Posted By
 pzsolt on 2002-03-14
| Artifex v0.29
Hi all,
at last I have just uploaded a brand-new version of my emulator. Here is a list of the changes:
- Fixed debugger marker on the last disassembled line that caused wrong color - Game Database has been added from WinEMU - Fixed CPU instructions - A lot of illegal CPU opcodes has been implemented: * crunched version of Jack Attack works better * AmoebaT is playable * Lone News starts without error messages - TED Slow/Fast mode has been implemented * Blaze is playable, before it was too fast - Fixed TED: * Droid One displays correct images - Fixed Timers: * protectors work -> Gordian Tomb works perfectly - Sound register read bug has been corrected, the following games produce correct sound: * Atlantis * Bongo * The Revenge - Memory Dump has new popup menu and keyboard shortcut for easier naviagation - The annoying "Chage directory" bug of file dialog boxes has been fixed - No more "Alt+some key" repeat problems - Some GUI improvements - Frame Skipping is available for slower machines - "Always on top" has been removed - Settings save feature - "Open with" function works with prg files - Fixed absolute path bug when changing type of the emulated machine
I hope you like it. If you can post news to any emulation site, please do it!
Greetings, Zsolt |
Posted By
 pzsolt on 2002-03-15
| Thanks!
This bug is not so easy than buf of Squirm. The CPU timings look correct, the timer based protectors work fine. But the raster is not so good. I will implement them soon, I hope it will solve this problem and Dizzy will get back his hand. Thanks again!
Zsolt |
Posted By
 Gaia on 2002-03-14
| Dizzy
Well, the problem with Dizzy has to do something with the raster counters, and probably the cpu frequency as well. I don't remember exactly what (and I haven't checked) but I had the same problem a couple of dozens of releases back As soon as you fix the cpu freq, it should work... IMO |
Posted By
 pzsolt on 2002-03-15
| Thanks!
Thank you for your help! I thounght it is a CPU bug... I will fix it as soon as possible. Yeah!
Greetings, Zsolt |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-03-14
| Squirm
The problem with Squirm is simple: the game uses (reads) , and in a few places ($2900-$2A00) to generate pseudo-random numbers. These registers are not emulated correctly. The big problem seems to be the two lowest bits of , it probably always returns zero - hence to change in direction. If you change that line in the game's code, they start moving...
I haven't looked into Dizzy yet. One big inconvenience: opening D64 files. You have to attach them, and then change the drive to D64 file... This takes way too many steps. First of all, you could probably use ALT+8 as a shortcut for attaching a D64 image (most other emus use that key), and the drive mode should automatically switch to D64 file. |
Posted By
 pzsolt on 2002-03-14
| Help me!
Ok, send me your wish-list. But if you really want to help me, tell me why do not work the following games perfectly: - Squirm: the enemies do not move - Dizzy III: Dizzy's right hand is missing
I think they are CPU bugs, but I can't find them.
Thanks in advance, Zsolt |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-03-14
| Good job!
Finally! I was just about to write another email to you to see what you were cooking up. Nice work on this one. So, do you want my (new) list of complaints?!  |
Posted By
 Pippo on 2013-09-03 06:30:01
| Re: Artifex v0.29
How do map the keys? Nowhere to be fund how to do it!! |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-03 07:10:30
 | Re: Artifex v0.29
So it's true that ppl hate to read the Readme.txt bundled with the programs 
From the Readme.txt file:
Most of the keys are mapped at the same position on PC, but as you probably know the Plus/4 has special keys that you can't find on the PC keyboard. Of course these keys are emulated, but somewhere else. Here are the special key mappings:
Commodore key - End Run/Stop - Tilde key (') Clear/Home - Home Pound - Delete * - '\' key or '*' on the numeric pad |
Posted By
 MMS on 2013-09-03 15:21:25
 | Re: Artifex v0.29
no, no! That is my favorite part. Especially the long text after installation of any serious prg, MUST to read each single character!  BTW i liked the GUI of Artifex. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-03 15:39:37
 | Re: Artifex v0.29
MMS: well, if one begins to have doubts about the usage and there's a Readme.txt in the same folder, what do you're gonna do: sarcasm or reading?  |
Posted By
 MIK on 2013-09-03 18:19:04
 | Re: Artifex v0.29
I'm wondering if Pippo is trying to ask how do you re-map the keys. As an example put +4 Runstop on PC Caps Lock.
Pippo also said, "Nowhere to be fund how to do it!!", which to me is saying Pippo has tried looking... ? |
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-03 18:28:36
 | Re: Artifex v0.29
MIK: mh, probably that's the most accurate description of what Pippo would actually ask... |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-09-04 10:11:09
| Re: Artifex v0.29
Or it could have been spam... Sorry for thinking the worst, but I see all the attempts (most are being caugth by the filter), and occasionally there's a few that look really innocent.
It's kinda weird to resurrect such an old thread, and it's also kinda weird to bring up Artifex, seeing how it's Win only and been dead for 11 years. |
Posted By
 MIK on 2013-09-04 15:11:36
 | Re: Artifex v0.29
The poster has not got back so could be a bot.
If you google search "Artifex v0.29", top of the list is this very page on this forum...
If it was innocent it would have to be some one new to the web and may of stumbled on Artifex by pure chance not knowing any better. If that was the case then they need showing the wonders of YAPE.  |