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Posted By

on 2014-03-29

Anyone care to "port" the new craze to our platform? happy


Just scored a miserable 3168 with 256 being my highest tile. EDIT: oh, just scored a not so miserable 5460 happy

Posted By

on 2014-03-29
 Re: 2048

In love with it me too happy
The c64 port plays and looks quite neat and it could fit within the 16k limit. Ain't be able to read the source so I didn't understand the priorities in merging multiple boxes yet...

...And yes, I'm achieveing similar scores like Gaia wink

Posted By

on 2014-03-30
 Re: 2048

Could be done in BASIC if you dare, it would take some to get the numbers shifting around though, slooooow....

I scored 3208.

Posted By

on 2014-03-30
 Re: 2048

My first score is 3428 - a good game. happy there are so many good things and so little time for them. Kali Yuga

Posted By

on 2014-03-30
 Re: 2048

Are you guys talking about this C64 version?


New personal record: 10292 :) Getting addictive!

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: 2048

I've recently become addicted to this new game too, on the PC. I'll have to try it our on my phone.

I first heard about it when I received a link to a Doctor Who edition.

2048 - Doctor Who Edition

Try and beat my score of 12200 - David Tennant wink

It is a game which should work on the C16 as well as the Plus4. so a port is most welcome.Thanks for the link to the C64 version happy

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: 2048

I've been thinking about it.
My best score is: 14128.

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: 2048

About arguable source code and merging priorities: from how it plays, it seems the game first checks by rows and columns for grid positions 1-2 and 3-4, then checks 2-3.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 2 | x | x | x |
| 3 | x | x | x |
| 4 | x | x | x |

A Plus/4 version would put our Hall of Fame in flames :D

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: 2048

hm. nice one. My first score was 3180.

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: 2048

A Plus4 version would need some funky background colours as seen in Quadrillion just to make other 8bit machines jealous!!

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: 2048

Not to have an unexpanded C16 version though would be unthinkable. as you could probably fit the whole game within 1K anyway.

Posted By

on 2014-04-01
 Re: 2048

How about a 2048-clone compo then, Luca? happy

Posted By

on 2014-04-01
 Re: 2048

Would be great, but I admit ain't not able to read the source in the format the autor has shown

Posted By

on 2014-04-01
 Re: 2048

Try the original clone, it comes with source:



Posted By

on 2014-04-01
 Re: 2048

Yes, that one. I meant: due of my lack of knowledge, I'm not able to usefully manage that source code :/

Posted By

on 2014-04-01
 Re: 2048

BTW Happy Pony World day... Csabo didn't get us this year. grin

At a glance it looked like 2048 had been released though, Hunter And Rabbit screen shot in the news. Too many squares.

Posted By

on 2014-04-03
 Re: 2048

Something rev. enged from source code: a random tile is created on a random free cell and it is 90% a 2 and 10% a 4.
Two random tiles are created on start.

Posted By

on 2014-04-04
 Re: 2048

IMHO it should be renamed to 4096... It will be good to try it at our +4.

Posted By

on 2014-04-06
 Re: 2048

Hope I'm not too late to the party, 2048 is here for the C16/Plus4. Keyboard/Joystick supported, otherwise nothing fancy, only one playing mode (play until you reach 2048). Also, for the adventurous, run it on a VIC-20 or a C64 happy

Edit: Also, I almost forgot: the full source is available, includes ready-to-be-used routines that you can reuse in your own games.

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

Most excellent conversion happy

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

I could of put money on it you were busy doing a port on the sly Csabo. Something just said you were having a crack at it, I'm sure others who know you better had a sneaky suspicion you were beavering away! happy

Cheers Csabo, nicely executed and very fast to play too. Well done!

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048


Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

Surprisingly good conversion, i'm on to make a good score!
Thumbs up, Csabo youre saving the day ..again!

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

Useful repeating: send your hiscore as picture with some notes if needed, and we'll add to the vanity board at Hall of Fame.

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

This implementation misses generation of 4s. It has several other minor problems too. Why it is stopped at 2048?! I saw this game at a mobile phone - it does not stop there.

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

Stopping the game at 2048 is one of the various game types available all around about this game. I've suggested to Csabo to implement 3 diffeent game options but his target was to keep minimal in several aspects, hence he has intentionally chosen for that kind of game.

About 4s: yes, I've pointed out this to him, but actually there's a good randomization routine in the source code, and Csabo properly relied in that. Now it seems that something has got wrong, maybe the emulation (didn't try yet on the real machine), he will see for sure and eventually fix it. Unfortunately, I've just added the game on Pouet.net, so I hope times will be short... :/

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

Whoops, the code that checked the 10%/90% variation for 4/2 tiles had a BEQ where it should have been a BCS. (So it was basically only 0.3% chance of a 4 tile.) Sorry about that. And this is with me and two more people beta testing :-/ I updated the PRG and the source.

Litwr, it stops at 2048 cause it's good enough happy That's the default play mode, and I felt that it's just fine. I still feel that you voted it way too low. *Shrug* It's OK I guess.

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

to Csabo. 2048 is too low - I want to reach 8192. happy Why to create the artificial end at 2048? BTW I'm astonished by the speed of development of 2048 for C+4. But I voted only for the quality. May I *revote* (4s are fixed)? wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

Yes Litwr, you can vote again, only the last one counts happy

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: 2048

this game is a b*tch! i can't beat it, maybe next time.. its a serious addictive time killer sh*t grin

Posted By

on 2014-04-08
 Re: 2048

Very well done Csabo!

Posted By

on 2014-04-08
 Re: 2048

Nice one! Thanks Csabó. happy

2048? Make it 65536 wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-08
 Re: 2048

I somehow accidentally uploaded my hi-score twice to the table and can't delete the one without the photo evidence.

BTW, I know how to amend my score by clicking edit. But if/when I beat my latest score, what about replacing the photo with an updated one? I can't seem to delete the original one and I'm not sure if I can upload a new one here without submitting again (and again being twice on the score table), so do I have to upload it somewhere else away from here and just change the url in the edit? Also, does it have to be the same filename to replace the old file here as it seems silly to have lots of useless old hi-scores clogging up the disk space

Edit: Thanks for fixing. Well, I kinda confused myself for a moment there. Of course I can upload a new photo via the upload link and just edit that into my original entry along with the new score, but won't the old hi-score snapshot be on the server still taking up valuable webspace?

Posted By

on 2014-04-08
 Re: 2048

Note that the maximum possible tile for a 4x4 game is 131072 wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-09
 Re: 2048

Sixteen Plus: let us know that and we'll fix it for you wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-09
 Re: 2048

Just to add on the subject of uploading..

Csabo said after I asked once that what you upload is linked directly to that person so he knows by username and so it can't be mixed with something else. Also if your uploading a picture for the Hall Of Fame it is meant to show your new score that you have manually entered in your new entry, That's how he know's. happy

I would name your pictures as simple as possible by simply using the game name, add your nick name with a version number such as:
and so on...
That way your be able to keep track of what score upload your doing, and Csabo will know what you've uploaded.

And as Luca said, don't worry if your old score still remains. Just PM them as a reminder of what's happened as it's only a temporary mistake.

and last of all, use your discretion if you should upload a picture or not when multiple people have higher scores of around the same amount. I only uploaded one on 2048 as there were few people at the time, but now 12K and above is the score to aim for. If you don't make 12k then people are not going to question if you have been cheating when you don't add a picture, unless you have been clever and your high score table entries look like your playing 2048, looks like a picture or has a message to say. wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-11
 Re: 2048

@Csabo: Thanks for this! Excellent play. You're the man grin

Posted By

on 2014-04-12
 Re: 2048

There is a problem... Sometimes it makes more moves than it should. For example, it may transform line like 8-8-16-32 with move right to 64 at ONE step sometimes.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

I've kinda noticed a discrepancy in the scoring too but can't quite place my finger on it, but yeah it does sometimes seem to make more moves than it should.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

I agree, now let's find what needs to be changed in order to replicate the original behaviour happy

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

That's what I've pointed out with Csabo in these days. We've talked about this and he seemed aware of this. Does the original game test for positions 1-2 and 3-4, and then 2-3 in order to avoid cascade merging? How does it check for merging tiles originally?

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

Sometimes starting a new game from one you have just played displays a 2 & a 4 as the first two numbers, maybe this is linked to that bug so in this case it's seen 2 & 2 and then joined them automatically to then added a 2 there after and this is what your left looking at when you start.

When I have seen this I just reload it.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

Litwr: that's by design. If you have 8-8-16-32 and you move left, the following happens: the first 8 moves first (it can't). The next 8 merges, you now have 16-x-16-32. The 16 merges. You now have 32-x-x-32. The 32 merges, you now have 64-x-x-x. If from the same position (8-8-16-32) you move right, the 32 moves first (it can't). The 16 moves next (it can't). The 2nd 8 moves next (it can't). The leftmost 8 merges, so you end up with x-16-16-32.

MIK: that's by design: the randomly generated number can be a 2 (90% of the time) or a 4 (10%) of the time. That means that 1% of the time the starting position will be two 4 tiles.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

MIK: don't understand what you noticed, the two starting tiles follow the 90%/10% rule as all the other appearing ones, I think.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

Csabo: the point we are making is that it's not how the original works. There is no cascade merging, as Luca called it, for newly merged cells.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Cascade merging

Although I recognized this difference compared to the original, I don't think it's a problem. More like it is a unique plus/4 or Csabo flavor to this fun little game. And cascade merging is a cool name. If you'd want to advertize this version you could use it as a marketing buzzword. happy

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

gerliczer: Csabo's 2048 Plus/4 port in any case is a heart-catching game, example of a sweet philosophy of keeping it as much neat and simple could be, coded absolutely in a clean and smart way and released at time record. Not to mention the golden rule: there are chitchatters and releasers, and the latter has the reason from their side in any case grin
Apropo, what about the silvery rule? If you have an opinion on it, then cast a vote wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

Yeah, I guess it's a "side effect". *shrug*

You guys keep using that word "original", but in this case I think it's a misnomer. I think you may be referring to the 2nd 2048 game, which is a clone of a clone of a clone. (Source: http://techcrunch.com/2014/03/24/clones-clones-everywhere-1024-2048-and-other-copies-of-popular-paid-game-threes-fill-the-app-stores/)

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

Well don't get me wrong it's fine and I am tremendously happy about the game as it is. I noticed this behaviour even durong beta testing but did not make a big fuzz about it.

As per what is the original, well: threes -> 1024 -> 2048 was the evolution path afaik, but what I called original was indeed the latter since that became world famous.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13

Hi Csabo,

I think it is natural to call the version you based on 2048 original. I mean calling it the clone of the clone of the clone of a game which Csabo based his game on would be ludicrous.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

In the very end: how does the so called "original" expect to work? Csabo has explained how his version works, let's complete this nice discussion explaining what has been expected instead of.

Oh I've played it even today, no score over 7400 :'(

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

to Csabo. Sorry I gave a wrong example. It is not easy to catch the proper one. I had to use video record to make it. The line 256-128-128 and move right make 512 by ONE step. It should be 256-256 at the first step and 512 at the second. Another example, 8-4-4 and move right make 16 by ONE step.

Posted By

on 2014-04-13
 Re: 2048

I've hazarded a "fix" (please note the "" grin ) to purge Csabo's version from the cascade merging, in the end it's half a dozen of new assembly lines per direction and an additional zp flag called 'shield' of course, this has been possible thank to the cleaness of the author's source happy. It simply prevents further matching after a new tile has been merged in the same row (left/right move) or column (up/down move), valid for the next moving tile only and then resetted.
Gaia I've sent to you , hope you'll get spare time to test it enough wink

EDIT: ...promptly followed by a fix of the fix, my bad, well done Luca

Posted By

on 2014-04-14
 Re: 2048

Rafi, I don't think you know what version I based my game on (it's this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digiplex.game, which I have on an Android tablet). Anyway, this is off topic, and this bickering is just disappointing. I concede that my version doesn't behave exactly the same way as many of those games, even including the one I based it on, and I explained the logic above. I was fine with that. Looks like Luca will make a new version, so hopefully it will satisfy everyone.

Posted By

on 2014-04-14
 Re: 2048

Basically, I'm wasting some time playing with the source code released by Csabo, just because it is a wonderful example of clarity in many aspects and I'm gonna learn several new approaches to some kind of coding. If something will (a day far away) pop out, it wil be almost the same code (and in any case, a mere derivate of it, not my work in the end...) in a release which points to the opposite philosophy of its father: the original aims to be as basic as possible, both in the code and in the style; my derivate would go in the directon of a C16 game, with his graphics and so on.
In this environment, yes, the derivate could include a difference in the tiles'matching priority rules, but basically still it will be tagged as 'created by Csabo' and 'additional code by Luca', of course.

The very important mission next to me now is beating the author to his own game in order to catch him at the 4th place in the Hall of Fame :D

Posted By

on 2014-04-14
 Re: 2048

"Anyway, this is off topic, and this bickering is just disappointing. I concede that my version doesn't behave exactly the same way as many of those games.."

Who gives a s**t?

I'm very happy that we got our OWN release for our OWN platform. Anyone who doesn't like the way it behaves should code their own version or play on another platform. happy

Sorry if I was rude, I just don't understand this mumbling about differences.

Take a look at this one:

Does it ring a bell? Who cares if my Mario has a broken leg? I coded it during the hottest days of the summer holidays at Gergelyiugornya while my family and friends were bathing in river Tisza. :P

Posted By

on 2014-04-14
 Re: 2048

Missing the Szeged Fish Festival on the Tisza river so much
Oh, and all those kürtoskalacs, tho!

As expressed in the previous posts, no real mumbling here, we're all enjoying the Csabo's version playing it at any 10' spare time, challenging in the HoF as hell ;) We are just exploring this new flappybird-ish environment even on our little scene too, discovering there are several branches of different sub-rules emerging from ancient roots of primitive game versions, and that any of us can extrapolate his prefer one and port it. Watching the Cirulli's source code in Java, and playing it too, I've tried to understand some rules about the priority of tiles matching, it looked like the very first obstacle to pass thru aiming to a possibile conversion, and I failed. Then Csabo did his own, and compared to that one some habits looked mismatching, hence my (our) curiosity. In the very end, Csabo has perfectly explained how all the flappybird-ish stuff can be extricated :)
Discussion, code, game, conversion, opinion, scores...this thread has all the keywords I love :D

Posted By

on 2014-04-14
 Re: 2048

Hey Csabo,

Don't feel disappointed. I've been playing your 2048 version every single day. I'm hopelessly addicted. Any discrepancies there might be are more just a feature than a flaw to me, it's barely noticable that it certainly doesn't detract anything from the gameplay. The 7.5 score out of 10 given to it so far actually feels a little low as a game is really about playability and lastability and nothing else, and this has plenty of both happy

I will beat this one day. Gotta climb that scoreboard.

Posted By

on 2014-04-15
 Re: 2048

Nah, I'm not disappointed, don't worry happy However I do find it a bit strange how much fascination/attention this game has gotten. But, I guess at the end of the day that's a good thing.

Posted By

on 2014-04-15
 Re: 2048

This is not aimed at Csabo, I just think people are reading in to things wrong and it's beyond me how the word "disappointed" has even come about... There is something very dry going on which makes no sense to be honest.

Anything that was, is and might of been said is all for the good of but inbetween the lines people have been seeing things differently. Even what I said was for the good of not knowing any better at the time, then again the word "maybe" is always handy when your not sure of something so I was covered there. happy

Easy Right Maybe - Sega Rally 1995

Posted By

on 2014-04-16
 Re: 2048

Gimme your address I'll send you Kürtőskalács. wink

Posted By

on 2014-04-17
 Re: 2048

Would be great! But the best choice would be another 4Ever Party in Szeged! grin

Posted By

on 2014-04-17
 Re: 2048

I want to add a point to break 2048 artificial barrier. It is the Hall of fame. The Gaia's score is better than mine because it is made by the shorter way to 2048...

Posted By

on 2014-04-22
 Re: 2048

Thanks Litwr that's real fair play happy I realized too late that I actually should not have merged the cells yet... happy BTW, in the "original" version my record score is not much higher even tough there is no 2048 limit.

Posted By

on 2014-04-23
 Re: 2048

Thanks Gaia! 2048 gave me several fine moments despite our dark Kali Yuga epoch. happy BTW according to the sacred texts of Hinduism the next epoch will be the Golden Age.

Posted By

on 2014-04-23
 Re: 2048

It's fine Vol (Litwr)! But do not tell me that we have to wait for 428.899 d.C. before the Golden Age starting #-)

Posted By

on 2014-04-23
 Re: 2048

FYI, there is a new C64 port just out:


Well, Csabo's is better happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-23
 Re: 2048

Great port, Csabo. I put it on my son's plussy and he loves it! (it is THE in-game at his school these days).

Many Thanks!

Posted By

on 2014-05-09
 Re: 2048

Best remake:


strongly recommended! happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-11
 Re: 2048

Warning: The above post contains a link to another version of 2048 which shows scenes of a sexual nature once you start matching the pairs at around number 128.

After a while once most of the tiles were filled up I started getting motion sickness with all the dirfferent pairs bouncing about. grin

Csabo's is still better!

Posted By

on 2014-05-23
 Re: 2048

Just a little something I knocked up in my spare time.


Have fun

Posted By

on 2014-05-21
 Re: 2048

Thank you! It is fun. happy I got 16208 and reached only 1024. I made a table
2 - PET
4 - VIC20
8 - C64
16 - SX64
32 - C16
64 - C+4
128 - C128 (!)
256 - A1000
512 - A2000
1024 - What it is?! It looks like joystick attached to the small device in the white color. The size of device is slightly more than joystick's.
2048 - ??? wink

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: 2048

You got the last 4 wrong.

2 - PET
4 - VIC 20
8 - C64
16 - SX64
32 - C16
64 - C+4
128 - C128 (pretty apt)
256 - C64C
512 - A500
(also pretty apt with it's 512kb ram)
1024 - C64GS
2048 - A4000

Glad you like it. I did these in order of release. You did slightly better than me, so far I've reached 15980 and only reached the C64GS console too. It's a shame that I didn't have room for the C116, but felt the C64C is more known than that and the A1000, and included the C64GS console just for more variety happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: 2048

I knew nothing about C64GS. BTW You should break 2048 limit to add C116. wink I knew A2000 very good - It was my dream from a magazine's picture.

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: 2048

I would if I could, but the game is hosted by someone else for people to make their own online version by uploading their own images elsewhere and linking it to the game, and the maximum is 11 images. I just created a Commodore theme out of it.

There are other Commodore computers I missed out too. A few other Amiga's, other PET machines. Also rarities such as the Commodore 264 and the V364. also notably the C65 prototype too which would have been pretty cool.

The C64GS is probably more known than the C116 as it was much publicised and is based on the C64's cartridge port (a ridiculously bad Commodore move) and was the reason C64 cartridges became popular again and more elaborate from 1990 onwards although the console itself failed miserably (now fetching lots of money on ebay).

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: 2048

I would of had the A1200 instead of the A4000.
Jokingly, the A4000 is more the Computer and the A1200 is more the Games Machine. That games machine was the one the masses had and we like games. wink

Your last machine could of been the CD32, more so because it was. While some may think it's a console... You could add some 3rd party gear and pimp it out such as a Keyboard, Mouse, Floppy and Hard Drive ect... turning it into an A1200 with a built in CD Drive. Some people upgraded them, the thought of that my self says no thanks buy an A1200. grin

Posted By

on 2014-05-23
 Re: 2048

oops, I forgot about the CD32. I would have picked that as the last one if I had remembered.

OK. I've added it in as the last, I've also added in the C116 incorporating it with the C16. The C64 and the 64C are also together in one photo. So keeping with this format, I've also merged the A500 with the A600 being 2 near identical machines too. I might merge the A1200 later in with the A4000 also as part of a later Amiga series (too tired now). Shame there was no room for the C65 but that was just a prototype anyway.

So, as it stands.
2 - PET
4 - VIC 20
8 - C64 & C64C
16 - SX64
32 - C16 & C116
64 - C+4
128 - C128
256 - Amiga 500 & Amiga 600
512 - C64GS
1024 - A4000
2048 - CD32

Posted By

on 2014-05-23
 Re: 2048

If only I could get 2048, I mean 256 and above. wink

I've only managed to reach 128 so far, I like filling the screen with machines I like ha! happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-23
 Re: 2048

It is almost impossible to see CD32 - the final screen is covered by the end game options. BTW the other pictures become more recognizable. happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-23
 Re: 2048

I have never got that far in this version yet to know. Well, here's a snapshot to ease your mind. Heck, may as well include them all.

Posted By

on 2014-05-24
 Re: 2048

Nice. happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-05
 Re: 2048

It ends the same as the C16 version, get to 2048 and it's officially game over. Anyway I'm the first one to win this. Yay happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-06
 Re: 2048

Your have to share this C16 version as it's not in the data base here at Plus/4 World...

grin wink

I guess it has to end and where it does because of it's name or the game might be called NUMBER SNAP or something else related to the kids card game of snap. happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-06
 Re: 2048

Posted By

on 2014-06-09
 Re: 2048

I've just updated a new score to HoF but the rank is not changed.

Posted By

on 2014-06-09
 Re: 2048

Yeah, sorry about that. Edit doesn't call the re-rank function, but as an admin we can do it with a single click. I'll work on fixing that when I have time.

Posted By

on 2014-08-24
 Re: 2048

I tried 2048 for C16 with M.E.S.S. I got a curious result. I typed RUN and GOT "THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES C16/PLUS4"! happy happy happy BTW I failed to run JSMESS for Plus/4.

Posted By

on 2014-08-24
 Re: 2048

Then the emulation in MESS must be quite poor indeed.

If you check the source for 2048, the beginning has this part nicely commented: it checks for the presence of TED via $FF16. Since the game can be loaded into a VIC-20 or a C64, I figured it would be a nice touch to gracefully exit on those systems, instead of a crash happy

Posted By

on 2014-08-24
 Re: 2048

Yes, MESS emulation is generally very poor. But It has good UI and can run about 20% of the programs almost perfectly (Exorsist, Timeslip, ...). I was also surprised that MESS requires (!) JiffyDOS ROM for NTSC Plus/4!
[EDIT] IMHO The check of FF00...

Posted By

on 2014-08-31
 Re: 2048

15 minutes of fame for Csabo happy


Posted By

on 2014-08-31
 Re: 2048

Posted By

on 2014-08-31
 Re: 2048

Nice, thanks for pointing it out. Those old pictures sure bring back a lot of memories happy

Posted By

on 2014-08-31
 Re: 2048

Nice. happy

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