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on 2012-10-29
 Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

I'm a 39 year old software developer that cut his teeth on the C16 when he was 10 years old on the C16 starter pack.

The pack had a number of tapes XZap, Punchy, Rolf Harris picture builder etc.

But there was also a music demo on one of the tapes which demonstrated how to create a song using the SOUND command and DATA keywords, I haven't heard it in the past 30 years but can still hum it to this day.

And no it's not the Road to the Isles wink

And if now one knows I'm going to sing it sand send a link to the mp3 grin

Fingers crossed.


Posted By

on 2012-10-29
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

Mmm not sure about this, a glance to this is required: look the snapshot of An Introduction To Basic Part 1, do you recognize the stuff?

Posted By

on 2012-10-29
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

I sure do remember it - in fact I was quite excited by the sound and tune demos, but alas not what I was after - very strange indeed! The sound effects sure took me back though grin

I wonder if it's tucked away on the The Commodore 16 Showcase i.e. the tape that had Xzap, Punchy, Chess and Rolf Harris Picture Builder...

Sadly a search of the web proves fruitless - even in the mighty library here

Posted By

on 2012-10-29
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

Are you saying that the games pack was presented with an additional demo embedded in that specific games collection tape?

Posted By

on 2012-10-29
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

I think you are talking about "Row row row your boat", which was part of the Introduction to basic.

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

Not sure what tape it was on but seem to think it came with the starter Pack - been through the demo tape and Road to the Isles was the only song on the Tape...

The tune was actually a classical piece of music and demonstrated 2 channel sound.

In desperation I dragged my keyboard out of the cupboard and the link to my desperate attempt at the melody is here:

Again - I shall keep all fingers crossed that someone can identify it, or at least remembers it just to prove I'm not just 'confused' happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?


No you're not confused. I guessed it even without needing to listen to the tune (which just confirmed it) as I'm such a clever clogs.

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

I think you are correct happy BUT a minuet by who - And which tape was it on?

BTW found this cassette insert for the C16 showcase if it's of any interest:

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

Thanks, we just have it in the Publications happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

Well on youtube it says by Bach. It was the same tune.

And yes it's on the Introduction To Basic Part 1 cassette, so the listing is likely also in the accompanying manual. Not sure if it's tape 1 or tape 2 though.

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

BazookaJo, your renderition of the melody was pretty good. happy

As others have said above, this is the first program (called testcard) on the An Introduction To Basic Part 1. We do have it here in the database, as a TAP file. When you download it, you have to unzip it, then you can run the TAP files using any emulator (e.g. YAPE).

Sixteen Plus, it's NOT by Bach. The "Minuet in G major" which you've linked to in the above post is a completely different composition. The one in question is by "Frédéric Duvernoy" (it says so right on the screen when you run the program, also in our screenshot). It's a shame that the English wikipedia doesn't have an article on him.

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

...and if I can tell you in forward, it's a coming soon in its Italian version happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

ah, classical all sounds the same to me happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

That's what some people say about ROCK music. Never used this one before... here goes ->

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

That's the ONE!!!!!

Now all I need to do is find an emulator that plays the sound properly
VICE = a few stray notes seem to be getting interpreted:
YAPE = What sound?!

Otherwise - sorted grin

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

YAPE plays it perfect and save it as WAV in order to be MP3 compressed later.

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

I'm assuming you're saying YAPE doesn't play any sound. Check Settings / Sound settings and make sure Enable TED sound is checked. If it still doesn't work, that might be a bug, you may want to describe your system, etc. Another easy thing to try would be to download Plus4emu, it's another very good emulator, definitely better than VICE.

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

some years ago i did some testing on sound emulation quality. Pigmy music collection, Sid digi emus (karateka intro, shadowOB music,etc) and one weird demo, GenesisProject. I listened to them at my childhood a lot on real HW. Especially the last sound crazy on VICE, little chaotic on Yape, and almost perfect on Plus4Emu. Since then YAPE improved a lot on sound quality, while plus4emu stay as perfect as it was. happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Anyone know what music demo came with the C16 starter pack and which tape it is on?

and yes, i listen to trash metal music, and my father told the same: they all sound the same **** happy

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