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Posted By

on 2007-06-19
 Once again an 264 on EBAY...

Looks once here: 300122134311
This time (still ) a little bit cheaper....

Posted By

on 2007-06-19
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

but this time it is a C264 NOT a C232 - it looks like a late one. In june 1984 commodore renamed the 264 to PLUS/4 and added the "3 Plus 1" integrated software package. This one has no "3 Plus 1" look at the missing IC's U25 & U26. The basic and kernel have sticker on it - could be the rom version 84 (burned to an eprom). Two things are strange first missing sticker on the backplate. Second one it the board. The 232, 264 and very early plus/4 boards had a different layout.

Posted By

on 2007-06-20
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

Oh, yes...you're right - the other one was an 232 !

Posted By

on 2007-06-21
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

I think 264s are much scarcer than 232s... I might be wrong though. Has someone more info on this? This is actually the first 264 I have seen on Ebay.

Posted By

on 2007-06-22
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

The 264 were split in two different types. The early with a different keyboard and the late with the default plus/4 keyboard. Have a look to http://www.zimmers.net/anonftp/pub/cbm/plus4/html/264er.jpg
I read on a page few hundred were produced. In my opinion the early 264 is the rarest machine than a 232 and than the late 264. The late 264 can be seen as a pre-series, so I estimate most of the 264 were the late and only a few early models for presentation and demo.

Posted By

on 2007-06-22
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

There's no sticker on the backplate because the unit wasn't meant to be sold. It was common back then for a US computer company to loan out new units for software development or magazine reviews. Technically the units are supposed to be returned to the manufacturer, but it's possible that someone let this one be purchased instead of returning it.

The seller's location in Michigan would coincide with the InfoDesigns accounting package that was sold by an Ontario-based company. It's entirely possible that this unit was or is currently owned by an InfoDesigns employee.

Posted By

on 2007-06-22
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

But why do the C232 have a sticker on the backplate? Commodore never sold them.

Posted By

on 2007-06-22
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

Urmmm.... because they intended to sell them at one point? the marketing for the whole series was all over the map......

Posted By

on 2007-06-22
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

That picture mentioned above (I scanned it back then for Marko Mäkelä) was published in (German) RUN magazine, June/1984.

The article mentions Magic Desk and the much talked about option that one could choose between several intergrated applications. Here it says that one could choose two of them and upgrade others later on.

Furthermore, that article mentions the SFS 481 which eventually became the 1551.

Posted By

on 2007-06-23
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

The US/Canada Plus/4 Users Manual has pictures of the 1551, but on page 12 the expansion port description says, "Plus/4 software cartridges and the Plus/4 SFS-481 disk drive plug in here....."

Commodore was not famous for its proofreading skills.

Posted By

on 2007-06-27
 Re: Once again an 264 on EBAY...

Well... finally, it ended up at $2125... not bad...

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