Posted By
 Luca on 2013-02-13 06:01:23
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Ah thanks, I've read'n'fixed it. Yes, the 7th chapter shows some stunning pictures. In the last two years, hires pictures made a great comeback on the C64 scene, being a field in which graphicians can challenge against bigger limitations to run beyond showing their skills. A C64 to Plus/4 conversion of a hires bitmap has the choice of closer colors as one and only discriminating point to deal with, so why don't port all the best on Plus/4 too?
Just posted before as a valid example, click HERE to download (tmp!) the converted hires competitors at X2012, packed in order to view them quick but of course easily to re-save and re-use.
Erich first began with mediocre attempts, like in Club Info 121 (omg that Leon's pic has been mangled!), but he soon got better results later, like in Club Info 128 (compare to the original one: Istvan's unbeatable tool for image converting rapresents the best tool in order to achieve 1:1 conversions, if well set and used, as we pointed out years ago about Spectrum gfx conversions: here.