Posted By
 carrion on 2013-06-02 04:24:12
 | c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
hi as mentioned in some earlier post i was recoloring kool c64 hires pictures to 121 colors pallete of c+4 today you can see the result as a new pix show here the pictures are hires but i used the pictureshower for FLI/IFLI as it was somethin I can use myself. If you are interested I can provide raw hires pictures later most of them use 28-33 colors. there are 2 (archamge and veto) which use 70 and 50 colors. let me know what you think of the pics and if it makes sense to convert more pics this way.
btw: I found that the picture viewer has a limitation of 16 pics - not kool as i had more pics to show. 
[edit] credits for pictures goes to: archmage, duce, leon, veto |
Posted By
 Csio on 2013-06-02 17:15:25
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Good works, both the originals and the converted ones. Screenshot pic is awesome. |
Posted By
 MMS on 2013-06-02 19:39:06
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
fantastic one, nice to have such big eye orgasm from a single D64! If I remember correcly, that loader uses a fastloader, somehow you shold find and exchange to a more 1541/III tolerable one. |
Posted By
 bubis on 2013-06-03 06:38:51
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Can't wait to check this out at home! |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-06-03 11:26:27
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
I added a comparative image gallery in order to fully appreciate the great work made by Carrion, and I've linked that via facebook too, in order to highlight that to the respective authors  Of course, the two images that use sprites on borders look uncomplete, and one shows some weird lines on top. Moreover, "The Cave" has bad clashes on first row, and the same can be said about "You. Here. Now.". "The Mill": why did you cut the left/right chars?
To me, best enhanching is "Strangers" / Veto. |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-06-03 12:52:39
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
@Luca Thanks for adding originals to the release page. You made something I was too lazy to do. Thanks again. About the border sprites pictures... Well this is how my converting processworks and of course it was possible to hand repixel them but I wanted to keep it the way timanthes+plus4conv handled them... About he "cave" from Veto... I saw that after releasing the pic... I don't know why this happened. normally Timanthes handles hires mode the right way but here I had to move the whole pic one pixel down and that how the "bad line" hapened. I take the criticism but I really wantoed to recolor them rather than fix-pixels...
About the Mill.. well I'm sorry for this... this is the cause of wrong plus4conv settings. I did it as my first convert and I (probably) had wrong setting in converter.
... and I agree with You... Strangers is the best one while Archmages zombies use 70 colors and show how complex pix we can do with C+4 hires. Strangers is a pic I put most of my feelings into I like Veto too - that's probably why 
Now Saying all this... I stoped my blog 6 months ago and I'm restarting with new idea for blogging and new ideas for pixels. You can be sure C+4 is going to be a focus in my new pixeling activities... well at least it's kool color palette.
So Tell me... does it make sense to do more like this? with multicolor pics? Fli pics? other 8bit pics? |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-06-03 13:08:53
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Sense? Oh, you should see how the facebook'ed C64 people has just appreciated all this It has sense for sure, it's a unique sperimentation that can be afforded from C64 to Plus/4 only: HiRes didn't change its rules between the machines, so the different palette is the one and only discriminant. Veto put his 'like' to the link, I guess, in few seconds after I published it 
Have to be clear: mine it's not criticism, they would have been single questions only, just to know what happened in the process, exactly because this is a vanguard experiment (and we can fully say it is a success overall!). Further attempts will take advantage of this experience, and that's why I wanted to describe some minimal flaws here and there.
"Strangers" and "Lighthouse" shows a great and successful audacity in choosing different colours into strategic elements, still not changing the mood of the whole picture, on the countrary truly push it to a better view, congrats! 
Carrion focussing on Plus/4? Can't ask for better  |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-06-03 14:29:30
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
I think I have to try this facebook thing... at last
[edit] ... and I already started to work on FLI/Mcolor pics butthis time they will end up as MCFLI on C+4
and IstvanV. please remove the 16 pix limit in your viewer :) |
Posted By
 edhellon on 2013-06-03 15:34:18
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Thanks a lot for these carrion. Hope to see you at Arok!
I absolutely love this show. Actually I find it amazing that it took 20+ years for artists (see the few DFLI pics from Carrion and "Wonderland" by Piesiu plus possibly some others that I'm missing) to really start to get comfortable with all the colours that the plus/4 has to offer. Makes me almost forgive the horrible multi-mode.  |
Posted By
 Degauss on 2013-06-03 17:31:25
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
@carrion: thanks for this! have to look at this on real iron!
since i already knew some of the images i have to say its a very special feeling you get, when you see those seemingly familiar pictures with different coloring. |
Posted By
 YERZMYEY on 2013-06-06 16:04:57
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
> the image loader doesn't work with 1541-III -- I can't view the images with plus/4 -------------------- Yyyyyyyyyupp, doesn't work with my II either. Ah, whatever. |
Posted By
 Spektro on 2013-06-07 02:52:45
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
@ carrion and YERZMYEY
I just tried all 3 picture shows with VICE using a 1551 drive emulation and they all refuse to load. After a while I got black screen just like with a real Plus/4 and 1541-III. |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-06-07 09:14:53
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Dont use vice Its not the best emu for c plus4 emulation
Regarding the loader issues i guess we have to ask IstvanV who is the author of this pic show tool. |
Posted By
 Spektro on 2013-06-11 10:33:08
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Yes, I know there are better emulators... for Windows And since I'm a Mac user, I don't have a choice.
It would be great if you had an option for not to use fast loader for loading the images. |
Posted By
 MMS on 2013-06-11 13:09:35
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
as i remember, plus4emu had different releases, not only windows. I treat it as within top 2 emus  actually a big uncompressed IFLI file may take almost 40kb,may take a year to load without fastloader. |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-06-12 02:41:54
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
@Spectro Turning turbo oader off isn't solution either. Vice can't handle FLI/MFLI gfx modes of C+4. As I wrote in first post, the pics are hires but I saved them as HiRes FLI because of this pic show I used. I can provide pure HiRes Raw pics if there's interest or recreate the show using pure HiRes pics and other load
What other loader or pic shower can be used for this? |
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2013-06-12 03:01:32
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Hi carrion,
I remember a "Magica driver" that is used in some plus/4 picture show disks. You may try to give it a shot. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-06-12 09:44:50
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Magica. Otherwise search for a coder who can do a dedicated loader that matches your needings. |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-12-15 12:58:51
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Hi what about another hires pic show from converted c64 pics? I started to convert few new pics from veto and leon, but need some cheer. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-12-15 18:59:33
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Good for me!  Shall they be perfect 1:1 version or enhanced ones? |
Posted By
 Patrick on 2013-12-16 04:08:52
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
pfff..nice! |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-12-16 05:05:22
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Awesome! |
Posted By
 George on 2013-12-16 13:21:14
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Great picture, Wizard of OZ/4! |
Posted By
 MMS on 2013-12-16 18:49:21
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
holy suit!  looks fantastic! |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-12-17 03:38:55
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Glad you like it. Wait patiently and you will get some C+4 hires pics for Christmass  Autors in this edition: Mermaid, Leon, Electric, Veto, Deev |
Posted By
 Patrick on 2013-12-17 04:15:36
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
wow, for Xmas!! that saves me some money for presents!! |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-12-18 13:09:41
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
here it is: admins please add it to before I delete it from my dropbox.
few words about the release: this time it's only 7 pics due to fact that i couldnt find kool enough pics on C64 demoscene. partialy also due to hurry before christmass time. the autors of pictures are: Deev, Frost, Leon, Electric, Mermaid, Veto. the pic show is just to show what c 264 family is capable of. it's not meant to show that I can do better that these mentioned masters of c64 pixeling. I can't  pic show uses the old tool that loads FLI pictures because one of Vetos pics is taller than 200 lines. but all pictures use pure hires restrictions. 2 colors in 8x8 block. use pls4Emu or Yape to show it. enjoy. next time my goal is to convert multicolor (koala) pictures to c+4 multicolor (boticelli) format. we'll see...
merry christmas. |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-12-18 15:15:32
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
It's up on Plus/4 World, safe to delete! |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-12-18 16:29:57
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
a blog post about that pics show |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-12-19 05:55:15
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
...though there are more images to load lying on the disk as DEL files (that also means: clean up your disk before releasing'em ). |
Posted By
 MIK on 2013-12-19 11:19:20
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Why am I being spammed with, "This release needs your vote!".
If I want to vote for something I will when I'm good and ready, not because some one puts it at the top of the page...  |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-12-19 11:47:32
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Hmm, that was added quite a while ago... In hopes that it will help with votes. It only appears when you visit a 2013 (or whatever the current year is) release that has at least one vote already but you haven't voted for. It's kinda sad that games like Knights & Demons sit there with only 3 votes.
So, feel free to ignore it But seriously: is it really too much? I'll take it off if you guys don't like it. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-12-19 12:22:50
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Have to admit, I would kinda love it 
Also, I personally didn't annoy you all with another 4-votes'spamming thread since years, 'coz I saw it was too much childishmessiah-ish considered and boring in the very end. Hence, IMO, welcome votecaller! 
Turning back to the release on topic, these new 7 upgraded hires picture are great, and demonstrate much more bravery in several colouring choices by carrion. The Mermaid's one is quite better than the original! Veto's 'Night Walk' is originally a 320x236 big one, unfortunately few pixel originally in the bottom have been lost, for an overall 320x234 impro-version overall. |
Posted By
 MIK on 2013-12-20 07:15:42
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
I would stop using the word, "childishmessiah" Luca. You may think it's a joke in some way or another but the truth is a good number of people are reminded of what an arse you are every time you bring it up. The joke is on you.
Happy Xmas, |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-12-20 08:20:21
| Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
Hey MIK, given that now you know this: that section was not added manually, it's an automatic reminder by the system, are we okay then?
With automatic "calls to action" like that, it's always a balance: it has to be at least somewhat prominent, otherwise it misses the point, but it shouldn't be obnoxious. I'd even call it a "gentle reminder" 
Otherwise, any ideas for further functionality? Perhaps a "dismiss" button? (Though that might be a bit weird, since the user doesn't have to be browsing that particular release if they don't want to vote or not interested.) |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-12-20 10:10:48
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
MIK, you have just doubled the needing to cite The Childish Messiah where and when needed Ah and happy new childishmessyear! |
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-12-20 14:28:48
 | Re: c+4hires - new gfx show for c+4
@luca thanks for plus/4 and c64 pictures you made on release page. also: I like Mermaids pic the most. It's rather simple compared to Veto or Electric, but Mermaid plus/4 version show what can you do with rather simple pic and 121 colors. I've found 2 other pics from Mermaid which I'll convert too but probably next year. My next idea was to convert multicolor pics to Plus 4 multicolor (No FLI) that would be much harder to do but I'll try next year. So if you guys have any pictures from C64 edoscene you want to see converted to boticelli format just let me know.
Oh... and visit my blog  |