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on 2011-01-04
 The game programming question still unsolved for almost 25 years

I am a plus/4 gamer in Shanghai China 25 years before and dream to be a game progarmmer. But in reality, I just become a very normal non game programmer, and later a very normal technical architeture guy. I like game programming

From my owned plus/4 games, there are many still remain a mystery for me, a magic for me. Can technical gurus help me unfold the magic ?

1.Fire Ant, Bongo, Tom: In Fire Ant, the Ant and scopion ared acted like a spirite, having animation and transparance at the same time (Move over the key on level 1 and open the first door on level 1). Tom and Bongo: character acted like spirite (Smooth movement, aninmation and transparance). But I know C16 doesn't have a hardware spirite. How to do this in C16?
2.Space Pilot: Is this a graphic mode game or text mode game? If graphic, those enemy planes and my plane are drawed and rotated? If text mode, the game full of rotation and smooth movement, seems impossible. Still like a magic to me

Posted By

on 2011-01-05
 Re: The game programming question still unsolved for almost 25 years

Hi there and welcome.
Being not a guru coder, that's my cheaper answer:

1. software sprites! I remember I coded'em myself (masked animated and so on) in Thalassa demo years ago: basically, what appears to look like an 8x16 (2x2 chars) software sprite actually is a 3x3 chars piece of background graphics where you intend to copy your "sprite" in the chosen shifted place excluding one colour (which will be the transparent one); for speed reasons, you can draw the same graphics for your sprite 4 times, one for any pixel shifting into that single character; all the sprites you can see in Plus/4 stuff is a software sprite; have a look at all the demos containing sprites to see how they work (mmm, maybe I should add something about software sprites in the demos'glossary...);

2. well you can see by yourself, they're all animated characters ($FF16 = #$1B) with enough frames (but not that many...) to perform rotational animations, there's colour clash too, if in contact you can see the charbox boundaries and of course the starfield disappear when running under any charbox even if black.

Posted By

on 2011-01-05
 Re: The game programming question still unsolved for almost 25 years

thank you for reply. I have watched demo Thalassa, wonderful demo, wonderful music enjoy watching. In PC 286-386 period, I watched many demos and enjoy them. They are migics for me.
For software spirites, I do not know the basic part: how to copy an object (e.g a normal character) to normal text mode screen (40*25), but use 300*200 for its location? Is there some good ducument for beginners to do software spirites or some simple program to learn from zero?
Space pilot still have many maigic for me, the background starfield, the 16-way bullet, the homing missile in further stage, and very good collision detect. I am asking for too much here, just let it remain as a magic.

Posted By

on 2011-01-07
 Re: The game programming question still unsolved for almost 25 years

I have got very detail answer from TMR, so after 25 years, I know the magic now, Thank you.

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