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Posted By

on 2009-10-22
 Plus4IDE Updated!

Plus4IDE, the Integrated Development Environment for coding on for the Plussy was updated to version 1.64. The update itself is bugfixes and cosmetic improvements. However, for the first time ever, I got code contributed for a project, from gerliczer. This is much appreciated and a welcome turn of events! Also thanks to MikeZ for pointing out some problems with the documentation. (Good to know people actually read it :-))

If you use Plus4IDE, you may want to updated. Don't forget that all my utilities are released with full source code, so feel free to look into and tinker with them. Even if you're not a programmer, bug reports, requests or any other kind of feedback is appreciated.

Posted By

on 2009-10-23
 Új Plus4IDE Verzió!

Amióta ezt használom, teljesen megszűnt a hátfájásom!
A szomszéd is mondta, aki szintén átállt erre, hogy a kutyája is jobban alszik azóta!
Tegnap a buszon is erről beszélt két nyugdíjas és azt ecsetelték, hogy a potenciazavaruk helyreállt tőle!
Szerintem használjátok TI is ezt!

 New Plus4IDE Version!

Since I've started using this, my back pain is completely gone!
The neighbor said -- who also switched over to this -- that the dog can sleep better now!
Yesterday two senion citizens were talking about this on the bus, and they said their potency disfunction disappeared!
I think you guys should use it too!

Posted By

on 2009-10-24
 Re: Plus4IDE Updated!

I still have the same bug with it, on my home pc only!
Though the values in the Windows register say the opposite, when I open Plus4IDE I have to set menues, toolbars and all the rest, which are disappeared.

Posted By

on 2009-10-25
 Re: Plus4IDE Updated!

Csabo, kudos for your work as always, unfortunately, this new version has some serious issues at least on my Vista system, which makes it unusable. Look at this screenshot:


Where can I redownload older versions?

Posted By

on 2009-10-25
 Re: Plus4IDE Updated!

It does the same to me sometimes, dunno why.
You have to delete in the register:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program SettingsPlus4IDEGeneral
and re-open it.

Btw, I got another big trouble, which is an obstacle using EVERY compiler, and dunno why: every operation with several compilers (AS65, TASM, C64ASM and so on...) starts with a string of garbage, which is the same regardless which compiler I'm using atm:
OŠ÷‹-¢ÿ-¢¸mŸè‚ ÇG ‰Oˆw‹6±¤‰76Ÿ+÷‰w‹65¥‰w ‹÷‹>±¤ùÿ0£} - 1252,

Posted By

on 2009-10-27
 Re: Plus4IDE Updated!

Today I tried to use all the compiler on the PC at workplace, where they all worked in any case, and where I didn't change anything. Yes, it has begun to act the same way!

I strongly suspect about a M$ WinXP recent upgrading of something, I can remember, maybe...the FrameWorks!?

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