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on 2014-03-15
 Music-16 manual in English?

I found this great programm "Music-16" here. The manual is in hungarian.
Is there any english translation around, or cold somebody summarize it in english? I want to write a small melody with this tool.

This tool would be great if it could be translated in english and the written result could be used for other programms.

Posted By

on 2014-03-15
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

It is a real gem. I have used it to create music for our first demo (Demo Mine). The notes are compiled into an "executable" and it can be easily lifted to be used in other programs but I can't remember the details anymore.

As for the instructions, there already is a little description in English that I have created. It should be enough to get you started. You can play around with the various keys too, and see their impact. When you're stuck just check back for help.

Posted By

on 2014-03-15
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

Thanks for that Gaia. happy

Let me plug my player a little bit: if you look under features, you'll see an article about using LOD Player V2. If you already have the interest and motivation do write some music, maybe you could give it a try. The best type of feedback would be: how to improve that article to make it easier, so if you run into *anything* that's unclear, let me know.

Posted By

on 2014-03-16
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

Not much but might be of interest. Martin Galway talking about playing chords from one channel, something Csabo has already mastered. wink

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HP7V9RUpm8

Posted By

on 2014-04-18
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

Csabo: I tried your player, but after setup and compiling your own code no music is played.

Music-16: I managed to write a small tune. Then i compiled the tune. When pressing F2 or F3 nothing happens. Can anybody help?

Posted By

on 2014-04-18
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

Can you email me the source of your music.asm file? Are you sure sound was enabled in the emulator?

Posted By

on 2014-04-18
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

I did nothing but compile your own example source. just download your own lod package and compile it.
Yes i am sure sound was on. Email sent.

Edit: I found the reason...there is no demo-tune included. Last time i downloaded the LOD-Player there was a demo-tune incuded. Thats misleaded me.

Posted By

on 2014-04-18
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

The introduction I wrote is pretty clear, if you actually read it wink (Last sentence in first section.)


If you want to download a version of the player which already has a working tune, there's tons to choose from, I released the source for everything.

Posted By

on 2014-04-18
 Re: Music-16 manual in English?

Yes, last sentence...i see it now.

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