Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-02-12 03:02:03
| Hires Color 7
Erich/Ultd is here with the 2nd release this year, the 7th part of his Hires Color series. Hires Color 7 contains 32 images and utilises the Magica driver. With several Duce and Veto (C64 graphicians) pictures included, it's a good selection. Thanks to Erich for this release, enjoy!
Posted By
 siz on 2013-02-13 03:09:26
| Re: Hires Color 7
The link for the series in the news entry is broken (there is a space in it instead of an underscore).
About the release: I have to admit that this is the first one of the series I've downloaded and I'm positively surprised: there are some very good pictures in the show. I'll check out the other parts of the series.
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-02-13 06:01:23
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Ah thanks, I've read'n'fixed it. Yes, the 7th chapter shows some stunning pictures. In the last two years, hires pictures made a great comeback on the C64 scene, being a field in which graphicians can challenge against bigger limitations to run beyond showing their skills. A C64 to Plus/4 conversion of a hires bitmap has the choice of closer colors as one and only discriminating point to deal with, so why don't port all the best on Plus/4 too?
Just posted before as a valid example, click HERE to download (tmp!) the converted hires competitors at X2012, packed in order to view them quick but of course easily to re-save and re-use.
Erich first began with mediocre attempts, like in Club Info 121 (omg that Leon's pic has been mangled!), but he soon got better results later, like in Club Info 128 (compare to the original one: Istvan's unbeatable tool for image converting rapresents the best tool in order to achieve 1:1 conversions, if well set and used, as we pointed out years ago about Spectrum gfx conversions: here.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-02-13 07:55:23
| Re: Hires Color 7
CI 121 was me, we talked about this in a PM before. IMHO the auto converted version looked awful (due to the saturation differences of the C64/Plus4 colors), so I attempted to convert it to a single color. It was a lot of work! I wasn't very happy with it at the end, but meh, it is what it is. At least the C= sign is slightly improved. I can live with the fact that you didn't like it. 
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-02-13 09:23:30
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Ah no no probably I haven't been clear enough, my bad, sorry. It's not disliking, I've simply looked at it and rated for how much it was closer to the original 
Posted By
 Chronos on 2013-02-13 13:52:38
 | Re: Hires Color 7
converting is not a big deal.. but fixing it pixel by pixel thats the hard part! 
Posted By
 MMS on 2013-02-13 18:14:34
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Luca for president! He seems he could be a great politician 
Chronos: you are right 
BTW I fully respect the efforts, but I still missing the concept here. We have now some of the BEST (and really-really best) HIRES pictures from C64 here. But then: Bird's mother 1,2? Finders keepers? Spectre? Mid or low quality pictures. They are not up to the level of the others. After the first 4 pictures I checked the downloaded file: am I right? it is the right disc? So, maybe a suggestion: there should be a "TOP HIRES" pictures show, even if contains some previously released pieces, ir should just containing the best C64 gfx from the best artists. it would be GFX paradise 
Posted By
 bubis on 2013-02-14 05:54:43
| Re: Hires Color 7
Would be very nice to see these C64 converted pics after some re-coloring. I mean, don't stop at 16 colors, we have 105 more. 
Posted By
 MMS on 2013-02-14 18:29:11
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Hey Bubis, I got your point!
In fact, I had the same feeling when I saw the purple colors on the whale. On C64 it was right, due to limited colors and to get proper shade. Only Plussy I may try a recoloring, hopefully the artist may not take it as a blashemy :-) (on my Mazda picture (made for Arok few years back) I did 2x complete recoloring on the orange car as I was not satisfied with the look, still the case...)
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-02-20 08:57:26
 | Re: Hires Color 7
nice show but did you consider having these c64 pics converted and changed the colors to OUR 121 colors? I played with the pic from Veto and Timanthes to change the colors that will (IMO) suite this pic better thatn c64 colors.
Do you think it is a good idea to convert these pics and then adapt colors to our 121 +4 colors palete?
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2013-02-20 09:07:10
| Re: Hires Color 7
Hi carrion,
Any ideas and converted arts are welcome on our very release starved platform. Go on with it, please.
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-02-20 09:25:50
 | Re: Hires Color 7
It's a wonderful idea indeed. I afforded this topic from the faithful conversion point, didn't check the improve option, which is what Csabo did to the Leon's pic and I didn't notice meanwhile I was checking for the former one.
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-05-29 03:26:55
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Hi Guys I started to reoclor some of the c64 hires masterpieces to 121 colors here are the first results:
I work on few next pictures from Leon, Duce and Veto. Thet start to look really nice having 32 or even more colors... I think we can even show with these pics. number of concurrent colors not even possible on Amiga OCs 
tell me what you think.
Posted By
 bubis on 2013-05-29 05:22:20
| Re: Hires Color 7
Very promissing carrion, this is what I think! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-05-29 06:11:30
 | Re: Hires Color 7
Now this is a very promising and technical interesting work, I like it very much, both in the artistic and the tech meaning. Are you using the HemIRES to accomplish that? About the Duce's hires pic: I thought the upper/lower borders use sprites, are they?
Posted By
 carrion on 2013-05-29 09:18:25
 | Re: Hires Color 7
@Luca I use Timanthes (of coz) and 2 different +4 pallettes. one is from Vice and second is the one I get here on this forum for plus4conv thread. I use the first one to convert without color changes from C64 to C+4 and second one (which IMO is more accurate to real machine) to do color changing and loss-less plus4conv conversion This is kind of "my-own-technique-not yet patended"  I think I could describe it somewhere so people can use it as it gives the best results... anyway I have already 14 pictures converted from hires
but you're right about Duce's "scicors" pic. it uses sprites (as well as his other pics do) but I'll ues plus4conv and "AFLI" or HiresFli mode to make it possible on 320x248
btw: After today's excercises with lot's of c64 pictures I think the ones I already have (including Leon's ,Veto's Duce's but also 2 from Archmage) are looking stunning with new Colors.