never actually met (Though I do hope that the future will bring some opportunities. On that note, if any of you is ever in Canada Ontario, call me, seriously. I'm in the phone book )
Posted By
 Lavina on 2014-04-29 05:58:44
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Life is a terminal illness with 100% mortality rate.
Soon none of us will be alive and nobody will understand this website (?).
I'm not lethargic or anything. 
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-04-29 22:46:52
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Oh I guess I touched on a very sensitive topic
Yes everyones day will come even though there is all this talk of cryogenics & other ways to immortalize the physical body. Even though i have had my fair share of close calls i don't plan on dying soon and am very sorry to hear you are seriously ill MIK 
RIP Dunric after clicking on the link. I guess we could say he left some kind of legacy !
Personally i can't say Ive lived a 100% loving, fulfilling life & am always in the pursuit of happyness
The old adage says 'The only guarantees in life are death & taxes'. I say what about the suffering? It should be 'death,suffering, & taxes' this god forsaken devils world sorry but thats what if feels like to many.
Sure there are those who always seem optimistic & on top of the world, but are they truly, deeply happy? I only know of one way of ultimate bliss....but it seems reserved only for a handful of people 
It is up to the people on this site to keep this website alive in the distant must pass on the legacy to your friends, family & children & keep the dream alive 
MIK i hope you dont mind me saying that surely you have gone through a Bucket List of Things To Do or are contemplating doing one ??? I can think of a few things id like to do if i had all the contiki, bungee jumping, parachuting/gliding, deep sea snorkelling etc etc
Oh & money isnt everything! Sometimes the best things lin life are taking a walk in the park & watching the butterflies flutter from colourful flower to flower.....i hope this all sounds more positive now :)
Posted By
 Lavina on 2014-04-30 07:18:44
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
If I'd be rich I'd not come out of my house. I'd sit at home and play games and watch movies all day every day... That's total happiness to me. I've seen enough of the real world.
LOL I've just realized that this textbox can actually be resized!!! How long has it been like this?! :O
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-05-01 21:29:42
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Yes Lavina 
Do whatever makes you happy brother !
But if you choose to remain indoors all your life you will miss out on plenty !
There are some desires that cannot be achieved in this physical life.....for example wanting to have billions of dollars, sleeping with over a 1000 beautiful women, exploring every single town, village, city or every single little corner of the earth 
I am surprised no one has asked what the ultimate human achievement is for all of us !!!??

Posted By
 MIK on 2014-05-02 01:18:30
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Landing on Mars, but only a select few will ever be so lucky for many, many 100's of years long after we have gone.
I hope man walks on Mars in our life time, if not go back to the Moon. I missed the Moon landing by 1 year, would of been too small even if I was born then to know better. 
Posted By
 George on 2014-05-02 04:21:34
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Retro: LOL i always liked austalian humor. 
Maybe you know, i am greek. We asked this question over 2000 years before.
Posted By
 Lavina on 2014-05-02 09:23:39
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Talking to an AI.
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-05-03 08:20:17
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Great responses guys 
I would love to see man land on Mars, but like you say probably won't happen in our lifetimes. Better still if I had the chance as a pioneer for a one-way ticket, sign me up already  One American women apparently has already devoted herself. I missed the moon landing by 7 years but I guess ya's already knew that. Ha ha... I find it kind of strange that the Russians, Chinese or Indians have yet to accomplish this task & that the US has not gone back.....but I will stay away from the conspiracy theories  I also love the idea of Artificial Intelligence.....robots, cyborgs etc.....but please no skynet... :_p :-p Yes the Greeks were asking the BIG Q's over 2000 years ago...Socrates, Plato etc then some Romans but I have read about many possibilities for the human race & although I am not a religious or deeply spiritual person I may reveal what sounds like the next big step for mankind in the following post..............................suspense............ :-p
Posted By
 MIK on 2014-05-04 01:20:27
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Sounds like your be saying Death and Destruction to all as resources start to run out. Or man messes about with the elements too much and creates a black hole here on earth, accidentally sucking the whole world up before anyone has a chance to know what's going on let alone press any stop button...
I heard once and it could be just a story. We spin around the sun but the sun spins around our galaxy... some where out there is a cloud of stuff that our system will pass through or does every 10's of 1000's of years and it's this that causes ice ages as it slightly blocks the sun for 1000's of years more. I don't know if it's true or not but was fascinating at the time. It's funny though how they all end the same, we are over due or on the brink of it happening again.
Sleep tight everyone, nothing to worry about really haha! 
Posted By
 Retro76 on 2014-05-05 04:04:45
 | Re: Membership Removed after one month of inactivity :(
Yeah Gotta Love those doomsday theories LOL 
I have heard about many & watched most of the big screen movies!
Unfortunately for the hardcore doomsdayers, there are just too many of us to wipe out the entire human race....7Billion & counting. No ocean rises, knockout of all telecommunications, ice age or asteroid can make a major dent to the way we live.....
The only thing is when the sun goes supernova billions of years from now & engulf the earth will there be an then we will be a spacefaring & spacecolonizing civilisation.
I think once we get over 10b pop then the resources will run out & cause some troubles....gotta leave it there for now sorry 