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Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

I know its a bit off-topic, but i liked that demo so much that i wanted to share it with you. Have a look, its nice!


And: Great work, Shadow!

Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Yep, it was a classy one, I enjoyed every fx happy

Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Yes, it is a splendid piece of work, but where is the demo I seem to remember he promised or at least hinted at for our platform?

Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

That's pretty amazing (and not just for the platform). Plus as usual it's stylish and coherent. Congrats!

Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Ahhh, TIA does not use framebuffers! So, this is the reason for these line based effects. Nice demo, the music sounds like the TED crap, so very familiar! :p

Update: Oh, and Atari 2600 only has 128 BYTES of RAM!!! Lovely platform! :)

Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

128 bytes and no ROM!

Posted By

on 2012-12-12
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

And no CPU at all !!!

Just joking! Don't be silly! It has to have at least a read only memory i.e. ROM to run, and actually it has 4K built in ROM:


Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

if you say so...happy

Posted By

on 2012-12-11
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

The 4k of ROM referred to the adressable ROM that's on whatever cartridge you plug in (excluding bank switching.) The unit itself had no ROM.

Posted By

on 2012-12-12
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Ok, I believe you. It didn't come through for me from the twiki for the first read. The facts sheet mentions 128bype RAM + 4K ROM + ROM Cartridge, this is what misled me I think.

So, George was right! happy

Posted By

on 2012-12-12
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Regarding this demo...
I look more and more closely to 8bit Atari platform recently...
they have the same (well almost) capabilities that C264 series has (regarding the colors and gfx modes)...

This /|\ 2600 demo is the nicest IMO from the Silly Venture party that took place in Gdansk/Poland last weekend...

Posted By

on 2012-12-12
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

No problem, Bubis. I was quite sure, the VCS has no Rom, because i did some experimental programming on this machine.

At the same time i did the same on a Philips G7000 and i was surprised that this machine has a built in ROM with routines you can use. But, as fas as i know, the Philips has a fixed build character set, that you can not change, some definable spites (4) and a fixed grid, on which you can enable or disible the lines. There is no way to draw a pixel on this machine. So if you look carefully, all games on the Philips G7000 are programmed whith this limitations. Also jewels like Frogger, Demon Attack and Munchkin.

Posted By

on 2013-02-08
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Wow, this was unexpected, finding a topic about my Atari 2600 demo on a plus4 site!
Thanks all for your kind words, much appreciated.

Regarding ROM size, the 2600 can address 4kb, but this demo actually uses bankswitching, so the cartridge is a whopping 16kb. It might seem like cheating, but when you only have 128 bytes RAM, you can't really calculate anything in RAM and have to rely on tables for most stuff.
It's really crazy working with that little RAM, you really have to watch things like doing a JSR and pushing data to the stack, since the stack ofcourse is also living in those 128 bytes, if you don't keep a careful eye on it, you end up overwriting some important data. happy

Regarding my Plus4 demo, yeah, I thought that would have been released years ago, unfortunately the artist I was working with seems to have lost interest in the project (and perhaps the scene entirely) so for now it's on hold indefinitely.
Also, with demos like Metamerism really rising the bar sky high, it kind of have lost any impact it would have had.
I still hope to finish it some day though!

Posted By

on 2013-02-08
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

...and I hope too you'll find the way to finish and release it, of course wink

Posted By

on 2013-02-27
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

A bit offtopic, but it will surely blow your mind! happy


Posted By

on 2013-02-28
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

Phew. That really blew my mind. These are really short expressions... It seems like a lot of the formulas have a lot in common. I somehow feel like playing with these a bit.

Posted By

on 2013-02-28
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

This a video series by VIznut. I would be really surprised if he didn't work on some 8-bit C= applications. happy

To play around with formulas, try this one: http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/music/

Posted By

on 2013-03-05
 Re: Sdw/Noice did a very nice Atari 2600 demo

I still prefer Sdw's ZX Spectrum productions, hahaha. happy

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